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Великобритания_без теста.doc
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Pancake day

Pancake Day is a popular name for Shrove Tuesday – the last day of enjoyment before the fasting of Lent. On Shrove Tuesday Christians confessed their sins to a priest. Many people still traditionally eat pancakes on that day. One of the main events of Shrove Tuesday is the pancake race at Olney in Buckinghamshire. The competitors in the race are housewives from Olney; they have to make their pancakes and run from the village square to the church.


Another popular British tradition is Halloween, celebrated on October, 31, the eve of All Saints’ Day. Halloween customs date back to the time when people believed in devils, witches and ghosts. They thought that they could do all kinds of damage to property. Some people tried to ward off witches by painting magic signs or nailing a horseshoe. Now most people do not believe in evil spirits. Today the day is usually marked by costume balls or fancy-dress parties and is a popular tradition with young people and children. On the night of Halloween children or grown-ups visit houses and ask the residents if they want “trick” or “treat”. If the people in the house give the children a “treat” (usually money or sweets), then the children will not play a trick on them. Another Halloween custom is to scrape out a pumpkin, cutting eyes, nose and mouth and lighting a candle inside, this is made to scare their friends.

Exercise 2. Contradict to the following, using the phrases: That’s wrong, I can’t agree with you, According to the text, As far as I know.

  1. British people do not observe any traditions.

  2. The Scots celebrate New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day instead of Hogmanay.

  3. Northern Ireland has no several own specific festivals.

  4. On August Bank Holiday the town folk usually stay in town.

  5. The traditional Christmas dishes are pizza and Christmas cake.

  6. The 14th of February is a simple ordinary day.

  7. The competitors in the pancake race on Shrove Tuesday are gentlemen.

  8. The eve of All Saints’ Day is usually marked by meetings and demonstrations.

Written tasks

Exercise 1. Write a letter to your friend from Germany. Here is a part from her letter.

“ … I am very glad that your report on holidays in Britain was highly estimated. Could you tell me about the most ancient ones and I will tell you about our holidays in my next letter.

Looking forward to getting your letter.

Much love,


Observe the rules of letter writing.