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Книжка по Англ.мове.doc
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  1. Look through the text again, and choose the most suitable sentences from the list (a-I) for each gap. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. Ex.1g.

A. It is important to get acquainted with the person before you start dating.

B. It is important to keep up not only dating relationship, but also ties with your friends and family.

C. Making friends helps you to learn more about yourself.

D. The biggest challenge in the relationships is not to do the things that the other teenagers do.

E. Age and gender don’t matter in teenager relationships.

F. Warn your parents and friends when and where you are going.

G. Psychologists differed two general types of teenager relationships.

H. Try to stay safe when you are dating.

I. First times go out together with your friends.

J. There is no best age and best time to begin dating.

K. Think of your future activities together.

L. Be clear about time your parents expect you to come back home.

M. Be clear with your dating partner; express your thoughts and feelings.

N. A negative answer should be respected by your friends in healthy relationship.

O. Differences happen in healthy relationship.

P. In love relationship you cannot talk straight and frankly to you partner.

Q. Spend all the time with your partner.

  1. Translate the following phrases into Ukrainian:

To hold hands physical affection to hug

Healthy relationship to get to know somebody to share

To be upset to stand up to somebody gender

To respect to be confusing challenge

  1. Fill in the gaps with the proper words:

Listen, lie, person, relationship, share, trust, life, interests

Communication & Sharing: The most important part of any healthy …….. between two people is being able to talk and ……. to one another. You and the other person can figure out what your common ……… are. You can …….. your feelings with the other person and trust that they will be there to listen and support you. In healthy relationships, people don't …. Communication is based on honesty and ….. By listening carefully and sharing your thoughts and feelings with another …… , you show them that they are an important part of your …...

  1. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. У гарних (здорових) стосунках люди поважають один одного.

  2. Непорозуміння у стосунках можуть траплятися, але потрібно залишатися спокійним.

  3. Спілкування базується на чесності та довірі.

  4. Під час зустрічей потрібно ділитися своїми враженнями.

  5. Необхідно попереджувати батьків чи друзів куди і з ким ти ідеш на побачення.

  6. Важливо взнати людину ближче ,перш ніж почати зустрічатися з нею.

  7. Навчись говорити «Ні» своїм друзям, коли ти цього бажаєш.

  8. Навчись висловлювати свої думки та не бійся тиску з боку своїх друзів.

Заняття 1.12

Розмаїття захоплень сучасної людини