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13 The role of the internet

people begin using the Internet for many reasons in addition to those that originally made them connect. They have even begun using it as a means of meeting people, there are many sites on which you can enter a "chat room" and talk privately or in a group. This method of communication rules out all non-verbal communication, people can only express themselves with written words. Internet communication forces people to be much more expressive with their writing and leaves much room for interpretation from others. This makes the Internet a very interesting form of communication.

Along with the trend of meeting people on the Internet, there are new "matchmaking" sites, which could change the face of dating, as we know it. This new way of starting a relationship is vastly different than that of the past. A completely different courtship process is inherent to meeting people on the Internet. People may communicate several times strictly by electronic mail or letter mail before ever speaking. It is also common with Internet dating for people to consider the prospect of a serious relationship before actually meeting someone. This is a far cry from the "standard" form of courtship, which usually begins upon meeting a person.

is the Internet broadening our relationship possibilities culturally? With the number of Internet users growing daily and the vast possibilities it offers, the answer is undoubtedly yes. We must also assert that with the amount of knowledge it is possible for us to access on the Internet, we are becoming more open to other cultures simply because of exposure. The Internet is one of the only things that ties many of our cultures together. It will certainly, at least, make us more open and aware of multi-cultural relationship opportunities. With the growing number of multi-cultural relationships that the Internet is making possible, it is beneficial to be aware of the cultural differences in relationship mannerisms and expectations that were previously explored in this paper. Not only is the Internet exposing us to new cultures, it is making communication and relationships possible between cultures.

14 – 15 Crimes punishment

Penal laws, so considerable a part of every system of legislation, and of so great importance to the happiness, peace, and security of every member of society, are still so imperfect, and are attended with so many unnecessary circumstances of cruelty in all nations, that an attempt to reduce them to the standard of reason must be interesting to all mankind.

16 Laws wh would make our country a better place

One law that could be imposed that would presumably make the world better would be a law or laws that forces people to use less energy.  This would help the environment in the long term.  However, this shows one of the problems with trying to use laws to fix things.  The law would probably hurt our economy in the short term.  It would also infringe on people's choices.  So making laws to fix things can have unintended consequences.

An interesting idea might be to abolish credit. I'm not sure if it would work, but the 'if you don't have it, don't spend it' philosophy is a good one. Not sure it will bring instant happiness though - we are a fast fix generation.

Laws designed to cut pollution have in the past helped indeed to cut pollution. They come with economic costs, but they also come with economic benefits, including benefits to the health and well-being of citizens. Imagine how many more people might have lung cancer today if the thick pollution of cities such as Pittsburgh had not been radically reduced. Imagine, too, how unattractive Pittsburgh would be as a place to establish businesses if pollution were as bad there as it once was. Laws designed to cut pollution can have very immediate economic benefits as well as some undeniable economic costs.

Anti-corruption laws are desperately needed in finance and politics in just about every country I know anything about. The problem is that to really attack corruption, you have to deal with underlying problem that causes it, which, of course, is money, and the fact that people who have it try to influence affairs in a way that benefits them. But if I had to choose one set of laws (aside from what the above posters have said about environmental issues and consumption) I think anti-corruption laws would be what I'd go with.