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  1. Budget Description (what are you buying, how much are you spending, what percentage of your total request is each category?):

  1. Materials, supplies: We will need 560 hrn to buy supplies for our project such as colored thread, markers, flip chart paper and games. These supplies will be used for our visits when we have art and crafts, knitting and competitions. The supplies are 50% of the requested funds.

  1. Venue Rental, Personal fees:

  1. Travel, Accommodation, Food: We will use our money to pay for the marshrutka rides to the retirement house. 300 hrn will go towards buying food (cookies, biscuits).

  1. Other: We need a projector to show the movie during the movie night event. Ternopil National Technical University will contribute the projector to our project. The cost of this would have been 150 hrn. We will also use our own computer to show the movie.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]