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  1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

Високорозвинена промисловість, перехід на ринкову економіку, щорічна інфляція, мати значний потенціал, крім того, досягнення в сфері нових технологій, відповідати міжнародним вимогам, мати тенденцію до росту та розвитку, військово-промисловий комплекс, транспортні засоби перевезення, будівельні матеріали, домашні прилади, головний промисловий район, корисні копалини, повністю забезпечувати свої потреби, найбільша цінність, деревообробна промисловість, осьова роль, сприяти розвитку, без’ядерна держава.

  1. Say whether these statements are true or false. If some of them are false, give your version:

1. National economy of Ukraine is considered to be in transition now in its way to a market-based one.

2. Ukraine doesn’t possess considerable potential in all sectors of its economy.

3. Ukraine’s major industrial area is in the north of the country.

4. Ukraine completely satisfies her needs in iron, manganese and titanium ores. As well as in rock salt, cement, gypsum, mineral paints, graphite, mercury and uranium.

5. The biggest treasure of the Ukrainian land is oil.

6. Ukraine is a nuclear weapons state.

7. Ukraine is an independent, democratic, market-oriented state.

  1. List the main lines of reform.

7. Working with a partner discuss the questions below:

  1. Is Ukraine a highly developed country?

  2. Does Ukraine possess considerable potential of economy?

  3. What are the main branches of industry in Ukraine?

  4. What mineral resources are there in Ukraine?

Завдання для самостійної роботи (national economy of ukraine)

1. Find in the text the sentences in which the following words and phrases are used and translate them into Ukrainian:

the foundation of the might; in transition; a market-based economy; running inflation; considerable potential; a powerful defense industry; international standard requirements; transportation vehicles; power stations; mercury; black top-soils; the biggest treasure; considerable progress; to contribute; inefficient plants; a coherent programme.

2. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

To produce, to possess, a pivotal role, industrial area, machine-building, mineral resources, to trend

1. Ukraine … considerable potential in such sectors of economy as machine engineering, aerospace, telecommunications, textile, clothing, footwear, and agriculture.

2. Ukraine is rich in … .

3. Ukraine will pay … on the continent, due to its size, geographical position, economic potential and nuclear capability.

4. Thanks to the new economic and political conditions our industry … to grow and develop from year to year.

5. Coal mines, iron and manganese ore deposits, ferrous iron metallurgical plants are concentrated in Ukraine’s major …, namely the Donbas and the Prydniprovye region.

6. Ukraine’s … potential includes tractors and agricultural machine building, production of diesel locomotives and railroad cars, sea and river vessels, refrigerators, TV-sets, washing-machines, electric motors, industrial robots, motor-cycles and others.

7. Ukraine has started … about 200 types of new products: food-processing machinery, medical equipment, transportation vehicles, construction materials and equipment, small farming machines and home appliances.