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Vocabulary notes

significant faultsзначительные недостатки

at one extreme... at the other extremeна одном полюсе... на другом

to exercise considerable economic freedom of choiceиметь значитель­ную экономическую свободу выбора


whilst [wailst] (syn. while)в то время как, пока

state- controlled industryпромышленность, контролируемая государством

to avoid disadvantagesизбегать недостатков

to enjoy the benefitsиметь преимущества, пользоваться преимуществами

to interactвзаимодействовать

to solve economic problems – решать экономические проблемы

a share of the outputдоля в объеме производства

essential itemsтовары и услуги первой необходимости

a range of businessesзд. ряд компаний, фирм


I. Suggest the Russian equivalents

an intermediate system has developed; to supply essential items; the government controls a share of the output

II. Replace the parts in italics by synonyms

significant faults; a range of products; whilst others are used in response to the demands of consumers

III. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text

1. Command and market economies both have __.

2. __ contains elements of both market and planned economies.

3. __ we have a command economy, which does not __, __ we have a free market, where individuals __ without __.

4. Some countries are __ to command economies, while others are __ to free market economies.

5. It is just __ between market and planned element that __ in all the economies of the world.

6. The aim of mixed economies is __ the disadvantages of both systems while __ the benefits that they both offer.

7. In a mixed economy the government and the private sector __ in ___.

8. The state controls __ through __, and __, and intervenes to supply

9. The Conservative government switched many state-owned businesses to being privately owned as part of its __.

IV. Find in the text English equivalents for the following

избегать недостатков; частный сектор; налогообложение; централизо­ванно принимать экономические решения; на одном полюсе – на дру­гом...; без ограничений; взаимодействовать в решении проблем; пользо­ваться благами; правительство, возглавляемое...

V. Increase your vocabulary

to enjoy (syn. to have as an advantage — иметь, пользоваться)

to enjoy a boom

to enjoy a high standard of living

to enjoy a basic standard of living

to enjoy the benefits

Make some sentences of your own with the above expressions.


1. Иметь хорошее здоровье.

2. Все граждане государства должны иметь равные права.

3. Эта пьеса очень популярна.

VI. Check your grammar

It is (was) ... that (who) – именно

It is the Intention of the planners that there should be enough goods and services for all.

It is these disadvantages that have led to many countries abandoning planned economies.

It is consumers who decide what is to be produced.

It is just the balance between market and planned elements that alters.

Rewrite the following sentences using the emphatic construction

1. Television was invented in this century.

1. Mathematicians have solved complicated problems with the help of computers.

3. I first saw this play on TV.

4. Two doctors made this discovery.

5. Owing to the rain we couldn't come.

VII. Answer the questions

1. Are there really pure examples of planned and market economies in the world?

2. What's a mixed economy? What's its aim?

3. What type of economy is the UK? is Russia now?

VIII. Translate into English using all the active possible

1. В реальной действительности экономические системы располагают­ся где-то между чисто рыночной и плановой экономикой.

2. Смешанная экономика — это система, при которой частная собствен­ность и рынок, а также правительство и общественные институты, энергич­но участвующие в обеспечении экономической стабильности и перераспре­делении доходов, взаимодействуют в решении экономических проблем.

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