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In her will. They have her over to dinner, she accidentally keels over. I guessed right there. She has a reasonable resemblance to her sister, so they

fake it... Pretend Lillian House died. They cremate the sister. Lillian checks into a fleabag joint... and for several weeks she pretends to be her

sister... closing her accounts, liquidating her assets, accumulating big money. What she didn't realize was that her husband was two-timing her with

Helen Moss, this pretty model. So, he decides not to cut her in and go off to... I don't know... With his mistress and, uh, keep all the dough. So, he

kills Lillian. He cremates her, or pours molten steel all over her or something... and, uh, that's when we came along and tripped him up.

TED: He had some great alibis.

MARCIA: Yeah, that woman that worked for him?

TED: Yeah.

MARCIA: Mrs. Dalton? She covered for him. She loved him. Not that she dreamed he was a murderer.

TED: What do you... What do you... I want, I want to celebrate, or something. What do you wanna do? You wanna... Wanna go see what, uh, what Larry

and Carol are up to?

MARCIA: I think they wanna be alone.

TED: Oh, yeah. Uh, okay. All right. Uh, well, you have any plans?

MARCIA: You're taking me to dinner, right?

TED: Yeah, right. Absolutely. Only we can't sleep together.

MARCIA: Why not?

TED: Not... not tonight.

MARCIA: Why not?

TED: Well, I already slept with Helen Moss once today, and I'm not young and active like I used to be.

MARCIA: You'll do anything to catch a murderer, won't you?

[Larry and Carol are in the street going home]

LARRY: What an experience.

CAROL: Oh. I know.

LARRY: I'm... I'm still vibrating.

CAROL: I know.

LARRY: Incredible.

CAROL: Oh, you know, Larry, you were surprisingly brave.

LARRY: What do you mean surprisingly?

CAROL: Yeah.

LARRY: You seem shocked.

CAROL: Well...

LARRY: You know, I'm a pretty good guy, you know.

CAROL: Well, you know... Yeah, I know, uh...

LARRY: Where do you wanna go for dinner tonight? Let's not go to any restaurant where they serve cowards.

CAROL: I don't know.

LARRY: I... What are you laughing at?

CAROL: You know, Larry, I love you. I love you.

LARRY: How could you have ever been jealous of Marcia? Isn't that ridiculous? Don't you know that I could only love you?

CAROL: You were jealous of Ted.


CAROL: Yeah.

LARRY: You've got to be kidding. Take away his-his-his elevator shoes and his fake suntan and his capped teeth... and what do you have?


LARRY: Right. I like that.



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