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Chapter 12-17.doc
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Chapter 12

  1. Lexical work.

  1. Translate from Russian into English переодевание (127), голосование (127), оправиться после поражения (127), крайность (127), одеяние священника (128), жезл (131), очевидный (132), швырнуть (137)

  2. Translate from English into Russian passion of earnestness (127), recovery (127), to be clearly distinguished in his mind (127), hope forlorn (127), to peep (128), to bar troublemakers (128), embark on (128), to entrust the money (129), nimbleness (129), obscenely (130), lamentation (131), hubbub (133), to lapse into silence (134), laity (142)

  3. Consult the Pronunciation Dictionary: rowdiness, doubt, persuade, gesture, ribald, quoit

  4. Learn the 3 forms of the verbs: bind (129)

  5. pick up Latin expressions and translate them

  6. Find the abovementioned words in the story, recall the situation in which they were used and quote the sentence with these words.

  1. Comprehension questions

  1. Discuss the changes that were made in the playing-space for the second performance.

  2. Describe the costumes of all the players. Explain the changes they made to the costumes in the end of the performance.

  3. How did the play start? At what point did it go all wrong? Prove your opinion by the text.

  4. Why didn’t Nicholas feel at ease? What did he have to remember doing?

  5. Where did Good Counsel take ideas for the sermon from? See page 130.

  6. Do you think advice from the audience during the performance is unwelcome? Why?

  7. What was the reaction of the audience to the horned mask? What did the mask symbolize?

  8. What questions did Stephen as Truth ask? What were the answers of Mankind?

  9. Why could the play fail after Truth’s questions? How did Martin save the play? Retell his actions.

  10. Who explained why Tobias Wells had been found? What reason does he give?

  11. How is the accusation of the Monk done? What logical device is used?

  12. What happened to Simon Damian? How did he die?

  13. How did the reaction of the audience change? Why?

  14. How did Nicholas attempt to save the play?

  15. What, in Nicholas’ opinion would have been the proper way of ending the play?

  16. What new set of questions did Martin start? Sum up questions and answers.

  17. Who arrests the players?

  1. Read and translate p. 140 (‘But there was something wrong’ till the end of the paragraph)

  1. Retell the chapter as 1) Margaret; 2) innkeeper’s man; 3) Flint; 4) Nicholas

Chapter 13

  1. Lexical work.

  1. Translate from Russian into English в сопровождении (143), спешиться (143)б рвение (144), обманываться (144), ставни (144), резкий/обрывистый (145), упомянуть (145), распределять (145), благодушие (145), налитый кровью (145), вор-карманник (147), безрезультатный (147), отлучение от церкви (147), горностай (147), равный [счет](148), отразить (150)

  2. Translate from English into Russian steep (143), jousting (144), virtue (144), wreathing of the smoke (144), shudder of the bells (144), behest (145), gruel (145), rough (145), blast of trumpets (146), volley of wings (146), valour (147), denounce (147), fall on deaf ears (147), vainglory (147), pagan rites (147), velvet (147), solemn (148), deem (148), forfeit (148), diving soul (150)

  3. Consult the Pronunciation Dictionary: bloodshot, eloquence

  4. Learn the 3 forms of the verbs: work (150)

  5. Pick up words and expressions to describe the knights and the tournament. Classify them into objects, actions and qualities. Use them to describe the tournament.

  6. Invent your own coat of arms and color it, explain the emblems and devices in it. Create your lineage suitable for the tournament.

  7. Find the abovementioned words in the story, recall the situation in which they were used and quote the sentence with these words.

II. Comprehension questions

        1. Describe the castle. Find a picture of a medieval castle and show all the architectural details mentioned in the text.

        2. How did the players try to calm themselves down? By what arguments?

        3. Describe the view the players had on the tournament from the window, use as many active words as possible.

        4. What did religion and kings say against jousting? Give their reasoning. Why are they against it?

        5. What I similar between tournament and a play, in Nicholas’ opinion?

        6. Write out the rules of the tournament, discuss them.

        7. What traits of character did Roger of Yarm display through the way he was dressed?

        8. What can the bearings of the knight denote?

        9. Describe the first encounter of Roger of Yarm.

        10. Describe the second, fatal, encounter.

III. Read and translate p. 148 “Sir Richard came…” – p.149 “on his heels”

IV. Retell the chapter from (1) Nicholas’ point of view, (2) a lady in the pavilion, (3) a squire of Roger of Yarm.

Chapter 14

  1. Lexical work.

  1. Translate from Russian into English приемная (153), палата/зала (153), алебарда (153), жизненные соки (153), ярмо (153), воинственный (153), бродяга (153)б на краю (154), привычный (154), веселое настроение (154), ретивость (154), с вашего позволения (155), сердце ушло в пятки (155), шаткая надежа (156), покинуть (157), восхищаться (157), подобострастный (157), случиться неожиданно (158), простолюдин (159), красться (159), выбор времени (159), бледный (159), виселица (160), преграда (161), смертельное оскорбление (162), бранить (162), подзывать (162), громыхать (163), одеяло (164), каяться (164), отпущение грехов (164), луч (165), могучий союзник (165)

  2. Translate from English into Russian black pudding (152), thin beer (152), shuffle away (152), clamour (153), dull of eye (153), affliction (153), quickened with contempt (153), slacken with surprise (153), leash (154)б cling (154), collapse (154), hilt (154), tassel (154), heavy-lidded (154), deliberate (155), impassive (155), hasty (155), prudence (155), spectral (156), bidding (156), quaking (156), to be due (157), undeterred (157), clumsy (159), obstruct (159), hideous (159), restraint (160), master-player (160), scatter wits (160), thrust aside (161), fugitive (162), man-at-arms (163), incongruous (164), dwell on (164), fading senses (165), latch, bolt, socket (165), emerge (166), out of the question (166), spine (166).

  3. Consult the Pronunciation Dictionary: pudding, yoke, leash, triumphal, ewer

  4. Learn the 3 forms of the verbs: dwell

  5. Pick up expressions to describe appearance and use them to describe a picture of your choice.

  6. Find the abovementioned words in the story, recall the situation in which they were used and quote the sentence with these words.

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