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Учебник английского языка (модуль).doc
7.38 Mб

3 Уровень

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите диалог и статью из английской газеты

Bill: School is work just like any other work.

Denise: I think it's not work at all. If you are a brilliant doctor or designer you earn a lot of money. You become popular. Everybody knows and respects you. Newspapers and magazines write about you. Who knows about your great achievements and your excellent school work? Nobody except our teachers and parents. You work more than your parents and don't get money for your work. Sometimes your classmates tease you.

Bill: I've brought a newspaper with an interesting article. Read it and decide who is right, you or me?

Pavel’s Teachers and Parents Are Proud of Him

Pavel Delvig has achieved the highest results in the country. Pavel got “A”s in maths, computing, economics, business studies, French, German, Russian. Pavel's results have delighted both Pavel, his family, and his teachers at the King's School.

Pavel moved from Russia to Germany for his parents' work when he was nine. The family then moved to Norway before coming to Britain. He started learning English when he was 12. He won a scholarship to King's School. Now he is going to enter Cambridge University.

NOTES: delight - доставлять наслаждение, восхищать

scholarship - стипендия

Выберите окончание предложений согласно тексту статьи.

1. Pavel Delvig has achieved the highest results in...

a) Russia b) in Norway

c) in Britain d) in Germany

2. Pavel came to Britain...

a) to learn English b) for his parents' work

c) to win a scholarship d) to study economics

3. Pavel started learning English when he...

a) was in Norway b) won a scholarship

c) was 12 d) entered the King's School

Задание 2. Поработайте переводчиком: переведите фразы с русского языка на английский и с английского на русский.

Alex, a Russian student, is talking with James Mitchell, an American from Las Vegas, Nevada. This time their conversation is about the education in the USA.

- Мистер Митчел, какая система образования в Вашей стране?

- You see. The US has no nаional education system. Instead, each state is responsible for organizing and regulating its own system of education. There are common elements in the separate state systems, however.

- И какие же это общие черты (элементы)?

- Well, formal education is divided into the following stages: elementary, secondary and higher education. School attendance is compulsory in every state.

- Есть ли частные школы в США?

- The state provides schooling at all stages of education, but parents can send their children to private schools.

- Мистер Митчел, у Вас есть дети? Какую школу они посещают?

- Oh, Alex. I have a daughter, a nice girl, Chelsea by name. She attends a private school.

- Мистер Митчел, а какая разница между "high schools" и "higher schools"?

- A great one. High schools, junior and senior, provide secondary education. Most of them offer both general and vocational courses of study. And higher schools provide higher learning.

- Мистер Митчел, извините, что перебиваю Вас ... А в каких образовательных заведениях можно получить высшее образование?

- Places of higher learning include community and junior colleges, technical institutes, universities, and separate professional schools.

- Спасибо огромное. Очень хочется побывать у вас в стране.

- You are welcome.

Задание 3. Какой вы видите вашу будущую профессию. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What kind of work are you interested in?

well paid, interesting, in a large and famous company, quiet, in an industry which has a future, prestigious, not to sit the whole day in the office, to travel a lot

2. What position would you like to have?

manager (to manage people), an employee (to work for someone else), self-employed (to be your own boss), businessman, top manager (be responsible for everything), director, state employee (to work for the state)

Задание 4. Что людям приходится делать на работе? Опираясь на предлагаемые вопросы и выражения из задания 3, составьте небольшой рассказ об одной из профессий

What do people have to do in their jobs?

1. Does a nanny have to use a computer?

2. Do accountants have to answer the telephone?

3. Does a designer have to help a boss to plan the schedule?

4. Do postmen have to deliver goods?

5. Does an engineer have to make paintings or drawings?

Задание 5. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple.

1. Когда я приду домой, я позвоню вам. 2. Она позвонит нам вечером. 3. Если она позвонит вам, попросите ее принести мне книгу. 4. Я увижу Тома завтра. 5. Он придет через час. 6. Я поеду в Париж на будущей неделе. 7. Перед тем, как я поеду в Париж, я позвоню вам. 8. Я люблю ходить в парк осенью. 9. Четвертого июня мы поедем за город.

Задание 6. Закончите предложения, используя to be going to и один из глаголов









Example: Look at the sun! It is going to be hot today.

1. You aren't working very hard. I think you _____ your exam.

  1. Paul doesn't like travelling by plane. So he _____

  2. What you _____ at the party on Saturday?

  3. The bus is very slow. I think we_____ the train.

  4. They _____ some money from the bank.

  5. The weather is terrible. We _____ at home today.

  6. Who _____ him the news?

Задание 7. Прочитайте ситуации и дополните предложения, используя will (‘ll) или going to.

There was a job advertised in the paper recently. At first you were interested but then you decided not to apply.

FRIEND: Have you decided what to do about that job that was advertised? YOU: Yes, ………… for it. (I/not/apply)

You and a friend come home very late. Other people in the house are asleep. Your friend is noisy.

YOU: Shhh! Don't make so much noise. …………everybody up. (you/wake)

John has to go to the airport to catch a plane tomorrow morning.

JOHN: Ann, I need somebody to take me to the airport tomorrow morning.

ANN: That's no problem. ………… you. (I/take) What time is your flight?

JOHN: 10.50.

ANN: OK. ………… at about 9 o'clock then. (we/leave)

Later that day, Joe offers to take John to the airport.

JOE: John, do you want me to take you to the airport?

JOHN: No thanks, Joe. ………… me. (Ann/take)

A: What would you like to eat?

B: ………… a sandwich, please. (I/have)

A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it?

B: No, it looks as if ………… down. (it/fall)

A: Has George decided what to do when he leaves school? B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. ………… a holiday for a few weeks and then ………… a computer programming course. (he/have, he/do)

A: Did you post that letter for me?

B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot . …………it now. (I/do)