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-Please share your goals with us.

Speaking of music, my goal is an album. And I really want to make it the way I like it, not just releasing the labels. I used to be into techno sound but now( maybe due to the years which passed ) I finally came to my personal style- peaceful melodies, full of emotions and creative at the same time to make the listener examine(put to the proof) his own feelings in it, I don’t want anything to distract his own world.

Just recently I started studying the 3D graphics and animation which actually has some prospects in store for me because I am able to work as a freelancer distributing my talent to everywhere. For example, in April , 2011 we started working together with a friend on some mutual projects and orders. My dream is to open my own design-studio and I admit that it’s a little bit more (0.01%) important for me at the moment than promotion in musical world.=)

-What’s your achievement of achievements at the moment?

I think it’s my debut track “Connection” which was released in 2009 on American lable named Andromeda Recordings. The track was supported by a couple of world-famous dj’s and musicians so you know I am very proud of it. What is more It made such a great impact on me, because it was written with a weak equipment but I did try hard…When “the Connection” was realeased I actually felt like I have this world right now…(?)( orig. like I f8ck the world right now)

What kind of musical equipment do you have now?

Piece by piece I put my home studio together. The first must-have for me was a pair of high quality headphones, midi-keyboard and outside sound card. I bought Sennheiser (the headphones) right after the release of a track and I got keybord and sound card as a birthday gift from my friends last year.

-I’d love to know your personal point of view on musical industry of today, for example whether it’s easy or not to promote oneself to the top.

-It’s a tough world. The market of electronic music is overloaded because every third person believes that he creates a masterpiece and he’s ready to sell it for any money to make this “trash” be heard. And ‘trash’ is a perfect word for that because the low-quality stuff is everywhere now as well as the lables which are ready to release any stuff they have. It’s possible to succeed and get to the top but you’ve got to work really hard for that, let’s put it in this way - you should work hard, be industrious and make a good quality of your work.

There are several types of musicians in the electronic music: “commercial” and “underground” musicians. It’s easy to guess that commercial way is not sophisticated: you can manufacture lots of tracks and sell them to glamorous lables. Such music has no soul. I personally think of myself as a part of underground wave where I’ve always been and will be till the end of time. I’m not trying to make a number of releases, I put soul into music and If I feel that people love it I’ll try and send it. It’s simply because I always prefer to be in a shade rather than on public.

If you want to get to the top You basically have 2 choices to start:

-use internet for promotion, where you can succeed only by working hard.

- or you have connections and friends who can easily make you a star, put your tracks on radio and play them as long as possible. The end.

-Dima,What is your inspiration that helps you not to give up? What is your idea of creation of art?

I am aiming at the PURE SOUND. Also I want to share the inner part of me with the world, to leave something after I’ll be gone. I know I know, my tracks may be not genius but somebody loves them anyway. And for me, a person who sees life through music, this is the greatest gift and achievement.

-What kind of videos do you see should be made for your music? Are you eager to make them yourself?

-I always see them to be in negative atmosphere, in black-and-white like Noir films. Or these should be gentle colours interfering with each other and the power of light as illumination. …Yeah, It will be awesome.

What I want to depict is emotions through people and their story but also I want to put graphics inside as it creates a world hard to describe. I know -what I have in mind is great.

And I want to create it myself but First I’ve got to conquer animation.

Dima, do you remember when did you decide to do soundtracks? And WHY?

I love soundtracks of games and movies, of course. Jasper Kyd, Hans Zimmer, Paul Haslinger, Clint Mansell are my idols.

It happened while I was working on different things, trying to create something worthy and my friends told me: “ Look, this music would fit a game or a movie perfectly”. So I was working on it keeping the idea in mind. Once I made the track which sounded so much like the main theme from “Pirates of The Caribbean” ( orig music by Inon Zur) without using any samples or music notes. “like” doesn’t stand for an achievement, but It means that It belongs to same repertoire (consider that I used the computer keyboard instead of a midi-board to create it). Then I found a guy who has plans to open a company to create computer games. I gave him some of my tracks and right after that he hired me in his team. The funny thing is that he is a “metalhead” who actually found my music interesting ( it’s already an achievement, isn’t it?).

Currently I am working on the sound background of one of modifications of “Half-life” which probably will be released this summer. I was lucky to be invited in this project by my old school friend and I get so much pleasure from creating it. I can make the atmospehere tranquile, I can make players feel the goosebumps while they make their trip through the dark corridor, etc.

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