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Dictatorship Offered to Cincinnatus

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus (first half of the 5th century BC) was a Roman military commander famed for his simplicity and the modesty of his life, and much respected by his fellow countrymen. He abandoned his military affairs and retired to work on a small piece of land. When Rome was attacked by mountain tribes the Senate decided to appoint a dictator and sent envoys to Cincinnatus to beg him to take command and lead the battle. Cincinnatus was working in the field when the envoys arrived. He listened to the request and accepted the command, but when the Romans had defeated their enemies he returned to his former life. In Tiepolo's painting the envoys of the Senate are handing the fasces of power to Cincinnatus.

Mucius Scaevola before Porsenna

Maecenas Presenting the Liberal Arts to Emperor Augustus

Tiepolo is often described as the last great master of the Baroque. In a single scene he combined allegorical images and historical figures in a way which was quite usual for 18th-century art. Gaius Maecenas, a Roman statesman during the rule of the Emperor Octavian Augustus (63BC - 14AD), was famous for his patronage of scholars and artists. Tiepolo shows him presenting the Liberal Arts - Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, all shown, according to tradition, as beautiful women - to Augustus. The figure of the ageing Homer serves to personify Poetry. The action is set against a background of Classical Roman architecture. The bright, shining colours were selected with such care that the whole scene seems to be flooded with bright sunlight. Tiepolo was by calling a master of monumental painting, which can be felt even in this small picture, in the lightness of the broad, energetic strokes, the generalized forms and the free approach to spatial construction.

The painting was commissioned from Tiepolo in 1743 by Count Francesco Algarotti, a connoisseur of painting, a scholar and a writer, and was intended as a gift for Heinrich Bruhl, first minister at the court of the Elector of Saxony and King of Poland, Augustus III. The images of the Emperor Augustus and Maecenas thus personify the Elector and his minister, a famous collector who played the role of Maecenas at the court of Saxony.


18th century – a new genre appeared in Italian art – urbanscape: 1. one is showing scenes from the life of nobility 2. everyday life

Arrival of French ambassador in Venice by Antonio Canalle (Canalletto) 1697-1768.

Canaletto was famous for his paintings depicting Venice glorifying the beauty of this city. His views of Venice were extremely popular especially among Englishmen who travelled to Italy seeking for education, entertainment and acquaintance with Italian art. Canaletto was born and raised in Venice that is why he knew it extremely well which came in handy when he started painting the city. At some point of his life Canaletto became too popular which proved to be fatal for his talent as he started stamping similar views of Venice. These works lacked originality and thus were of no interest to the public. He spent 10 years in England where he tried to renew his success and finally came back to Venice where he died in poverty, single and forgotten.

One of his best works of the kind was Reception of the French Ambassador in Venice. The painting shows Venice in all its beauty. A real expert in the architecture and life of the city the artist shows it as a dynamic place, full of life, crowded by people. However the image of a crowd though painted with great skill is not a dominating element. The view is perceived as a whole.

Next wall – Michele Marieski “Rialto-bridge” (one of the most famous bridge in Venice, market). He showed everyday life as against Canalle, but was inspired by Canaletto.

Bernardo Belotto – a pupil and a nephew of Canalletto. His urbanscapes aren’t so poetic – he was more than precise in details. He created a series of the views of Dresden. Historical centre was restored, they used paintings by Belotto to restore the historical centre of Dresden. The painting “Market-square in Dresden».