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Henry VIII

PART I. Warm-up activities

Exercise 3.1

Group work. Check your knowledge Henry VIII and answer the questions.

  1. What do you know about Henry VIII?

  2. Can you explain the difference between the Anglican and the Catholic, or the Anglican and the Protestant Churches?

  3. Do you think it is possible for a single person to change the history of the whole country?

Exercise 3.2

Group work. Read the following text and express its main idea in Russian.

Today Henry VIII is best remembered for having had six wives. To his own generation he was chiefly memorable as the true heir of the two noble families of Lancaster and York which had long been in disagreement over who had the right to the crown. The Wars of the Roses had not begun as a dynastic quarrel but had later acquired that character, and the conflict between the rival claims of York and Lancaster had come to turn upon the comparative merits of male and female descent from Edward III. Henry was, through his father Henry VII, heir to Lancaster, and, through his mother Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Edward IV, heir to York, so for the time being the dynastic quarrel was healed. If Henry left behind him only daughters, the risk of a new dynastic dispute breaking out was very great - whereas a son would be gladly accepted as his proper heir.

The Wars of the Roses did not end abruptly in 1485 with the victory of Henry Tudor over Richard III at Bosworth and for most of the first Tudor king’s reign he was troubled with conspiracies, rebellions and rival claimants to his throne. We should not ignore the effect all of this must have had upon the young Prince Henry.

Exercise 3.3

Pair work. Have there been similar persons in Russian history? Suggest your variants and discuss those in pairs.

PART II. Vocabulary exercises

Exercise 3.4

Group work. Read the following words and word combinations and guess their meaning. Consult the dictionary, if needed.

Example: internal conditionположение дел в стране

internal condition; disgrace; torn apart by the war; adultery; to restore order; a male heir; to stir opposition; the English Reformation; peace treaty; to encourage; to undergo changes; Star Chamber; production for markets; renounce; enclosure; behead; profitable; to roam the English countryside; surplus labour; overseas colonies; outlive; foreign policy

Exercise 3.5

Individual work. Choose words from exercise 3.4 and make 5 sentences about feudal system.

Example: The new king restored order in the country torn apart by the war.

Exercise 3.6

Individual work. Match the given words and expressions to their equivalents.

Example: 1 – l

  1. the enclosure movement

  1. заключать мирные договоры

  1. sturdy beggars

  1. умереть при родах

  1. be disgraced

  1. удержать трон

  1. raise a rebellion

  1. подавить восстание

  1. to secure one’s hold on the throne

  1. военные действия на территории других государств

  1. put down rebellions

  1. тайный верховный суд

  1. Star Chamber

  1. большое наследство

  1. large fortune

  1. мнимая измена

  1. foreign wars

  1. расформировать монастыри

  1. make peace treaties

  1. прибавочный труд, излишняя рабочая сила

  1. renounce

  1. впасть в немилость

  1. papal supremacy

  1. политика огораживания

  1. alleged adultery

  1. не признавать

  1. die in childbirth

  1. верховная власть Папы Римского

  1. surplus labour,

  1. поднимать восстание

  1. dissolve monasteries

  1. неисправимые попрошайки

Exercise 3.7

Pair work. Choose words from exercise 3.6, then ask and answer questions, as in the example.


S1: When did the Star Chamber appear?

S2: In the 15th century.

Exercise 3.8