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1 пособие часть1(appliying for a job) (1).doc
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1. Translate

  • to evaluate the job market

  • to analyze one’s motivations and ambitions

  • to apply for a job

  • to invite an applicant for an interview

  • to compose a letter

  • to contain information

  • business-like

  • to make an effort

  • to seek for smb

  • to be too overwhelming about

  • to compel attention

  • a specimen of one’s handwriting

2. Explain

situations vacant pages

to study the job market

to consider one’s strengths and weaknesses

to sound like smb

to sound more forceful

to convey smth of one’s personality

to go on to the short list

to show enthusiasm

to compete against

the position

to hire

3. Complete the sentences

  1. If you want to apply for a job

  2. It’s not enough to evaluate the job market

  3. The letter you compose should not only contain all the information but…

  4. Try to show enthusiasm but…

  5. If your letter stands out and compels attention

  6. A specimen of an applicant’s handwriting may…

  7. Make an effort to sound businesslike

  8. You will have to compete against

  9. You won’t be invited for an interview unless…

  10. If you compose your CV effectively

4. Complete the sentences using your active

  1. White looking for a job…

  2. One should be realistic about

  3. It is not so easy...

  4. It’s “a must” to make/sound/show…

  5. If you want to be invited for the interview…

  6. The covering letter should be handwritten…

5. Paraphrase using your active


  1. Hunting for a job you will have to fight against so many rivals.

  2. The first stage is to investigate labor demand.

  3. Think of your achievements and faults or errors, your interests and aims

  1. You should include all the necessary details.

  2. The covering letter should be well thought of and present you.

  3. In order to attract the employer’s attention make it a little more convincing, energetic but do not over do things.

  4. Employers organize talks with candidates.

  5. The job was so important that they had to employ someone else.


Fred is a van driver, but he was fed up with long trips. He began to look for a job. He looked through appointments pages of his local newspaper, where a local supermarket was advertising for van drivers for a new delivery service. He asked for a job by sending the story of his working life and a written message with it.

Then he was invited for a discussion to see if he was suitable for the job. Fred seemed eager and willing to get the job. A few days later he was offered the job.

6. Partial translation

1. There are several ways of (поиска работы).

2. First you should (изучить рынок вакансий).

3. Then (оценить) your own chances

4. You should (принять во внимание) your strengths and weaknesses and (продумать) your motivations and ambitions.

5. You have to (составить резюме) and a covering letter.

6. The covering letter must (представлять вас)

7. Companies invite (кандидатов на должность) for an interview.


Harry is a sales person. He saw a job (в колонке вакансий) in one of the national papers. The (подал заявление), sending in his (резюме) and (сопроводительное письмо), explaining why he wanted the job and why he was the right person for it. Harry did not hear anything for six weeks, so he phoned the company. They told him that they had received a lot of (заявление). After looking at (резюме) of (кандидатов), the company (отобрала) 3-4 of them and then (взяли на работу) someone. Harry is still (ищет) а job.

7. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the list.

backgrounds accept group discussion

qualifications appoint letters of application

interviews hire handwriting analysis

applicants turn down selection process

experience shortlist psychometric test

candidates recruit

referees offer


Selection procedures

Dagmar Schmidt is the head of recruitment at a German telecommunications company. She talks about the ..............., the methods that the company uses to recruit people:

'We advertise in national newspapers. We look at the ……… of ……….: their ………… of different jobs and their educational …………. We don't ask for handwritten …………………… as people usually apply by email; ………… belongs to the 19th century.

We invite the most interesting ……….. to a ………. Then we have individual …………. with each candidate. We also ask the candidates to do written …………. to assess their intelligence and personality.

After this, we……….three or four………….. We check their…………by writing to their………..: previous employers or teachers that candidates have named in their applications. If the references are OK, we ask the candidates to come back for more interviews. Finally, we ………… the job to someone, and if they ……… it …..… we have to think again. If they ……… it, we ………. them. We only ……… someone if we find the right person.'

8. Translate

1. Когда вы ищете работу, нужно внимательно изучить объявления о вакансиях.

2. Нужно обязательно понять, какой работник требуется и придумать, что вы можете предложить

3. Необходимо проанализировать свои сильные и слабые стороны, интересы, предпочтения, свои цели и мотивы.

4. Перед тем, как подавать заявление о приеме на работу, вы должны составить письмо, содержащее всю необходимую информацию.

5. Ваше резюме и сопроводительное письмо должны представлять вас как личность.

6. Помните, что предварительный отбор ведется на основе удачных резюме, и что вам придется конкурировать с другими кандидатами на данную должность


Марк – инженер-строитель. Он искал более высоко оплачиваемую работу, когда вдруг увидел объявление в колонке вакансий в одной из газет. Это была должность высоко квалифицированного инженера с большим опытом работы в строительстве. Проанализировав свои шансы на успех, Марк решил подать заявление в компанию на эту должность. Он составил резюме, сообщил все необходимые данные и отправил его вместе с сопроводительным письмом. Он попытался показать, насколько интересовала его эта работа и компания и что он как раз тот человек, которого они ищут. Марк понимал, что ему придется соревноваться с многими претендентами на эту работу, поэтому заранее подготовился к интервью. Компания отобрала трех кандидатов, среди них был Марк. Во время интервью он произвел впечатления опытного специалиста, хорошо знающего свое дело. Компания приняла его на работу.


1. Telephone enquiries

Listen to the tape and fill in the missing words in this telephone conversation:

Transworld: Transworld. Can I help you?

Caller: (l) ....... I saw your (2) ...... for a junior accounts clerk in this morning's paper.

T: Oh yes.

C: (3) ...... to apply for the (4) ....... (5) ...... send me an application form please?

T: Certainly.

C: And could you tell me (6) ...... about (7) ...... ?

T: I’ll send details of the job and (8) ...... with the application form.

C: Thank you very much. (9) ...... from you (10) ...... then. (11) ......

T: Just a moment. Could you tell me your name and address?

C: Oh yes. It's Andrew .......

2. Guided dialogue

In pairs, pretend to telephone for an application form for the secretary's job in the advertisements. One student is the caller and the other the Transworld switchboard. Then change roles so that the second student telephones about the airfreight clerk's job.


1. Fill in the spaces in the following text with one appropriate word, or put - if no word is needed.

The chance of a job

David had been buying .............. (1) paper every day for months though he wasn't interested in .............. (2) news about the latest disasters around the world. It was.............. (3) work he wanted. David had been out of............. (4) work for ages and when he got the chance of.............. (5) job in the local youth centre he applied at once. He rang and asked them for............. (6) information about.............. (7) job and they told him he needed to have .............. (8) experience of working with .............. (9) children and if possible................. (10) training in counselling

techniques. David had quite a lot of................. (11) knowledge of counselling

because he had ................. (12) degree in psychology from ................. (13) Edinburgh

University and at one time he had seriously considered doing ................. (14) research

in educational psychology. Before going to the interview, he asked his mum for

................. (15) advice about what he should wear, and she told him to wear a suit and get his hair cut.

2. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word is given.

And a good job too!

There is a lot of (1) u................ nowadays so it is getting more and more difficult

to get the kind of (2) j................ you really want. Then you have to decide what is

more important to you - how much you (3) e................ or job satisfaction? Do

you want to work with your hands (called (4) m................ work) or do you prefer

to work in an office (called clerical work)? Do you prefer to work indoors or

(5) о................ ? Whatever you decide, when you are thinking about a career, or

applying for a job, you will find the following vocabulary useful:

apply for a job make an application to earn a good wage

to make a lot of money to have a large income to retire from work

to belong to a union to join a union to hand in one's resignation

dismiss someone from a job employ someone give someone a job

3. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.

Finding a job


































In today's world of (0) .... hardship, finding a job is difficult.

(1) .... has reached a record high, and even(2) .... qualified

people are finding it(3) .... to find work. Despite

this(4) .... news, there are certain things a person can do.

Firstly, it is important to read the job (5) .... in as many

newspapers as possible. Secondly, it is (6) .... to write

letters to companies enclosing a copy of your CV.

If your (7) .... is successful, it is imperative to impress

the (8).....A smart (9) .... is essential along with some

knowledge of the company. Above all, keep trying

and you are sure to be (10).....

4. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.


































The job interview

It is important to make a good (0) ...... when going for a job

interview. Interviewers usually ask a (1) ...... of questions,

many of which concern (2) ....... However, they also usually

like to ask questions about previous (3) ...... as well as (4) ……

not connected to the work place. Often the(5) ...... candidate

is not the one with the most impressive(6) ...... but the one

who shows that he or she has made the most (7) ...... use of

their time. Few employers want employees who are (8) ......

to think for themselves. The(9) ...... of advancement in any job

very rarely depends the (10)……. of work but more on

dedication of the employee.

5. Fill in the blanks with one or more suitable words from the diagram.

work as a journalist / architect

work in a hotel / hairdresser's / restaurant

work for a computer company

work at McDonald's / that bookshop / the George Hotel

hard heavy boring manual seasonal

be out of work come home from work take time off work

find look for get start

full-time part-time

well-paid badly-paid

Example: Why don't you go out and look for work instead of sitting around all day doing nothing?

1 Jane is working................ a software developer ………… Microsoft.

2 My dad worked................ a factory all his life.

3 His wife works................ the local council.

4 I'll talk to you about the problem when you come home................work.

5 Arthur has been out................ work ever since they closed the mine.

6 Her boss gave her time................work to go and see the doctor.

7 Though it is………… work, it is …………

8 She’s got a …………. job ………….. Mc. Donald’s.

6. Fill the gaps with an appropriate word from the list.

offer a choose а................ in computers

interview b go for an................

experience с go into................

reference d to get a................ as a waiter

career e to get the................

management f to earn a decent weekly................

salary g to get an annual................ increase

trainee h to get a................ at sixty-five

qualifications i to win................

promotion j to get a good................ from your tutor

sack k to have the right................ for the job

pension 1 to have two years' relevant................

job m to accept an................ of a job

wage n to take a young person on as a................

Phrasal Verbs

  1. Study this chart and then do the exercise that follows.




carry out smth; carry smth out

do something that needs to be done

Those repairs must be carried out.

deal with smb

do business with someone, or take an action to do with work

In my job, I have to deal with a lot of different people.

deal with smth

take the correct action to complete a piece of work or solve a problem

The problem is being dealt with.

get on

be successful in one's career

If you want to get on in your career, you'll have to work hard.

take on work; take work on

agree to do a job

You've taken on too much work - slow down a bit.

take smb on

employ someone

We're taking ten waiters on this summer.

take over

continue doing someone else's job

Who will take over now that Smith has resigned?

take up a post

start working at a new job

She took up her first teaching post in 1970.

turn down

to refuse an offer, to reject

I applied for a place on the computer course but they turned me down

Replace the underlined words with a phrasal verb from the table above. Make any other changes necessary.

1 After looking at his qualifications, they decided to offer him the job.

2 He's doing far too much and will make himself ill.

3 I started work here five years ago.

4 Who do you think is going to be the new director when Santana retires?

5 Will you handle any complaints while I'm away?

6 She did all the tasks successfully.

7 They were going to hire him but he rejected the offer.

8 You need a good education if you want to succeed in life.

8. a. Read the text and match the words in bold to the definitions below.

My son Tom applied for dozens of jobs before he was finally 1) taken on at Brown's Home Furnishings. He's only seventeen, and his father and I thought he should stay at school - but he was never really suited to studying and he didn't enjoy it there. Anyway, he's an intelligent lad and very likeable, and they 2) took to him straight away. In fact, they offered him a place on their training scheme right after his interview.

We think he was very lucky to get work, with all the unemployment round here and the number of people who've been 3) laid off because of the weak economy. Mr Brown, his boss, has said that if Tom works hard and does a good job, he'll give him a permanent job at the end of the year. He's even 4) putting up the money for Tom to do an evening class in computing once a week. It means he misses the last bus home, but luckily my sister Mary lives nearby, so she 5) puts him up on Wednesdays.

At the moment Tom's 6) dealing with customer queries. I certainly wouldn't like to face all those phone calls, but Tom seems to be 7) getting on really well with it. The responsibility seems to suit him. He also likes being on flexi-time, because he was never any good at 8) getting up in the mornings. He has to 9) clock in and out every day, but at least he can choose what hours he works — within reason, of course!

Tom's much happier now than he was at school — he really seems to be 10) benefiting from the experience. Even Mr Brown has said he's making the most of his opportunities. I'm so proud of him!

a. cease to employ smb, due to a lack of work

b. provide/supply smth (usu. money)

c. get out of bed

d. gain an advantage/profit/etc from smth

e. attend to/handle smth

f. immediately like smb/smth

g. accept smb as an employee

h. give smb temporary accommodation

i. make progress

j. put a card into a machine to show the time one arrives for work/leaves work

b. Replace each word/phrase in bold with a suitable expression from the list, using the correct tense/form.

get on, lay off put me up, take on, take to

1 My father was made redundant at the end of last year.

……… .

2 Whenever I'm in Brussels on business, my cousin Kay lets me stay at her house.

……… .

3 If you're looking for a job, I think they're employing new staff at the supermarket.

……… .

4 She liked her new colleagues as soon as she met them.

……… .

5 John's progressing really well in his new job - in fact, he's just been promoted.

……… .

c. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions from the list.

from, in, up, with

1. I'd better get ……… at 7 o'clock tomorrow, since the conference begins at 8.30.

2. The new school hall cost £1 million to build, but the school's Board of Governors put ……… some of the money.

3. I've got lots of work of my own, so I can't deal ……… your problems as well.

4. All the workers have to clock ……… when they arrive in the morning to start their shift.

5. This company would benefit ……… complete reorganisation.


1. Writing your CV (resume).

The most important reason to have a well-prepared CV (resume) is that it might be required to get you an interview or, in some cases, will be requested of you at the interview.

CV should be an accurate representation of what your have accomplished in your life as it applies to employment and should indicate to a prospective employer what you can bring to the company.

There is always debate how long CV should be. Some counselors advise keeping it to one page, others consider that it should be as long as it needs to be to make its points effectively. Most CV contain sections on education, work experience, skills, extracurricular activities and of course your personal details.

2. Fiona Scott is one of the applicants for the job at Patagonia. Study her CV carefully to see how the information is presented and decide where each of the following headings should be placed.




Name Fiona Scott

Date of Birth: 7 August 1969

Nationality: British

Address: 52 Hanover Street

Edinburgh EH2 5LM


Telephone: 031 449 0237

1991-1992: London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Diploma in Public Relations

1988-1991: University of London

BA (Honours) In Journalism and Media Studies (Class П)

1981-1988: Fettes College, Edinburgh

A-levels in German (A), English (B), History (B) and Geography (C)

1992 to present: Scottish Wildlife Trust Department of Public Relations

Responsible for writing articles on all aspects of the Trust's activities and ensuring their distribution to the press. Editor of the Trust's monthly journal. In charge of relations with European environmental agencies.

Summers of 1990 and 1991: Three-month training period with the Glasgow Herald. Assistant to the sports editor.

Summer of 1989: Sales assistant in the record department of Harris Stores Ltd., Edinburgh.

Sports: Cross-country skiing, rock-climbing and swimming.

Secretary of the local branch of 'Action', an association organizing summer camps for disabled children.

Camp counselling certificate

Grade 3 ski instructor

Driver's licence (car and motorcycle)

ШМ PC user

Fluent German and good working knowledge of French

Geoffrey Williams, Bill Denholm,

Professor of Journalism, Sports Editor,

University of London Glasgow Herald

3. Study and discuss the following CV:




Address: 44 London Road, Winchester S016 7HJ

Telephone: 0962 8890 (home) 0703 77877 (work)

Date of Birth: 30 August 1967

Marital status: single


Churchill Comprehensive School, Basingstoke 1978-1983

Winchester Technical College 1983-1985


C.S.E. Maths, English French, Geography,

History, Chemistry 1983

G.C.E. '0' Level Commerce, Economics, Spanish 1984

BTEC National Secretarial Practice, Office Practice 1985


Office assistant Totton Engineering, Totton 1984-1985

Secretary to

Sales Director Totton Engineering, Totton 1985-1986

Personal Assistant

to Export Manager Millbank Foods, Southampton 1986 to date

My work with Millbank Foods has involved responsibility for giving instructions to junior staff and dealing with clients and suppliers in person and on the telephone. I have accompanied the Export Manager to Food Trade fairs in Germany, France and the USA.


I speak and write French and Spanish quite well (intermediate level). I am now taking an evening course in German conversation.


I play club basketball regularly and I sing and play guitar with a local country and western band.


Mr S.J. Grant, Personnel Manager, Millbank Foods, 34-42 South Dock Drive, Southampton S08 9QT

Mr John Robinson, Sales Director, Totton Engineering, Cadnam Street, Totton S023 4GT

Miss P.L. MacPherson, Head Teacher, Churchill Comprehensive School, Independence Way, Basingstoke BA8 9UJ



NAME IN FULL George Guy Michaelides

PRESENT ADDRESS 45 Richmond Road, Colchester,

Essex C04 2JK

TELEPHONE NUMBER 0453 25982 (home) 0453 87967 (daytime)

DATE OF BIRTH 7th April 1950


MARITAL STATUS Married, 2 children (7 and 4 yrs.)


1961-70 Northgate Grammar School, Ipswich,

GCE 8 '0' levels; 4 'A' levels (French, Maths, Chemistry, Physics)

1970-74 University of London BSc Mechanical Engineering Professional Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers


1984-to date: Neptune Engineering Ltd, Quay Road, Poole

(manufacturers of marine engines and equipment)

Export Sales Manager responsible to Managing Director for sales of engines to over 40 countries in Europe and overseas. Staff of 35 representatives and 15 office staff. Also responsible for budgeting, recruitment and training of staff. Built up sales from £13M to over £45M. Set up and trained sales teams to cover markets outside EEC.

1977-84: Poseidon Shipping S.A., Piraeus, Greece (manufacturers and repairers of cargo vessels)

Sales Manager responsible to owners for contracts with shipowners in all countries outside Greece. Staff of 4 representatives and 4 office staff. Built up sales by over 250%. Researched and established new markets in Britain, Japan and over 20 other countries.

1974-77: Trident Engines, Manchester Road, Salford (manufacturers of heavy-duty diesel engines and transmissions) Trainee sales engineer/Assistant Export Sales Manager responsible to Sales Manager for sales to France, Germany and Greece.


1985- to date: Presentations at trade exhibitions in EEC


Technical articles in journals and conference papers

Fluent French and Greek (both spoken and written); good spoken

German; reasonable spoken Italian and Spanish

4. Write your own CV (resume).


1. Interview

a. Interviewing:

A skilful interviewer avoids asking questions like these:

Have you written many reports and letters in English? (yes/no) Are you an aggressive person?

but instead asks questions like these:

Can you tell me about your experience in writing English?

What kind of person would you say you were?

If a candidate has more chance to speak, the interviewer has more time to listen to what he or she says and can form a better impression.

If you want a question to sound more friendly and less aggressive -or if you want to play for time while you think of another good question to ask — you can use expressions like these:

Could you tell me…? I’d also like to know…

I wonder if you could tell me … I’d like to know…

Would you mind telling me …? Do you happen to know…?

b. Being interviewed:

Remember that successful job interviews are like a good theatrical performance. If you convincingly act confident, enthusiastic, and prepared for those tricky questions, there's a good chance you'll be called back for an encore! Imagine being prepared for just about every possible question a job interviewer could throw at you! Not only would you be more relaxed and confident in the interview, but you'd have a chance to prepare dynamic and well thought-out answers to those job interview questions

You can give yourself a little time to think before you answer a difficult question by using these expressions:

Let me see,… That’s a very good question!

I’m not sure about that Oh, let me think,…

I’ve no idea, I’m afraid. I’m afraid I don’t know.

0 0

Some interviewers like to give candidates a hard time by asking them difficult questions. Listen to some typical questions that an interviewer might ask; give your answers.

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