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умственное воспитание с английским.doc
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1. Приветствие команд.

Team 1: Hello, dear friends! We are happy to meet you today. We wish you good luck. We are squirrels.

Squirrel, squirrel in the park

Your tail is like a question mark

Your little nose is black and bright,

Your eyes are glimmering with light.

When you run, you run in jumps,

Up the trees around the stumps,

Over the grass and clover, then

Scooting up the trees again.

Squirrels, squirrels, stop and see

What I brought along with me.

Something that is brown and sweet,

Something that you like to eat.

Squirrels don’t understand,

Here’s a peanut in my hand.

Team 2: Hello, dear friends! We are swallows. We are glad to see you and to have a competition with you. Best wishes and good luck.

Eight little swallows get ready to fly

The weather is cold,

There are clouds in the sky.

Eight little swallows are ready to go

Away from the winter

The ice and the snow.

Eight little swallows, as brave as can be,

Spread out their strong wings

To fly over the sea.

Eight little swallows fly high in the sky

We’ll come back next springtime,

But now it’s “Goodbye”.

We don’t say “Good-bye” to you, we say it to wintertime. We tell you “Hello”, “Good afternoon”.

The swallows are wheeling

About the sky,

So high!

“Swee-e-e! Swee-e-e!”

What do they cry?

Then they flutter,

And swoop at a fly

“We are here!

And summer is near!”

To me they cry.

2. Разминка.

Поэтический конкурс

The Dandelion

A dandelion yellow as gold,

What do you do all day?

I just wait here in the tall green grass

Till the children come to play.

A dandelion yellow as gold,

What do you do all night?

I wait and wait till the cold dew falls

And my hair grows long and white.

And what do you do when your hair is white?

And the children come to play?

They take me up into their little hands

And blow my hair away.

Yours and mine.

The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,

The silver moon that’s sailing by,

The rain and dew and snowflakes white,

The flowers sweet and stars of night!

The songs of birds, wind whispering,

The autumn leaves, the buds of spring-

Such lovely things to hear and see

Belong to you, belong to me!

A big rose

An ant has to walk almost an hour

To get to the top of a rose-bush flower

A grasshopper has to hop and hop

To get to that rose-bush top.

Even a bee has to fly.

To get up there because it’s high

But I can just stand there with my nose,

Right on top of a big red rose.


Eagles strike and eagles seize

Eagles fly wherever they please.

They catch the wind and high they soar

They reach for life and reach for more.

We together schooled

Are eagles flown?

We reach to life

To find our own.

Strong winds we spread

To catch the winds.

Wherever we go

Let us stay friends.


The lion has a tail,

And a very fine tail.

And so has the elephant,

And so has the whale,

And so has the crocodile,

And so has the quai.l

They’ve all got tails, but me

If I had a sixpence

I would buy one.

I’d say to the shopman,

“Let me try one!”

Then I’d say to the lion

“Why you’ve got a tail,

And so has the elephant,

And so has the whale,

And look! There’s the crocodile

He’s got a tail

You’ve all got tails like me!”

My little dog

I’ll never hurt my little dog,

But stroke and pat his head

I like to see him wag his tail,

I like to see him fed.

No, I shall never hurt my dog,

And never treat him ill,

But treat him kindly every day,

And he will love me still.

Конкурс “Найди слово”.

Try to find the hidden words among these letters. What are the English equivalents for Russian words: заяц, слон, попугай, олень, лиса, крокодил, козёл, ворона, антилопа, лось, сова, осёл, аист?