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IV. Retell the chapter

Chapter 16

  1. Lexical work.

  1. Translate from Russian into English ложбина (181), копыто (181), рыхлый (182), приглушенный (183), удушение (183), зараженный (183), зло (184), за усердие (184), заразный (185), мор (185), привратник (186), самообман (187), настороженный (188).

  2. Translate from English into Russian radiance (181), torch (182), scrape and spill (182), to fall back (182), tether (183), wrench (183), to ooze (183), shroud (184), procure (184), recompense (184), preponderance (184), admit to the mind (184), sate (185), obscure (185), bawd (185), set out (186), mailed fist (186), garner (187), nod (188)

  3. Consult the Pronunciation Dictionary: leisure

  4. Learn the 3 forms of the verbs: bear

  5. Discuss the symptoms of plague and its development course in the human body.

  6. Find the abovementioned words in the story, recall the situation in which they were used and quote the sentence with these words.

II. Comprehension questions

  1. What does Nicholas notice about the Justice’s company?

  2. Describe the landscape Nicholas saw.

  3. What did the company do? How? Why did they do it?

  4. Who were examining the body? How were they dressed?

  5. Nicholas saw the real face of Thomas Wells. What is his opinion?

  6. How did Thomas Wells die?

  7. What is the Justice’s opinion about the nature of humans? And Nicholas’?

  8. What two things made Thomas Wells different from other victims?

  9. Why was the body of Thomas Wells left for a night in the castle?

  10. Prove that Simon Damian hated the Weaver.

  11. What explanation does the Justice give to Nicholas’ ‘why only now’?

  12. What was the girl’s first gesture of freedom? Why?

  13. What was the essence of the discrepancy Nicholas felt about the Justice?

  14. What did the Justice offer to Nicholas? Whay?

  15. Why did Nicholas refuse? Do you agree that God is not served by self-deceiving?

III. Read and translate p. 186 “The Justice glanced…” till “tortured and killed”

IV. Retell the chapter


  1. Pick out and classify the beginnings.

  2. Pick out facts about Medieval England (food, drink, clothes, way of living, bahaviour, occupations, class structure etc.)

  3. Discuss the nature of theatre in Medieval England.

  4. Compare traditional medieval plays and modern theatre.

  5. Pick out all actors’ gestures, practice showing them.

  6. Speak on the role of plague in Medieval England.

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