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The Humanities

Panel discussion 4

Time-limit: 10 minutes


Denis S. Alekseyev (Assoc. Prof. of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Russia, SSU)

Rosalia M. Bazyleva (Assoc.Prof. of the Department of English for Humanities, Ph.D in Linguistics)

1. Elmira Abubikerova

The Organization of Educational Process at Saratov Institutions of Higher Education in 1920th Years

2. Maria Abdulina

William Wordsworth and his Vision of the Liberty

3. Ekaterina Demchenko

Child Labor in Britain during the Industrial Revolution: the Historiography of the XIX Century Views of the Traditionalists" and "Non-Traditionalists

4. Nicolai Evseev, Igor Chibrov

German Churches in Saratov Volga Region

5. Olga Istomina

Chersonesus Tauricus. Problems of the Time and Conditions of its Foundation

6. Maria Lukoyanova

Saratov in 1917-1922 according to the Diary of University Instructor

7. Inna Starostina

Gender Behavior of the English Nobility by G. Chaucer (Based on «The Legend of the Good Women»)

8. Ekaterina Tiptsova

Policy of Mercantilism in a Context of the English-Dutch Contradictions

9. Julia Fresher

Inscriptions Change on a Panathenaic Amphora

Panel discussion 5

Time-limit: 10 minutes


Larisa N. Chernova (Doctor in History, Professor of the Department of Medieval History, SSU )

Ekaterina V. Dvoynina (Assoc. Prof. of the Department of English and Intercultural Communication, PhD in Linguistics, SSU)

1. Sofia Baranovskaya

The Failure of the American Policy of Pressure in North Korea

2. Natalya Dorofeeva

Gender Bias in the Indian Culture

3. Ekaterina Koniakhina

The Golden Triangle of India as Tourist Destination

4. Anna Lepetan

The Tendencies of Development of Business Tourism in the World

5. Victoria Peregudova

Dijon as a Tourist Capital of Burgundy Region

6. Olga Smirnova

Ryokan. A traditional Japanese Inn

7. Darya Sytova

Vip-tourism as Developing Segment of Tourism Industry and Factors of its Evolvement in Russia

8. George Tadtaev

The Main Aspects of Russian-Turkish Relations in the Context of Recent Events in the Middle East

9. Ksenia Urpina

The Tokaido Road: Time Travel

10. Elena Chekalkina

USA Foreign Policy in Latin America. Plan ALCA

Panel discussion 6

Time-limit: 10 minutes


Sergey Yu. Shenin (Doctor in History, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Russia, SSU)

Elena V. Ryazanova (Assoc.Prof. of the Department of English for Humanities, Ph.D in Linguistics)

1. Elena Gulina

The Status of Tibet by the Middle of the XX Century and Foundation of the People’s Republic of China

2. Ilya Dudnikov

Trans-Afghan Pipeline

3. Anastasia Kvariani

Eastern Partnership: From the Creation to a New Stage of Development

4. Nikita Klimenkov

US Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Confrontation between B. Yeltsin and Russian Parliament (Supreme Council) in 1993

5. Evgeniy Korenev

The Macedonian Question» in Relationships of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia in Modern Times. Geopolitical and Civilizational Aspects

6. Victoria Muzalevskaya

Is the Decline of the West Inevitable?

7. Evgenia Nasledskova

The Kuril Islands Dispute

8. Maria Nikiforova

NATO’s Interests in Kazakhstan and the Alliance Policy towards the Country

9. Diana Ratunova

Public Diplomacy in Modern International Relations

10. Liliya Sabitova

Constantinople Before its Fall: the Impressions of a Mid-XVth century Spanish Traveler

11. Ivan Sidorov

Relations between Iran and Azerbaijan in Caspian Region

12. Ksenia Skorobaeva

Russia – United Kingdom Relations: Problems of Extradition

Panel discussion 7

Time-limit: 10 minutes


Alina S. Bolshakova (Lecturer of the Department of English Philology)

Elena E. Pastookhova (Lecturer of the Department of English and Intercultural Communication, Ph.D in Linguistics, SSU)

1. Anna Alkhova

N.M. Karamsin in a Theatrical Sphere

2. Lyubov Dobrovolskaya

Structural and Semantic Characteristics of Speech in Emotional Tension (in Russian and English)

3. Ksenia Kashnikova

Castle as a Symbol in Russian and Foreign Literature

4. Alina Krivoshapova

The System of Evaluation of Student’s Knowledge in the USA and Russia

5. Victoria Mishina

Religious Eeducation: How to Teach Children to Love

6. Ekaterina Nekrasova

Teaching Universal Values through Language Education at School:

Principles, Technologies and Process

7. Vera Pavlenko

The Category of Time as the Form of Representation of the Concept “Death” in the Novel “Invitation to a Beheading” by V. V. Nabokov

8. Nadezhda Petryanina

Semantic Complication of Words in Anna Akhmatova’s Lyric Poetry

9. Tatyana Filimonova

Etiquette Forms of Greeting and Farewell in Spoken Informal Language

10. Alexander Shavrov

Economic Risks as the Subject of Sociological Analysis

Panel discussion 8

Time-limit: 10 minutes


Aleksandr A. Kazakov (Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Political Science, Ph D. in Political Science, SSU )

Natalya A. Kubrakova (Senior Lecturer of the Department of English for Humanities)

1. Alexandra Berdnikova, Darya Chentsova

Some Problems of Comprehension in the Modern World

2. Julia Gagina

Sovereignty in the International Law

3. Irina Galachieva

Compensation for Moral Damage: Problems of Proof

4. Oxana Dorofeeva

The International Financial System Stability: 1 Way to Improve the Situation (EU Experience)

5. Yulia Zhuravleva

Interrelation of Sport and Politics: Opinions of Saratov Students

6. Inna Podlesnyh

Judicial Protection of Minors: Problems and Solutions

7. Julia Savenkova

Youth Subcultures: Consumer Factor. The Impact on the Development of Deviant Behavior

8. Tatiana Sapunova, Rashit Rakhmetov

Phenomenon of Death in Eastern Orthodox Church

9. Anastasia Shamanova

International Legal Instruments of Protection of Cultural Property Against Illicit Trafficking

10. Darya Eyvazova

Youth Extremism and the Media

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