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two weeks notice St.doc
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1. Fill in the missing modal verbs:

–This is a community theatre, and everyone .... benefit from this building. We ... to lie down in protest.

–You ... get out of the way.

–We.... prevail!

– You .... go to jail!

– There is justice in the world.

–We... call our parents.

2. Fill in some proper and geographical names:

“We lost the ... waterfront deal because your model/attorney forgot to file an Environment Impact Report. Just as I fired .... from St. Baits Law school, or ... from online Law school. You need someone who can write a brief instead of removing yours. I want someone from ... or .... or from the continental United States.”

???: Who really runs the company? Who is its public face? Who looks more professional: George or Howard? What did you learn about the lifestyle and family relations of the “big shots”?

3. Watch the following part and answer the questions:

What's Ms. Kelson background?

Where is she working now?

What is Lucy famous for?

What is she discussing with George Wade?

What did Mr. W offer her?

4. Watch the following episode and note down the English equivalents for:

Советуйся со мной, прежде чем что-либо сказать; обсуждать условия соглашения; удвоить алименты; ссылаться на предполагаемую неверность; использовать против кого-либо; готов подтвердить свидетельским показанием; в денежном выражении; освобождать от последующих обязательств по недвижимости.

???: Did Lucy perform well professionally? Is it typical for an American lawyer (a chief counselor) to have so many different duties in a big corporation?

Home assignments:

  1. Define to what part of speech the following words belong.

Terminate, blow, dab, spinster, professor, hold, preclude, degree, alleged, alimony, moron, property, yenta, testify, bimbo, fortunate, jerk, amendment, scummy, recompensatory.

Divide them into 3 groups: a) common (neutral) vocabulary; b) literary (terms, poetic words, archaic, high-flown words – belonging to an elevated style); c) colloquial (jargonisms, dialectal words and slang, having a derogatory meaning).

Single out words that have 1) a special stylistic colouring (professional jargonisms: political, economic, legal, educational, scientific, etc. terms) and 2) commonly used words.

Consult an English dictionary if necessary.

  1. Answer the questions.

What can be terminated? What can be precluded?What can you blow? What can you dab? What can you double? What is the meaning of the word ‘fortunate’? What did Lucy mean saying: “George, everyone is less fortunate than you”?

  1. Translate:

счастливое событие, счастливый обладатель этого шедевра; как хорошо, что я разыскал вас сегодня; ему повезло с женой; ему везет в жизни; хорошее предзнаменование; благоприятный день для какого-либо дела; рожденный под счастливой звездой.

Two weeks notice (Part III)

I. Watch the following sequence and answer the questions:

???: Why is Lucy irritated? What did she mean by saying: “I didn't get a degree in yenta”?

  1. Watch the rest of the film and answer the questions:

???: What does each episode add to the topics discussed? How are the personages portrayed?

  1. Discussion:

The phrases below are grouped according to the issues they relate to: e.g., career women; // human rights movement; // men’s roles in modern society; // family life; // life in a big city; // corporations: its activities and culture; // lawyers: professional codes, employment and life styles.

Match the groups below and the discussion issues above. Do all the expressions fit in well?

1. A landmarks' committee decision; to put up / tear down buildings (e.g., a theatre, a community center), to shape a community, to feel engaged instead of imprisoned, to be needy, RV.

2. To argue the case, to work for the Coalition for the Homeless (at Legal Aid), to file an Environmental Impact Act, to be a non-scummy lawyer, to do pro bono work, a nice Christmas bonus, to have the optimal blend of public and private interest law, to have a strong background in property law to be a tad weak on the experience side, to set up interviews with law firms.

З. То lock arms, to be in violation, to have some protesting to do, to bail somebody out of jail, to loosen up.

4. A heartless profit machine, to write a brief, to start somebody at 250,000 $, to hire somebody with no corporate experience, to represent the Wade organization, to receive new estimates on Island Towers, to close a deal, to lose a deal, to be indispensable to an organization, (not) to give a degree in yenta, to do a lot of business with, to work on endorsements from local merchants, charities and shelters, to stir up some publicity.

5. All men are pawns when they come to women, to move in predictable patterns, to decide unilaterally, to see each other professionally.

6. (not) to raise a child to sit on sidelines, to live up to somebody's expectations, to handle one's divorce, to have a homey feel, to eat away one's profits.

7. To reach one's potential, to trade oneself like a stock, to clerk for the Supreme Court, to be working for a cause (not just for a company), to drive men away, to get dolled up vs. to be a poor dresser.