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2. The following words can be used in more than one way. Underline the correct part of speech for each word as it is used in the text.

1. e-mail a) noun b) verb

2. link a) noun b) verb

3. address a) noun b) verb

4. name a) noun b) verb

5. code a) noun b) verb

6. dot a) noun b) verb

3. Give the English for:

елсктронна noшта; передача та розповсюдження інформації; абонент; посилати повідомлення; електронна поштова скринька; електронна адреса; дешевий та швидкий зв'язок; постачальники; працівники; сервер; код кра'іни.

4. Match the words with the correct definition .

Identifier, supplier, message, e-mail, domain name, rapid ,e-mail address

1. the transmission and distribution of information through personal computers;

2. a short written or spoken note;


3. it describes the server that is used to send your e-mail, the establishment and the country name;

4. the user name;

5. very fast;

6. a business that supplies goods or services to a purchaser

7. it has two parts: the user name and a domain name; separated by an @ symbol.

5. Study the verbs which are used when talking about communicating by e-mail. Consult your dictionary and translate them into Ukrainian.

attach The report is attached to this e-mail.

call up He called up the document from the disk.

delete I didn't need it, so I deleted it.

e-mail І e-mailed my order to the company.

forward The secretary is forwarding my report to you.

log I logged on to my computer this morning and found this message.

undo It was a mistake, so I tried to undo the command.

wipe The file was wiped from the computer.

6. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. I placed a book order by ... .

2. To find out more, visit our ....

3. I've finished the report and ... it to this e-mail.

4. Have you ... this information to our business partners?

5. People need your ... in order to send messages to your account.

6. ... allows users to send and receive texts, graphics, sounds and images.

7. If the computer trying to deliver your ... does not recognize the it will automatically send you a warning e-mail.

8. He ... me all kinds of e-mail jokes he receives from his friends.

9.The easiest way to erase the text you don't need is to highlight it and press the ... key.

10. Did you ... a message on an answering machine yesterday?

delete; forwards; mailing address; message; e-mail address; e-mailed; attached; website; e-mail (2), leave.

7. Which of these means of communication do you use?

e-mail; fax, CD-ROM; cable TV; the Internet; satellite TV.

Match them with the correct definition from the list below.

1. a means of sending or receiving messages in electronic form through telephone lines;

2. a means of storing information on a disk to be read by a computer;

3. a system which allows computer users to send and receive messages;

4. a type of television service that broadcasts its programs by cable, giving its customers access to more channels;


5. a huge computer network of electronic mail and information, used by millions of people and organizations all over the world;

6. a type of television service that broadcasts its programs using a satellite in spac