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Ярославский филиал-англ контр10.docx
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Ярославский филиал

Аккредитованного негосударственного образовательного учреждения

высшего профессионального образования


Контрольная работа

по дисциплине «Английский язык»

Работу выполнил студент 2 курса

Группы 31МЕк1010

Зотов Антон Николаевич


Работу проверил: Простова Д. М.


Ярославль 2012 Вариант 10.

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous или Present Perfect.

1) When you (to open) the win­dow? — I (to open) it ten minutes ago.

2) Why you (to shiver)? — I (to shiver) because I (to be) cold.

3) I never (to be) to Australia. You (to have) ever been there?

4) The rain (to stop) half an hour ago.

5) They (to do) their work from five till eight yesterday.

6) How long you (to wait) for me. I (to be) really very sorry.

7) He (to go) to the cinema if he (to finish) his work early.

8) They (to speak) when I (to look) at them.

9) As soon as I (to hear) a cry, I (to run) out of the room and (to see) that a child (to lie) on the ground and (to cry). "What (to happen)? Why you (to cry)? You (to hurt) yourself?"

10) She usually (not to come) home at 5 o’clock.

1) When did you open the window? – I opened it ten minutes ago.

2) Why are you shivering? – I am shivering because I am cold.

3) I have never been in Australia. Have you ever been there?

4) The rain stopped half an hour ago.

5) They were doing their work from five till eight yesterday.

6) How long are you waiting for me? I am really very sorry.

7) He will go to the cinema if he finishes his work early.

8) They were speaking when I looked at them.

9) As soon as I have heard a cry, I ran out of the room and saw that a child were lieing on the ground and crying. “What has happened? Why are you crying? Have you hurt yourself?”

10) She usually don’t come home at 5 o’clock.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видовременные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Something's burning.

2) Was she working when the phone rang?

3) I've lived here since May.

1) is burning – to burn (Present Continuous)

Что-то горит.

2) was working – to work (Past Continuous)

rang – to ring (Past Indefinite)

Она работала, когда зазвонил телефон?

3) have lived – to live (Present Perfect)

Я живу здесь с мая.

3. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, may, must или need.

1) I ... finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me any more.

2) What time is it? — It ... be about six o'clock, but I am not sure.

3) She … stop eating much and she … lose weight.

4) ... John really do this today? — No, he ... not, he ... do it tomorrow if he likes.

5) You … not worry: he is as strong as a horse.

1) I may finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me any more.

2) What time is it? – It must be about six o’clpck, but I am not sure.

3) She need stop eating much and she can lose weight.

4) Must John really do this today? – No, he must not, he can do it tomorrow if he likes.

5) You need not worry: he is as strong as a horse.

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните эквивалент модального глагола.

  1. Who is able to take part in this serious sport competition?

  2. We were allowed to stay at home.

  3. Will you have to get up early tomorrow?

  4. He was to tel­ephone the moment she was out of danger.

1) is able

Кто может принять участие в этом серьезном спортивном соревновании?

2) were allowed

Нам разрешили остаться дома.

3) will have to

Тебе нужно завтра рано вставать?

4) was to

Он должен был позвонить в тот момент, когда ей уже ничто не угрожало.