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4. Текст програми з коментарями

// Katerina Leschenko, IS-12, FICT


// Create an array of structures. Each structure consists of data about a consumer or a product.

// Each consumer has his/her profit. Each product has a price and a level of usefulness (utility)

// (an arbitrary function). The created array must be written to a binary file. There must be

// an opportunity to add new data, to change data in the file, delete data from the file.

// Implement queries by determining: 1) products with particular utility that consumers with particular

// income can afford, 2) the integrated cost of the products with the highest utility, and 3) consumers

// whose income is not enough to buy products with particular price and utility.

#include <iostream>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <io.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <share.h>

using namespace std;

FILE* myfile; // the pointer to a data file

char NAME[25]; // the name of the file

string NAME1; // the real name of the file

bool flagg; // whether the data has been removed by the appropriate function

struct Prod // product structure


float price;

int utility;


struct Cons // consumer structure


float income;


struct Something // product or consumer


char name[25];

bool tag; // 0 - product, 1 - consumer



Prod product;

Cons consumer;



Something smth; // a product or a consumer

void WriteData1(); // function for writing data to a new file

void Writing(); // function for writing data

void ViewData(); // function for viewing a file

void AddData(); // function for adding new consumer/consumers/product/products to a file

void AddProd(char* answer); // function to add a product (products)

void AddCons(char* answer); // function to add a consumer (consumers)

void EmptyFile(); // function for cleaning a file

void ChangeData(); // function for changing all the data in a file

void ChangePartData(); // function for changing data about 1 consumer/product

void FindProd(); // function for finding products with particular utility that consumers with particular income can afford

void IntCost(); // function for finding the integrated cost of the products with the highest utility

void FindCons(); // function for finding consumers whose income is not enough to buy products with particular price and utility

void RemCons(); // function for removing 1 consumer/product

void Reading(); // function for opening a new existing file to work with

bool OpenForRead(); // function for opening a file for reading

void ClearName(string& str); // function for removing ' ' from the left and from the right in a file's name

void main()


cout << "Program 'LAB 1' made by Katerina Leschenko," << endl;

cout << "FICT, NTUU 'KPI', IS-12" << endl << endl;

cout << "This is a program that is designed to solve this problem:" << endl;

cout << "Create an array of structures. Each structure consists of data about" << endl;

cout << "a consumer or a product. Each consumer has his/her profit. Each product has" << endl;

cout << "a price and a level of usefulness (utility) (an arbitrary function)." << endl;

cout << "The created array must be written to a binary file. There must be an oppor-" << endl;

cout << "tunity to add new data, to change data in the file, delete data from the file." << endl;

cout << "Implement queries by determining:" << endl;

cout << "1) products with particular utility that consumers with particular income" << endl;

cout << " can afford," << endl;

cout << "2) the integrated cost of the products with the highest utility," << endl;

cout << "3) consumers whose income is not enough to buy products with particular" << endl;

cout << " price and utility." << endl; // output the greating and the conditions of the problem

getch(); // waiting for pressing any key



system("cls"); // clear the screen

cout << " MENU:" << endl;

cout << "1. Input data and write it to a file." << endl;

cout << "2. Open an existing file." << endl;

cout << "3. View the data." << endl;

cout << "4. Add data to the file (add consumers/products)." << endl;

cout << "5. Remove one consumer/product." << endl;

cout << "6. Empty the file." << endl;

cout << "7. Change all the data in the file." << endl;

cout << "8. Change the data about one consumer/product." << endl;

cout << "9. Find products with particular utility that consumers" << endl;

cout << " with particular income can afford." << endl;

cout << "10. Find the integrated cost of the products" <<endl;

cout << " with the highest utility." <<endl;

cout << "11. Find consumers whose income is not enough" <<endl;

cout << " to buy products with particular price and utility." <<endl;

cout << "12. Exit." << endl; // output the menu

short key; // the variable for choosing a menu item

cout << endl << "The choosen menu item: ";

cin >> key; // input key

switch (key)


case 1 : {WriteData1(); break;}

case 2 : {Reading(); break;}

case 3 : {ViewData(); break;}

case 4 : {AddData(); break;}

case 5 : {RemCons(); break;}

case 6 : {EmptyFile(); break;}

case 7 : {ChangeData(); break;}

case 8 : {ChangePartData(); break;}

case 9 : {FindProd(); break;}

case 10 : {IntCost(); break;}

case 11 : {FindCons(); break;}

case 12 : {exit(0);} // exit

default : {cout << "Such item does not exist. Try again." << endl; getch();} // output a message

} // make a choice according to the key



//======= function for removing ' ' from the left and from the right =======

//============================ in a file's name ============================

void ClearName(string& str)


str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(' ')); // erase ' ' from the left

str.erase(str.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1); // erase ' ' from the right


//================ function for opening a file for reading ================

bool OpenForRead()


myfile = fopen(NAME1.c_str(), "rb"); // open the file in the reading mode

if (!myfile) // if the opening wasn't successful


cerr << "File does not exist!" << endl;


return false;


return true; // if everything's all right


//======================= function for writing data =======================

void Writing()


char answer[10]; // whether there are more consumers/products



cout << "Consumer's name:" << endl;

fflush(stdin); // clear the keyboard buffer


smth.tag = 1;

cout << "Consumer's income:" << endl;

cin >> smth.consumer.income; // input data about a consumer

cout << "More consumers? [yes/no]" << endl;



fwrite(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

} while(strcmpi(answer, "no"));



cout << "Product's name:" << endl;

fflush(stdin); // clear the keyboard buffer


smth.tag = 0;

cout << "Product's price:" << endl;

cin >> smth.product.price; // input data about a product

smth.product.utility = int(smth.product.price/3) + strlen(smth.name); // find its utility

cout << "More products? [yes/no]" << endl;



fwrite(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

} while(strcmpi(answer, "no"));

flagg = false; // there is data in the file


//================ function for writing data to a new file ================

void WriteData1()


cout << "Enter the name of the file you want to create:" << endl;


gets(NAME); // input the name of a file

NAME1 = NAME; // create a copy of the file's name

ClearName(NAME1); // remove ' ' from the left and from the right

while (NAME1.empty()) // if the file's name is empty


cout << "Such name is wrong! Try again:" << endl;


gets(NAME); // input the name of a file

NAME1 = NAME; // create a copy of the file's name

ClearName(NAME1); // remove ' ' from the left and from the right


myfile = fopen(NAME1.c_str(), "wb"); // open this file

Writing(); // write data to the file

fclose(myfile); // close the file


//====================== function for viewing a file ======================

void ViewData()


if (OpenForRead() == true) // if the file was successfully opened in the reading mode


if (flagg) cout << "There is no data in this file." << endl; // if there is no data in the file



fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

while (!feof(myfile))


if (smth.tag == 0)


cout << "Product " << smth.name << ":" << endl;

cout << " price: " << smth.product.price << " UAH" << endl;

cout << " utility: " << smth.product.utility << endl << endl;




cout << "Consumer " << smth.name << ":" << endl;

cout << " income: " << smth.consumer.income << " UAH" << endl << endl;


fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);



fclose(myfile); // close the file




//=================== function to add a product (products) ===================

void AddProd(char* answer)




cout << "Product's name:" << endl;

fflush(stdin); // clear the keyboard buffer


smth.tag = 0; // it is a product

cout << "Product's price:" << endl;

cin >> smth.product.price; // input data about a product

smth.product.utility = int(smth.product.price/3) + strlen(smth.name); // find its utility

cout << "More products? [yes/no]" << endl;



fwrite(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

} while(strcmpi(answer, "no"));


//================== function to add a consumer (consumers) ===================

void AddCons(char* answer)




cout << "Consumer's name:" << endl;

fflush(stdin); // clear the keyboard buffer


smth.tag = 1; // it is a consumer

cout << "Consumer's income:" << endl;

cin >> smth.consumer.income; // input data about a consumer

cout << "More consumers? [yes/no]" << endl;



fwrite(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

} while(strcmpi(answer, "no"));


//== function for adding new consumer/consumers/product(-s) to a file ==

void AddData()


if (OpenForRead() == true) // if the file was successfully opened in the reading mode


fclose(myfile); // close the file

myfile = fopen(NAME1.c_str(), "ab"); // open in the "ab" mode

char answer[10]; // whether there are more consumers/products

cout << "What do you want to add? [prod/cons]" << endl;



if (!strcmpi("prod", answer))


AddProd(answer); // add a product/products

cout << "Do you want to add consumers too? [yes/no]" << endl;



if (!strcmpi(answer, "yes")) // if yes


flagg = false; // there is data in the file

AddCons(answer); // add a consumer/consumers





AddCons(answer); // add a consumer/consumers

cout << "Do you want to add products too? [yes/no]" << endl;



if (!strcmpi(answer, "yes")) // if yes


flagg = false; // there is data in the file

AddProd(answer); // add a product/products



fclose(myfile); // close the file



//============== function for removing 1 consumer/product ===============

void RemCons()


char c_name[20]; // the name of a consumer/product

if (OpenForRead() == true) // if the file was successfully opened in the reading mode


if (flagg) // if there is no data in this file


cout << "There is no data in this file." << endl;






myfile = fopen(NAME1.c_str(), "r+b");

cout << "Enter the name of the consumer/product whose data you want to remove." << endl;


gets(c_name); // input the name

bool flag0 = false; // whether there is such a consumer/product

int i = 0;

fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

while (!feof(myfile) && strcmp(smth.name, c_name))


fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);


} // read the data and work with it

if (!strcmp(smth.name, c_name)) // if the name if the same

flag0 = true; // there is such a consumer/product

fpos_t pos;

int j = 0;

while (!feof(myfile))


if (fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile) != NULL)


fgetpos(myfile, &pos); // get the current position

fseek(myfile, (i + j)*sizeof(Something), SEEK_SET); // two structures to the left

fwrite(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile); // paste the structure that was read here

fsetpos(myfile, &pos);





int pfh;

_sopen_s(&pfh, NAME1.c_str(), _O_RDWR, _SH_DENYNO, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); // open the file

int size = _filelength(pfh); // the old size of the file

_chsize(pfh, size - sizeof(Something)); // cut the last structure

_close(pfh); // close the file

if (!flag0) cout << "No consumers/products found." << endl; // if there are no consumers we're looking for

else cout << "The data has been removed successfully." << endl;





//====================== function for cleaning a file ======================

void EmptyFile()


if (OpenForRead() == true) // if the file was successfully opened in the reading mode


fclose(myfile); // close it

if (flagg) cout << "There is already no data in this file." << endl; // if there is already no data



myfile = fopen(NAME1.c_str(), "wb"); // open the file in the writing mode

fclose(myfile); // close it

flagg = true; // there is no data in the file

cout << "The file is now empty." << endl;





//============== function for changing all the data in a file ==============

void ChangeData()


if (OpenForRead() == true) // if the file was successfully opened in the reading mode


fclose(myfile); // close it

myfile = fopen(NAME1.c_str(), "wb"); // open in the writing mode

Writing(); // write data

fclose(myfile); // close the file



//============ function for changing data about 1 consumer/product ============

void ChangePartData()


bool flag3 = false; // whether there are such consumers/products

char c_p_name[20]; // the name of a consumer

char answer[10]; // whether there are more consumers/products to add, what to add

if (!(myfile = fopen(NAME1.c_str(), "r+b"))) // if the file wasn't successfully opened in the "r+b" mode


cerr << "File does not exist!" << endl;





if (flagg) cout << "There is no data in this file." << endl; // if there is no data in the file



cout << "Enter the name of the consumer/product whose data you want to change:" << endl;


gets(c_p_name); // input the consumer's/product's name

int i = 0;

fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile); // read the data

while (!feof(myfile) && strcmp(c_p_name, smth.name))


fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile); // read the data



if (!strcmp(c_p_name, smth.name)) // if the name is the same

flag3 = true; // there is such a consumer/product

if (flag3)


cout << "What do you want it to be? [prod/cons]" << endl;



if (!strcmpi(answer, "prod"))


cout << "Product's name:" << endl;

fflush(stdin); // clear the keyboard buffer


smth.tag = 0;

cout << "Product's price:" << endl;

cin >> smth.product.price; // input data about a product

smth.product.utility = int(smth.product.price/3) + strlen(smth.name); // find its utility




cout << "Consumer's name:" << endl;

fflush(stdin); // clear the keyboard buffer


smth.tag = 1;

cout << "Consumer's income:" << endl;

cin >> smth.consumer.income; // input data about a consumer


fseek(myfile, i*sizeof(Something), SEEK_SET); // move to the beginning of the structure we want to change

fwrite(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

cout << endl << "The data has been changed successfully." << endl; // if we have changed the data




cout << "No products/consumers found." << endl;



fclose(myfile); // close the file




//========= function for opening a new existing file to work with =========

void Reading()


cout << "Enter the name of the file you want to open:" << endl;


gets(NAME); // input the name of the file

NAME1 = NAME; // create a copy of the file's name

ClearName(NAME1); // remove ' ' from the left and from the right

while (NAME1.empty()) // if the file's name is empty


cout << "Such name is wrong! Try again:" << endl;


gets(NAME); // input the name of a file

NAME1 = NAME; // create a copy of the file's name

ClearName(NAME1); // remove ' ' from the left and from the right


if (OpenForRead() == true) // if the file was successfully opened in the reading mode


cout << "The file has been opened successfully." << endl;

fclose(myfile); // close the file


flagg = false; // there is data in the file



//========= function for finding products with particular utility =========

//============ that consumers with particular income can afford ============

void FindProd()


bool flag = false; // whether there are such consumers

int u; // the utility we're interested in

float inc; // the income we're interested in

if (OpenForRead() == true) // if the file was successfully opened in the reading mode


if (flagg) cout << "There is no data in this file." << endl; // of there is no data in the file



cout << "Enter the income and utility you're interested in:" << endl;

cin >> inc >> u; // input the income and utility we're interested in

fpos_t pos;

fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

while (!feof(myfile))


if ((smth.tag == 1) && (inc == smth.consumer.income)) // if the income is the same


flag = true; // there is such a consumer

printf("%s can afford such products with the utility %d:\n", smth.name, u);

bool flag1 = false; // whether there are such products

fgetpos(myfile, &pos);

fseek(myfile, 0, SEEK_SET); // find the beginning of the file

fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

while (!feof(myfile))


if ((smth.tag == 0) && (u == smth.product.utility) && (inc >= smth.product.price)) // if this is a product we're looking for


flag1 = true; // there is such a product

printf("- %s\n", smth.name); // output the name of this product


fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);


if (!flag1) cout << "no products" << endl; // if there are no such products

fsetpos(myfile, &pos);


fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

} // read the data and work with it

if (!flag) cout << "There are no consumers with such an income." << endl; // if there are no such consumers (but if there is data in the file)


fclose(myfile); // close the file




//======== function for finding the integrated cost of the products ========

//======================== with the highest utility ========================

void IntCost()


int max_u = 0; // the maximum product utility

float sum = 0; // the integrated cost

if (OpenForRead() == true) // if the file was successfully opened in the reading mode


if (flagg) cout << "There is no data in this file." << endl; // if there is no data in the file



fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

while (!feof(myfile))


if ((smth.tag == 0) && (max_u < smth.product.utility))


max_u = smth.product.utility;


fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

} // read the data and find the max utility

fseek(myfile, 0, SEEK_SET); // go to the beginning of the file

fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

while (!feof(myfile))


if ((smth.tag == 0) && (max_u == smth.product.utility))


sum += smth.product.price;


fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

} // read the data and find the maximum utility

cout << "The integrated cost is " << sum << " UAH." << endl; // output the results


fclose(myfile); // close the file




//======= function for finding consumers whose income is not enough =======

//=========== to buy products with particular price and utility ===========

void FindCons()


float pr; // the price we're interested in

int ut; // the utility we're interested in

float stoim = 0; // the cost of all the suitable products

if (OpenForRead() == true) // if the file was successfully opened in the reading mode


if (flagg) cout << "There is no data in this file." << endl; // if there is no data in the file



cout << "Enter the price and utility you're interested in:" << endl;

cin >> pr >> ut;

cout << "Consumers whose income is not enough:" << endl;

bool flag2 = false; // whether there are such consumers

fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

while (!feof(myfile))


if ((smth.tag == 0) && (ut == smth.product.utility) && (pr == smth.product.price))


stoim += pr;


fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

} // read the data and find stoim

fseek(myfile, 0, SEEK_SET); // go to the beginning of the file

fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

while (!feof(myfile))


if ((smth.tag == 1) && (smth.consumer.income < stoim))


flag2 = true;

printf("- %s\n", smth.name);


fread(&smth, sizeof(Something), 1, myfile);

} // read the data and find consumers whose income is not enough

if (!flag2) cout << "no consumers" << endl; // if there are no such consumers


fclose(myfile); // close the file


