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Тексты по английскому.doc
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8. Просмотрите текст еще раз и ответьте на вопросы, ис­пользуя информацию текста.

1. What is the process of writing instructions called? 2. What is a code? 3. How must instructions be written? 4. What is the foundation of any programming language? 5. How was the de­velopment of programming languages progressing throughout the years? 6. What are the most common problem-oriented lan­guages? 7. What is COBOL? 8. What functions was COBOL designed for? 9. What does FORTRAN serve for? 10. What capabilities has PL/I?

9. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Языки программирования; блок-схема; кодированная форма; вид, удобочитаемый для компьютера; в соответ­ствии с набором правил; представить логические шаги программы; таким образом; совершенствовать языки про­граммирования; машинно-ориентированные языки; про­блемно-ориентированные языки; обычный термин; язык для программирования экономических задач; обработка информации; операции по вводу-выводу данных; гиб­кость; идентифицировать поле и его цели; решение проблем математического характера; сферы научного применения; универсальный язык; включать свойства; уникальные воз­можности; многофункциональный и самый мощный из языков программирования.

Задания для самостоятельной работы


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Application of computers

1. At present a great deal of the work force of most coun­tries is engaged in creating, processing, storing, communicat­ing and just working with information. Computers have become commonplace in homes, offices, stores, schools, research insti­tutes, plants.

The use of computers in business, industry and communi­cation services is widespread today. Computer-controlled robots are able to improve the quality of manufactured products and to increase the productivity of industry. Computers can control the work of power stations, plants and docks. They help in mak­ing different decisions and in management of economy.

The work of banks depends upon computer terminals for millions of daily operations. Without these terminals, records of deposits and withdrawals would be difficult to maintain, and it would be impossible to make inquiries about the current sta­tus of customer accounts.

Computers form a part of many military systems including communication and fire control. They are applied for automatic piloting and automatic navigation. Space exploration depends on computers for guidance, on-board environment and re­search.


to maintain records — вести учет

deposits and withdrawal — вклады и изъятие (выемка)

guidance — наведение (на цель); управление; руковод­ство

n-board environment — бортовое окружение

pattern recognition — распознавание образов

2. Computers find application in astronomy and upper at­mosphere research. Weather forecasting, library information services can benefit from computers too.

It is interesting to note that computers are widely used in medicine. They became valuable medical diagnostic tools. Computers are used for optical scanning and image processing, ranging from pattern recognition to image processing. Techni­cians can operate computer tomography scanners which com­bine x-rays with computer technology to give sectional views of the body of patients. The views then can be combined into a single image shown on the screen.

It should be noticed that learning on a computer can be fun. Students spend more time with computer-aided instruction per­forming the assigned task, as compared with conventional class­room.

At last air traffic control is impossible without computer ap­plication. It fully depends upon computer-generated informa­tion.

Many other uses of computers that we cannot imagine at present will become commonplace in the transition from an industrial to post industrial, or information society.


to maintain records — вести учет

deposits and withdrawal — вклады и изъятие (выемка)

guidance — наведение (на цель); управление; руковод­ство

n-board environment — бортовое окружение

pattern recognition — распознавание образов


Задание 1. Прочтите текст (по вариантам) и озаглавьте его. Вы­полните письменный перевод текста по вариантам.

1. It is well known that the quick development of electron­ics began with the invention of transistors. They replaced elec­tronic tubes due to their numerous advantages. One of the main advantages of the transistors in comparison with the vacuum tube is absence of filament power loss*. One of the principal causes of damages in electronic circuitry is high temperature. The heat causes breakdown of tubes and other circuit elements that are very sensitive to this influence. The transistor, on the other hand, does not heat its surroundings.

Another advantage of the transistor is its long life. The life of the average transistor is more than ten thousand operating hours. Because of its long lifetime and ruggedness, the transis­tor is very reliable and has much better efficiency in professional equipment.

2. As we know, transistors replaced electronic tubes due to their numerous advantages. One of the advantages of the tran­sistor is its small dimensions. Because of their small size, the absence of heating and other properties, transistors make it pos­sible to produce compact, small-dimensioned electronic devices which consume very little power.

In conclusion it is important to note that transistors revolu­tionized many fields of technology. They are successfully used for direct transformation of heat energy by means of thermal elements. They are also used to convert radiant energy into elec­tricity with the help of photocells or solar batteries. Light sources and lasers are built on the basis of transistors. They find wide application in computers, automatic devices, aviation, commu­nication, etc.


Filament power loss — отсутствие энергии на нити накала

Задание 2. Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.

1. Transistors have many_____over vacuum tubes.

a) patterns; b) advantages; c) scales.

2. They_____very little power.

a) consume; b) generate; c) embrace.

3. An integrated circuit is a group of elements connected together by some circuit_____technique.

a) processing; b) assembly; c) manipulation.

4. The transistor consists of a small piece of a______with three electrods.

a) diode; b) conductor; c) semiconductor.

5. Modern_____ began in the early 20th century with the invention of electronic tubes.

a) miniaturization; b) electronics; c) microelectronics.

6. John Fleming was the______of the first two-electrode vacuum tube.

a) generator; b) receiver; c) inventor.

7. One of the transistor advantages was lower power ______ in comparison with vacuum tubes.

a) consumption; b) reception; c) transmission.

8. Microelectronics greatly extended man's intellectual

a) subsystems; b) capabilities; c) dimensions.


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