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-I think the best thing to conclude everything what was said is to give your message to people from the bottom of your heart…

I believe that the most important thing for the person is MUSIC. It’s the music which is around us, everywhere though not all people can really notice. The noise from the cars, stirring leaves, water flowing are the sounds which already create the music. The most important thing to remember if you decide to follow the art is never to lose oneself, keep your armored concrete principles with you and always support and prove them right. As Andy Wax said :

“There are no rivals in music, there are only friends and allies which will always help you reach the top”(translated from RU).

You should enjoy the creation of your little wonderful world in every thing you make because a new track is another corner of the Universe. If you consider oneself to be a musician you’re not just a person you are the one who has to bring happiness to people.

Unfortunately or by the means of fortune our interview finished abruptly by the internet problems. All the time we spent in agreement that this is going to be something special. I wish I could take crayons and at least paint the things in colours because the atmosphere was great, but I think this is something each of you should imply yourselves to reach the genius moment.

Dima never really had a chance to share his message with people in that type of conversation. And I am proud and happy to be a part of it today and from now on because I am so much grateful of what he said to me once.

You know It happens when You found oneself completely ruined by things and words and people and the situation. But there are always people to make your world bright. At that moment I was involved in a project with him and what he told is still in the quote list of my life: “ Don’t even dare to give up. If they don’t understand you they never will. You’re special person making something outstanding for the special people and they will understand. It’ll be ok”.

You know, Dima, you and your music bring happiness to me so I wish you all the best as to my friend, my mentor, A musician and a creator.

Thank you.

Cogito ergo sum.

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