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Раздел 3 Грамматика и лексика

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What are Submarines Powered by?

B4 The first modern military submarine____________________by a combination of diesel and electric engines.


В5 It was developed by the Irish inventor John P. Holland in 1901. Many submarines still work in the same way today. The first true submarines __________to appear at the end of the 19th century in France and the United States.


В6 When _________on the surface, a diesel engine is used to drive the propeller and push the submarine through the water. An electric motor is used for underwater operations.


B7 Since1954, many submarines_____________________on nuclear-powered engines.


B8 These enable submarines______________hidden underwater for months at a time without refueling.


В9 Submarines that ______________for oceanographic research bear little resemblance to the military vessels. Because most research submarines are designed primarily to operate on the floor of the ocean, they are relatively small and have limited power.


B10 Such submarines are called submersibles. In 1986 the submersible Alvin ____________ the wreck of the sunken ocean liner Titanic at a depth of about 3,960 metres.


Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобра­зуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные за­главными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11—В16, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию тек­ста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному зада­нию из группы В11—В16.

Saving Water

В11 Water, water, everywhere, but not a lot to drink. If we don't use this most ____________ natural resource wisely we will pay dearly.


В12 Water is the most important resource for life on the planet. But is too easily taken for granted. With ____________dry weather and increases in demand, it is important that we all use water wisely to make sure there continues to be enough water levels left in rivers and wetlands to support a rich and varied wildlife.


В13 Saving water also saves money. Anyone who lives in, or buys, a ______________ built home has their water metered and pays for what they use.


В14 Low water _______________ can also choose to switch to water meters to save money.


В15 But everyone could benefit ______________if we all used less water. There is no new water on earth.


В16 All our water is recycled and needs _______________before we can use it at home and that costs money.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22—А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22—А28, в которых представлены воз­можные варианты ответов. Обведите номер вы­бранного вами варианта ответа.

The Doctor

It was a ringing frost. It was snowing. A22____________snow lay on the track as the doctor struggled slowly against a biting wind to the lonely farmhouse. Snow-drifts surrounded him from all A23____________. The sky was A24___________with dense clouds. The doctor was out of sorts. It must have been two hours A25__________he left the cosy warmth of his consulting-room in the small town to visit the old woman whoА26 _____________ sick in this deserted spot. He wondered, as he had so often done before, why he had chosen this remote district to practise in. Was he too honest or merciful? He knew that all his friends worked in big cities for large А27 ________________. And only he had chosen А28 _____________ practice in a small town.

А22 1) Profound 3) Broad

2) High 4) Deep

А23 1) sectors 3) parts

2) borders 4) sides

А24 1) hidden 3) wrapped

2) covered 4) concealed

А25 1) during 3) since

2) while 4) from

А26 1) lay 3) was situated

2) rested 4) remained

А27 1) communities 3) crews

2) companies 4) bands

А28 1) separate 3) private

2) isolated 4) individual

По окончании выполнения заданий В4—В16, А22-А28 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ №1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В4—В16, А22 —А28 распола­гаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе отве­тов в заданиях В4—В16 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

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