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Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

From ancient times fishing has been a major source of food for humanity and a provider of employment and economic benefits to those engaged in this activity. The wealth of aquatic resources was assumed to be an unlimited gift of nature. However, with increased knowledge and the dynamic development of fisheries after the Second World War, this myth has faded in face of the realization that aquatic resources are not infinite and need to be properly managed.

The widespread introduction in the mid-seventies of exclusive economic zones (EEZ) and the adoption in 1982 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provided a new framework for the better management of marine resources. Such extended national jurisdiction was a necessary but insufficient step toward the efficient management and sustainable development of fisheries. By the late 1980s it became clear that fisheries resources could no longer sustain rapid and often uncontrolled exploitation and development, and the new approaches to fisheries management embracing conservation and environmental considerations were urgently needed.

The FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) at its Nineteenth Session in March 1991 called for the development of new concepts, which would lead to responsible, sustained fisheries. Subsequently, the International Conference on Responsible Fishing, held in 1992 in Cancun (Mexico) further requested FAO to prepare an international Code of Conduct to address these concerns. The Code, which was unanimously adopted on 31 October 1995 by the FAO Conference, provides a necessary framework for national and international efforts to ensure sustainable exploitation of aquatic living resources in harmony with the environment.

This Code sets out principles and international standards of behaviour for responsible practices with a view to ensuring the effective conservation, management and development of living aquatic resources, with due respect for the ecosystem and biodiversity. The Code recognizes the nutritional, economic, social, environmental and cultural importance of fisheries and the interests of all those concerned with the fishery sector. The code takes into account the biological characteristics of the resources and their environment and the interests of consumers and other users. States and all those involved in fisheries are encouraged to apply this Code and give effect to it.

This Code is voluntary and global in scope. It provides principles and standards applicable to the conservation, management and development of all fisheries. The Code also covers the capture, processing and trade of fish and fishery products, fishing operations, aquaculture, fisheries research and the integration of fisheries into coastal area management.