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III. Read the texts and express your opinion about different hobbies: Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts include a whole host of activities and hobbies that are related to making things with one's own hands and skill. These can be sub-divided into handicrafts or "traditional crafts" (doing things the old way) and the rest. Some arts and crafts have been practiced for centuries, while others are modern inventions, or popularizations of crafts which were originally practiced in a very small geographic area.

The specific name Arts and Crafts movement was also given to a design movement of the late 19th and early 20th century, whose proponents included William Morris and Edwin Lutyens. They believed that medieval craftsmen achieved a joy in the excellence of their work, which they strove to emulate. These activities are called crafts because initially many of them were professionals. Youngsters were apprenticed to a master-craftsman, and they refined their skills over a period of years. By the time their training was complete, they were well-resourced to set up in trade for themselves, earning their living with the skill of their hands. The Industrial Revolution and the increasing mechanizations of production processes gradually reduced or eliminated many of the roles professional craftspeople played, and today 'crafts' are most commonly seen as a form of hobby.

There are almost as many variations on the theme of 'arts and crafts' as there are crafters with time on their hands, but they can be broken down into a number of categories as follows: Textile Crafts, Clay or Glass Crafts, Paper or Canvas Crafts, Metalworking Crafts, Crafts Involving Plants, Wood Crafts.

Handicraft, also known as craftwork or simply craft, is a type of work where useful and decorative devices are made wholly by hand or using only simple tools to conventional means of making goods. Handicrafts are generally considered more traditional work, created as a necessary part of daily life, whilst "Arts and Crafts" implies more of a hobby pursuit and a demonstration/perfection of a creative technique.


Museums are the guardian of the leftovers and other data that are vital in tracing the evolution of the civilization. Approximately all the cities house museums where the ancient heritage lies safely for human perusal. Various objects like ancient pots, jewelries, manuscripts, paintings, weapons, sculptures and costumes are to be establishing in the museums.

  1. Read the famous quotes and translate them. Which of them do you agree?

Famous Music Quotes

If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. ... I get most joy in life out of music - Albert Einstein

Music does bring people together. It allows us to experience the same emotions. People everywhere are the same in heart and spirit. No matter what language we speak, what color we are, the form of our politics or the expression of our love and our faith, music proves: We are the same - John Denver

The woods would be very silent if the only birds that sang were those who sang best...Henry David

Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music - Sergei Rachmaninov

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent - Victor Hugo

When words fail, Music speaks - H.C. Anderson

Music is the poetry of the air - Richter

Music is the medicine of the breaking heart - Leigh Hunt