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10. Read the article and circle the correct answer for questions 1-6.

  1. Laughter lines around the eyes suggest……

    1. a good sense of humour.

    2. Honesty.

  2. Long eyebrows and a small nose suggest……

    1. friendliness.

    2. Creativity.

  3. A high forehead and large, wide eyes suggest…..

    1. calm person.

    2. Generosity.

  4. Wide, thin lips suggest someone who has got…..

    1. a fun-loving nature.

    2. Ambition.

  5. A strong jawline suggests……

    1. determination.

    2. Someone who is romantic.

  6. A wide mouth and very full lips suggest…..

    1. a desire to try everything.

    2. Friendliness.

Заняття 1.6

Мої права та обов’язки

  1. Read and learn the following words:

interrelations- взаємозв’язки;

exclusion- виключення;

to obey- слухатись, підпорядковуватись;

integral terms –невід’ємні умови;

existence- існування;

conscience- совість, свідомість;

freedom of thought, belief, opinion - свобода думки, віри,погляду;

property- власність;


public property- загальна власність;

seizure- накладання арешту;

arbitrary detainment- самовласне затримання;

imprisonment- ув’язнення;

presumed innocent- вважати невинним;

to impinge upon rights – посягати на права

to keep within something – притримуватись чогось;

  1. Read and translate the following text:

Every adult or a child who lives in the state has the strong link with its society.

Every state defines the character of interrelations of a society and a person, a state and a citizen. Ukraine is not exclusion. Ukraine as an official representative of the society secures juridically the rights and obligations of the citizen in the Constitution, which was adopted on the 28th of June, 1996.

You should be aware of your rights and obligations. Having the right to participate in Ukrainian society also means that you have a responsibility to respect the rights and freedoms of others and to obey Ukraine’s laws.

I’m 15 at the moment. As a young citizen of Ukraine I identify basic constitutional rights and the others. My constitutional rights are divided into personal, political, economical, social and cultural rights. I got my personal rights just right after my birth as the integral terms of my existence.

Personal rights and freedoms

The Ukrainian Constitution of Rights and Freedoms describes the basic principles and values by which Ukrainians live. The Constitution protects you and gives everyone in Ukraine the following fundamental rights and freedoms:

• the right to life, liberty and personal security;

• freedom of conscience and religion;

freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

My political rights include:

• freedom to hold peaceful meetings with my friends;

• freedom to join groups;

• the right to live, study and work anywhere in Ukraine;

My economical rights are:

• the right to property;

• the right to inheritance;

• the right to use the objects of public property;

My political rights are:

• protection from unreasonable search or seizure and arbitrary detainment and imprisonment;

• the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty;

• the right to have a lawyer;

• the right to a fair trial, through due process of law;

• the right to equal protection and benefit under the law, without discrimination.

My social rights provide me with the proper level of living which includes the right to the rest, right to the accommodation, right to the medical aid and so on.

My cultural rights give me an opportunity to education, to the freedom of creative and intellectual activities. The most important guaranties of education are settled in the Constitution which proclaimed the necessity of the secondary education. “The right to education” defines pupil’s and student’s rights and obligations, gives them equal chances to use the libraries, gyms, different kinds of equipments, to take part in the educational contents and so on.

My constitutional obligations are:

• to honour the state symbols of Ukraine;

• not to harm the nature, the cultural heritage of Ukraine;

• not to impinge upon other people’s freedoms and rights;

keep within the Constitution.