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Відділ освіти Малиновської райадміністрації

Територіальне відділення МАН України в Малиновському районі

Відділення: англійська мова

Секція: англійська мова

The improvement of English studying at schools”

Покращення вивчення англійської мови в школах”

Роботу виконала:

Павленко Ірина Ігорiвна

учениця 11 класу Одеської

загальноосвітньої школи

I-III ступенів №60


Бароліс Юстина Віталіївна

Вчитель англійської мови Одеської

загальноосвітньої школи

I-III ступенів №60

Одеса, 2011






My report is the problem of teaching English in schools Ukraine, and to offer to improve language learning. Through the eyes of schoolgirls, I can say that the pupils of the country know language on a small level. This is a problem for both children and teachers. We know that the language skills needed in many professions .On admission to higher education, professors need English language to perfection. However, the study of language begins with the school years, which means that school years are the most important years in human life. Just in the school child learns to read and write, and teach English. The first teacher of pupil has a huge impact on him. While a child in a small age, he is adapted to make a good study. It depends upon tutors, how to interest pupils in learning language. Unfortunately, Ukraine did not pay particular attention to language learning in schools. The fact that children are not fluent in English, it's their fault, but also fault of teachers. I agree that it all depends on the willingness of pupils, but the pedagogy also blame.

Even English acquired a status of the third language in Kazakhstan, but it is remained as the foreign language for majority of people, mastery of which is still problematical. English at high schools sometimes does not come easily to students that they make unbelievable efforts to catch the sense of the English speech. Who does not dream about the easy way of learning English? Because, usually it is rather long and exhausting process. It is commonly known, that language learning will become far interesting and productive, when the students are involved in creative activity.

1. English immersion

1.1. Five ways of passive English immersion

In order to achieve complete English fluency you should be prepared to resort to unconventional methods, and I really suggest you put my advice to good use if you want to see your spoken English come along.

Let’s face the truth, however – you can’t possibly speak English ALL THE TIME. There will be times when you just lie down on a couch to relax after a hard day’s work when all you want to do is enjoy a movie or your favorite TV show, or have a read…

Passive English immersion… It’s when you don’t get actively involved in the process through speaking but you soak up the information by listening, watching and reading.

Before we look at the ways you can achieve passive English immersion, here’s another nugget of information for you.

It’s been widely claimed that the first stage of any language acquisition is mostly listening and only then comes the speaking phase. Parallels are drawn between studying English and how small children learn their first language. Apparently the child doesn’t know how to speak and he only listens to adults and then starts to replicate sounds, words, and sentences.

The proponents of this theory conclude that adult language learners should replicate this language acquisition model because it’s obviously the most natural one, isn’t it?

This notion has become so common that many English teachers will even tell you to focus predominantly on listening and reading in order to prepare yourself for the next stage which is speaking…

The simple truth is that you just won’t become a fluent English speaker no matter how much time you spend on reading and listening. Passive English immersion is great combined with active immersion and the priority ALWAYS goes to the latter one

It’s your MOUTH that you speak with, not your eyes or your ears, and I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to get it? If you spend most of your time listening and reading, you’ll develop huge passive vocabulary (words you RECOGNIZE but struggle using in real life conversations). If you spend most of your time speaking, on the other hand, you’ll develop your ability to speak, and it should be the top priority to any foreign English speaker.

So – use the following passive English immersion methods in between your active immersion activities, and you will see your English improve in no time!

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