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3. Functions of the state.

Functions of the state are basic directions of activity. Tasks and aim of the state are represented in the functions of the state.

The are many functions of the state.

  1. According to the spheres of public life they are divided into humanitarian, economic, political, social etc.

  2. According to the time realizations function are divided into permanent and temporal.

  3. According to the social value they are divided into basic and unbasic.

  4. According to the territorial orientation they are divided into internal and external functions.

Internal functions of the state are directions of activity of the state inside the state.

They are divided into two groups: regulative and protective.

Economic, social (humanitarian) and political functions belong to the regulative functions.

Economic functions are activity of the state on providing of the stable functioning of economy in the state.

Political functions are organization of public and political relations.

Ideological functions are forming of public and individual consciousness by organization of education, culture, science.

Humanitarian functions provide proper level of life for all subject of legal relations.

Protective functions of the state provide real realization of rights and freedoms for all subject of legal relations, regime of legality, defence of natural environment and all public relations.

The temporal functions of the state are executed by the concrete states on the certain stage of its development. For example, on the modern stage Ukraine fights against consequences of accident on Chornobyl atomic power station.

External functions of the state are directions of activity in the international arena.

There are such external functions of the state:

  • defence of state sovereignty;

  • integration to the world economy;

  • support of peace and fight for a peaceful coexistence;

  • fight against international terrorism;

  • participating in the decision of global problems.

4. Mechanism and apparatus of the state.

A mechanism of the state is the system of all state organizations, which carry out tasks and realize functions of the state.

Mechanism of the state consists of 3 parts:

  • apparatus of the state;

  • public institutions;

  • state enterprises.

The apparatus of the state is the system of all public bodies of state power, which carry out tasks and execute functions of the state and have plenary power in accordance with law.

It is a system of legislative, executive and judicial bodies of state power.

Public institutions are a type of state organizations, which realize functions of the state in the sphere of non-material production.

Unproductive activity is typical for public institutions in the field of health protection (system of hospitals), education (schools, universities) etc.

State enterprises are a type of state organizations, which realize functions and tasks of the state in the sphere of material production.

For example, production of coal, trade etc.

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