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3. Listen to the dialogue and put in the missing words into the gaps:

А) theft B) curious C) alleged criminal D) trouble E) TV F) prosecuting attorney G) community service H) stuff I) alibi J) defendant K) on bail L) guilty M) witness

On jury duty.

  • Where were you last week, Rosa?

  • On jury duty.

  • Really? I’ve never been on a jury. I’m 1) …..what’s it like?

  • Actually it was quite interesting. The 2) …..was a young man. He was tried for 3) …..

  • And did he do it?

  • Not so fast. He’s been arrested for stealing a 4) ….. But he claimed to have bought it.

  • So what happened?

  • The 5) …..asked him a bunch of questions.

  • Like what?

  • Where he bought the TV, how much he paid for TV and 6) … like that.

  • Did he have an 7)…?

  • The 8)….claimed he was at home by himself. But there was a 9) ….who saw him coming out of the store.

  • So he did it.

  • Well. We found him 10)…..

  • Is he in prison now?

  • No, the judge released him 11) ….. Yes, he has to come back for sentencing in a couple of weeks.

  • How much time do you think he’ll get?

  • I don’t think he’ll serve time. He’ll probably get away with 12) ….

  • It’ sad to see a young guy get into 13) … , isn’t it.

4. Read the following text and write down Ukrainian equivalents for the words and expression in bold type:


dreaded – страшний, жахливий;

chore - рутина рoбота;

fear – страх, побоювання;

to lock – замикати;

to deny - 1) заперечувати; відкидати; 2) відмовляти(ся);

attempt - спроба; намагання; проба;

peer - 1) пер, лорд 2) рівня; рівний;

to summon - 1) викликати (в суд),, 2) скликати (збори) 3) вимагати виконання (чогось)

testimony - показання свідка;

opportunity - слушна нагода; сприятлива можливість;

chart - діаграма, графік, схема, таблиця;

fellow citizens - співвітчизник

The Fear of Jury Duty

For Americans, serving jury duty has always been a dreaded chore. There is plenty of history behind this fear. In colonial days, jurors were locked in a small room with no ventilation and were denied food and water in an attempt to inspire a quick verdict. If the jurors returned with the wrong decisions, they too were charged with a crime. As more and more laws were passed, the rules of evidence expanded and trials became longer, which resulted in more technical and increasingly boring hours for jurors. Trial lawyers have tried to change the boredom by replacing endless hours of testimony with computer animation, video reconstructions, colour charts and graphics to better explain the evidence.

The judicial system depends on juries. The United States Constitution guarantees its citizens the right to a trial by jury of their peers. When summoned for jury duty, Americans should look upon it as an opportunity to serve their country, their community and fellow citizens.

Each year, over 5 million Americans are summoned for jury duty to render verdicts in approximately 120,000 trials.

Prospective jurors are chosen at random from voter registration lists. When people are chosen for jury duty, they are often shown a video tape explaining the jury system or given a Handbook of Jury Service

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