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Unit 4. Different types of pollution (part II)


I. Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

  1. Via – крізь

  2. Growth – зростання

  3. Crop – врожай

  4. Sufficient – достатній; обґрунтований; належний; вчинений із дотриманням всіх формальностей

  5. “Throwaway” products – разові упаковки

  6. To weigh – важити

  7. Fume – дим; кіптява, пара; випар, запах

  8. Explosive – вибуховий

  9. To horrify – лякати

  10. To recycle – перероблювати

  11. Aluminum – алюміній

  12. Incinerator – сміттєспалювальна станція (установка, піч)

  13. Diaper – рушничок, серветка (пелюшка) з мережаного полотна

  14. Damage – збиток; втрата; шкода; пошкодження

  15. Soot – сажа

II. Translate the following international words:

to accumulate, toxin, problem, process, gas, ocean, center, plastic.

III. While translating the text keep in mind the different meanings of the words:

Bank – 1) берег, край, насип

2) банк

Generation 1) покоління

2) стадія розвитку чогось

3) утворення, генерація, породження

IV. Word–combinations to remember:

  1. To bury or dump – закопувати

  2. Via polluted air – крізь забруднене повітря

  3. To block out the sun’s light – заблокувати, перешкоджати потраплянню сонячних променів

  4. To prevent growth – заважати росту рослин

  5. Crop yields – врожайність

  6. To fall sufficiently – значно впасти

  7. Throwaway products – продукти, товари одноразового використання

  8. Disposable diapers – серветки одноразового використання, підгузники

  9. Avoidable sources – джерела, яких можна позбутися

  10. A takeout meal – їжа, яку беруть у дорогу

  11. Airborne particles – частинки аерозолю

  12. Explosive gases – вибухові гази

  13. To dump industrial waste – звільнятися від промислових відходів

  14. To sort out trash – розсортувати сміття

  15. To bear the burden – нести тягар

  16. Landfill site – сміттєзвалище

  17. On a smaller scale – у менших масштабах

Different types of pollution (part II)

Soil pollution occurs when industrial waste is buried or dumped on the land, and via polluted air and water. Sulphur dioxide in the air coats the leaves of plants blocking out the sun's light and preventing growth. Crop yields are reduced and sulphur accumulates in the soil. The banks of some rivers can no longer support the growth of plants because heavy metals and other toxins have entered the soil from the water. It is impossible to remove most of these toxins; in some cases it will take thousands of years for their levels to fall sufficiently for the soil to support life again.

Domestic waste is another environmental problem. "Throwaway" products such as cans, plastic bags and disposable diapers are all avoidable sources of domestic waste. When you buy a takeout meal the packaging often weighs more than the food! Domestic waste is either burned in large incinerators or buried in landfill sites. Both these processes cause environmental damage. Burning garbage produces carbon dioxide, toxic fumes, soot and other airborne particles as well as an unpleasant smell. Burying garbage in landfill sites can contaminate the soil with toxic products, which then enter the water supply. Another hazard of landfill sites is the generation of explosive gases.

When people learn of the irresponsible dumping of industrial waste into rivers and oceans they are usually horrified. But on a smaller scale, most of us are just as irresponsible with our own waste. About 80 % of all our domestic waste can be recycled. Most developed countries now have recycling centers for glass, paper, aluminium cans and plastic. But we are often too busy or too lazy to sort our trash for recycling. If we do not change our philosophy of "live now, pay later", our children will bear the burden of our “throwaway” lifestyle.


I. Try to identify the part of speech of the following words according to the word–building elements:

longer, growth, impossible, sufficiently, packaging, unpleasant, explosive, irresponsible, smaller, to recycle.

II. Find out synonyms:

  1. Pollution a) ground

  2. Soil b) wastes

  3. Food c) contamination

  4. Trash d) meal

III. Find out antonyms:

  1. To reduce a) pleasant

  2. Heavy b) possible

  3. Impossible c) light

  4. Unpleasant d) responsible

  5. Irresponsible e) to increase

IV. Give Ukrainian equivalents:

To dump on the land, via air and water, to prevent growth, crop yields, to remove toxins, to fall sufficiently, avoidable sources of waste, environmental damage, large incinerators, toxic fumes, airborne particles, the generation of explosive gases, to be horrified, to be irresponsible, aluminum cans, throwaway lifestyle.

V. Translate the following word combinations into English:

Забруднення ґрунту, вкривати листя рослин, перешкоджати сонячним промінням, береги річок, важкі метали, потрапляти у ґрунт через воду, видаляти токсини, підтримувати життя, упаковка, сміттєзвалище, спричиняти, руйнування, неприємний запах, небезпека смітників, вибухові гази, перероблювати пластик та папір, змінити філософію.

VI. Complete the following sentences:

  1. Soil pollution occurs….

  2. Sulphur dioxide in the air coats the leaves of plants….

  3. The banks of some rivers can no longer support….

  4. It is impossible to remove most of these toxins; in some cases it will take thousands of years for their levels to ….

  5. "Throwaway" products such … are all avoidable sources of domestic waste.

  6. Domestic waste is either burned in large incinerators or ….

  7. Burning garbage produces ….

  8. Burying garbage in landfill sites can ….

  9. Most developed countries now have recycling centers for ….

  10. If we do not change our philosophy of "live now, pay later" ….