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Vocabulary check

Exercise 22. Put the correct “people type” in the blank.

  1. You never do your homework, Bob. You are the biggest ___________ I have ever seen.

  2. Mary can’t come to the party. She’s got a church meeting then she’s going to study for a Latin test she has next month. She really is a __________.

  3. Last night, Mr. Greenfield threw a fit. He yelled and screamed at me. He can be such a ___________ when we run out of beer.

  4. What do you mean you can’t go? We’re all going. It’s going to be great. Come on, don’t be a ___________.

  5. That __________ thinks he has all the answers and that everyone else is stupid.

  6. Oh, my God. Look at that guy coming down the aisle. He is so strange. Please don’t let that _________ sit next to me.

  7. “John got fired from his job. He lasted only two months”.

“The job lasted longer than his marriage at least”

“Poor guy. Nothing works out for him. He’s just a _________”.

  1. “Look at that poor girl standing alone over there in the corner. Talk about a __________ “.

  2. That boy eats like a pig. He has food all over his face. What a _________!


Read the text below and use the information in the conversations of your own


- Wow! Look at Burt now! As GLOBE’s photos show,

  • his face is slimmer, with even fewer wrinkles, his

  • moustache is darker and pointier and his hair looks a

  • whole lot more natural.

  • - I dare say, the 65-year-old actor not only looks

leaner and meaner, he’s also feeling young and


- Yes, Burt’s happy as can be and you can see it in his face. He is in better shape

and determined to stay that way. He put on some weight, but finally decided to

lose it. He ended up dropping about 11 pounds.

- I believe dieting isn’t the only secret behind Burt’s new look. It appears to me

that he’s had a full face-lift, as well as a brow lift. You can see that his

eyebrows appear to have been lifted. As we age, they descend, but not in Burt’s

recent photos.

- His Jowls are gone and the skin over his cheeks seems to have been pulled

back, showing his high cheekbones once again.

- It also looks like he’s had microplugs to restore his hairline. The old toupee he

used to wear is gone. All in all, I think he looks first class.

- I quite agree. He’s 65 and still very sexy and dapper. He’s looking and feeling

better than he has in years.


I’m 5’5’’ and have a curvaceous hourglass figure. While I’m happy with my shape, I have a hard time finding clothes that are flattering. How can I avoid looking matronly or too “thick”?

Take a cue from curvaceous celebrities and dress to fit your curves. Only boy-builds can wear baggy clothes without looking dumpy. Suits that are nipped at the waist and fitted pieces, like pencil skirts, will look great on you. You don’t want your pants to sit way down at your hipbones (accentuating butt width) or way up at your natural waist (bad mom shape) – about half an inch above your belly button will be best. Go to the tailor to have your clothes taken in at the waist so they fall the right way.

I have very fair skin and auburn hair, and after years of faking it with bronzer I’d like to try a pale, luminescent look. What is the trick to looking ethereal instead of pasty?

Avoid pearlescent creams - they’ll look a bit too otherworldly on naturally pale complexions. A cream blush (not powder – too obvious on pale skin) in a peachy, tawny colour will help you look flushed, not feverish. Avoid foundations and blushes with pinky undertones – they look unnatural with auburn hair. For even more dewiness, finish off the look with a cream-coloured shadow and a tiny dab of eyegloss.

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