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федеральное агентство по образованию

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высшего профессионального образования

«Южно-Российский государственный университет

экономики и сервиса»


Английский язык


для студентов 1 курса ОФО

специальностей 260901, 260902, 071501, 260800





доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки»



к.п.н.,доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки» ЮРГУЭС


ст.преп. кафедры «Иностранные языки» ЮРГУЭС


Белай, В.И.

Английский язык: практикум / В.И.Белай. - Шахты: ГОУ ВПО «ЮРГУЭС», 2010. - _____с.: ил.

Практикум предназначен для студентов 1 курса очной формы обучения технологических специальностей в области моделирования, конструирования и пошива одежды. Цель практикума – подготовка студентов к чтению и пониманию текстов по специальности с опорой на лексико-грамматический материал; развитие разговорных навыков на общие темы и развитие навыков письма. Содержание текстов призвано расширить общие, страноведческие и специальные знания в области одежды, тканей и моды, а также может служить основой для развития навыков устной и письменной речи.

© ГОУ ВПО «Южно-Российский государственный

университет экономики и сервиса», 2010

С одержание


Lesson One

Lesson Two

Lesson Three

Lesson Four

Lesson Five

Lesson Six

Lesson Seven

Lesson Eight

Библиографический список


Настоящий практикум предназначен для студентов 1 курса очной формы обучения специальностей «Технология швейных изделий», «Конструирование швейных изделий», «Художественное проектирование костюма» и «Конструирование, технология изделий и материалы легкой промышленности».

Цель практикума – обеспечить овладение всеми видами речевой деятельности: чтением, устной речью и письмом в пределах, определяемых программой для неязыковых вузов.

Структурно практикум состоит из 8 уроков. Каждый урок разбит на подразделы и рассчитан на введение и закрепление словообразовательных элементов, грамматического материала в ситуациях, коммуникативных упражнениях и микротекстах.

Используются также подстановочные упражнения, так называемые Progressive Substitution Exercises, которые рекомендуется выполнять устно, в быстром темпе. Грамматические упражнения на введение нового материала содержат правила-инструкции, представленные в виде схем и моделей. Ситуативность и коммуникативная направленность упражнений призваны обеспечить формирование у студентов связей между речевыми интенциями и грамматическими средствами их реализации. Блок лексических упражнений после поурочного словаря к текстам предназначен для тренировки в сочетаемости слов, усвоения новой лексики и облегчения понимания содержания текстов.

В содержании текстов отражаются исторические, социальные, эстетические и экономические проблемы моды и одежды. Тексты носят познавательный характер и представляют интерес для будущих специалистов в области конструирования и изготовления одежды. Количество текстов в каждом уроке, их объем, последовательность расположения обусловлены особенностями изучаемой темы.

В ходе работы над пособием возможен индивидуальный подход к студентам для достижения лучшего результата.

Lesson One

1 Grammar Exercises. Situations and Drills

1.1 The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense V, V-s

Прочтите следующие микротексты о некоторых распространенных профессиях и выполните задания к ним (см. ниже, после текста А)

A New words: typewriter - пишущая машинка; file - скоросшиватель, подшитые бумаги; shorthand - стенография

A secretary writes letters, answers the telephone and meets people. She puts papers away in the file cabinet. She stands between her boss and his visitors. She helps her boss to plan his time and to finish his work. A secretary-linguist is a special kind of secretary who knows other languages. She also knows typing and shorthand, speaks and writes one or two foreign languages. She uses a computer every day and doesn’t use a typewriter. She looks elegant and always dresses well.

“Yes/No” Questions (Используйте данные ниже рекомендации при работе со всеми микротекстами урока. Работайте в паре).

Ситуация: Ваша подруга не успела прочитать текст. У нее отдельные предложения на карточке, причем некоторые из них тексту не соответствуют. Она составляет к ним вопросы и обращается к вам за ответами.

Образец: На карточке предложение:

1) A secretary meets people.

Ваша подруга спрашивает: Does a secretary meet people?

Вы отвечаете: Yes, she does. She meets people.

2) A secretary writes articles for newspapers and magazines.

Ваша подруга:

Does a secretary write articles for newspapers and magazines?

Вы отвечаете:

No, she doesn’t. She writes letters.

3) A secretary answers the telephone.

4) She puts papers away in the special bag.

5) She stands between the boss and his visitors.

6) A secretary-linguist uses a typewriter every day.

7) She helps her boss to learn foreign languages.

8) She looks elegant and dresses well.

Either - or Questions. Чтобы восстановить содержание текста и лучше его запомнить, ваша подруга продолжает расспрашивать вас, уточняя некоторые детали.

Ваша подруга:

1) Does a secretary put papers away in the file cabinet or in a special bag?

Вы: She puts papers away in the file cabinet.

2) Does she help her boss to plan his time or to fail (провалить) his business activity?

3) Does she answer the telephone or the radio signals?

4) Does a secretary-linguist use a typewriter or a computer?

5) Does the boss or a secretary-linguist know foreign languages?

6) Does she always dress well or badly?

B New words: to bring up - воспитывать; attitude - отношение; to keep on learning - продолжать учиться; term - семестр; to grade - аттестовать, выставить итоговые оценки; view - взгляд, мировоззрение

Teachers work in schools. They help their students to learn and bring them up in the spirit of high moral ideals. They like their students and teach them well. Teachers develop their students’ intellect, form their views and characters, their attitude to life and to other people. They explain lessons, ask questions and answer them, give homework, correct papers and meet with the students’ parents. They have good knowledge of the subject they teach and keep on learning all life long. At the end of every term they grade their students.

“Yes/No” Questions (Действуйте в соответствии с рекомендациями к тексту А).

1) Teachers help their students to learn.

2) Teachers form their students’ views and characters.

3) Students grade their teachers at the end of every term.

4) Teachers correct papers and meet with the students’ parents.

5) They have poor knowledge of the school subjects.

“Either - or” Questions.

1) Does the teacher work in a school or in an Academy?

2) Does the teacher develop his students’ intellect or learn them to work with their hands?

3) Does the teacher possess (have) a good knowledge of the subject or learn it with his students?

4) Does the teacher grade his students at the beginning or at the end of every term?

C New words: medicine - лекарство; to save - спасать; to repair -ремонтировать, чинить; surgeon - хирург; wounded - раненый

The professions of teacher and doctor are very important. One kind of doctor is a surgeon. He works in a hospital. The surgeon operates on sick people at any time of day and night if it is necessary. He repairs their bodies and saves their lives. After the operation, he orders medicine and watches his patients until they are well. The surgeon risks his life when he operates on wounded soldiers and officers in front hospitals during the war. His work is hard and demands long studies at the University and training in a hospital.

“Yes/No” Questions.

1) A surgeon is a kind of doctor.

2) The surgeon repairs typewriters and computers.

3) He operates on sick and wounded people.

4) He watches his patients until they feel bad.

5) This profession demands long studies at the University.

“Either - or” Questions.

1) Is the surgeon a kind of doctor or seaman?

2) Does the surgeon order books and magazines or medicine for his patients?

3) Does his work need training in a hospital or in school?

4) Is his work hard or easy?

D New words: apartment = flat; brick - кирпич; wood - дерево, древесина; store = big shop; to cut - резать; piece - кусок; indoors - внутри помещения

А construction worker puts buildings together. He works with his hands - measures wood and cuts it into pieces, carries bricks and metal parts. He follows a building plan to make houses, apartments, stores, hotels and offices. He works in the open air in summer and in winter. A painter-and-decorator mostly works indoors. He paints floors, windows, doors and hang wallpaper. Sometimes the construction worker repairs or reconstructs buildings, too. The construction workers build towns and cities in different parts of the country and of the world.

“Yes / No” Questions.

1) A construction worker puts buildings together.

2) He works with his hands.

3) He designs apartments, houses and buildings and makes a building plan.

4) A painter-and-decorator works indoors.

5) The construction worker repairs wounded people.

Either - or” Questions.

1) Does a construction worker cut wood or bricks?

2) Does he work in the open air or indoors?

3) Does he sometimes repair and reconstruct buildings or cassette recorders and TV sets?

4) Does a painter-and-decorator put buildings together or decorate them indoors?

E New words: to appear - появляться; slim - тонкий, изящный; flawless - безупречный

Fashion models show us the newest styles of clothes. They put on new clothes and stand in front of cameras. Pictures of models appear in newspapers, fashion magazines and various popular magazines, especially in those for women. They also take part in fashion shows. People see the pictures and shows and want to buy new fashionable clothes.

Fashion models look very nice, they are tall and slim with flawless physiques. Many young girls and women know the names of supermodels such as Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington and others.

“Yes / No” Questions.

1) Fashion models show us new styles of clothes.

2) Pictures of fashion models appear in school textbooks.

3) They help sell new fashions.

4) Fashion models look ordinary.

5) Many people know the names of Russian fashion models.

“Either - or” Questions.

1) Do fashion models put on new fashionable clothes or old ones?

2) Do models help sell clothes or fashion magazines?

3) Do they take part in fashion shows or in sports competitions?

F New words: department - отдел, ведомство; to fill - заполнять; form - бланк; business trip - командировка; counter - прилавок, стойка; to find = to think; dull - скучный; creative - творческий

A clerk or a white-collar worker works at an office, a department, a firm or a bank. He writes instructions, fills forms, works with different papers and documents, writes and answers letters, receives visitors. Sometimes he goes on business trips. He usually sits at the table or behind the counter. He may sit alone or with other clerks in one room. His working day begins at 8/9 o’clock and is over at 5/6 o’clock. He has an hour break for lunch in the middle of the day. Some clerks find their job monotonous and dull, especially if they don’t see visitors during the day.

“Yes / No” Questions.

1) A clerk works with different papers and documents.

2) He receives foreign delegations.

3) His working day begins early in the morning.

4) The clerk has an hour break for lunch.

5) His work is creative and very interesting.

“Either - or” Questions.

1) Does a white-collar worker work at a firm, bank, department or at school?

2) Does he work with documents and visitors or with bricks and wood?

3) Does he sit at the table or stand in front of cameras?

4) Does the white-collar worker spend the day in the office or does he do his work at home?

Who - Questions.

Задайте следующие вопросы вашей подруге, чтобы проверить, правильно ли она запомнила основные виды деятельности каждого специалиста. Затем составьте еще 10 who-questions, чтобы задать их другим студентам.

Образец: Who draws pictures for books and magazines? - A painter does.

1) Who shows people new styles of clothes?

2) Who stands between the boss and his visitors?

3) Who builds and repairs buildings?

4) Who operates on sick and wounded people?

5) Who works with forms and documents?

6) Who grades students at the end of every term?

1.1.1 Ситуация: Вам хорошо известны привычки членов вашей семьи и ваших знакомых. Составьте как можно больше предложений с предлагаемыми словосочетаниями. Употребите наречия often/ seldom/ never/ usually/ always перед сказуемым или слова every day в конце предложения. Следуйте образцу. Следите за тем, чтобы предложения отражали реальные факты. Добавьте недостающие слова по смыслу.

Образец (Model):

a) I often / seldom / never / usually / always sit in the park after classes.

b) I sit in the park after classes every day.

Подсказка (Prompt): hurry home

Ваш ответ / реакция (Response):

a) I often/ seldom/ never/ usually/ always hurry home aften classes.

Или: She often/ seldom/ never/ usually/| always hurries home after classes.

b) I hurry home after classes every day.

Или: She hurries home after classes every day.


1) do morning exercises

2) have coffee in the evening

3) plan the day activities

4) write letters to

5) use a computer for typing documents

6) read newspapers

7) watch football matches on TV

8) have a glass of milk with honey (мед) before going to bed

9) buy fashionable clothes

10) correct students’ papers

1.1.2 При выполнении данного упражнения будьте очень внимательны. Работайте с максимальной для вас скоростью. Следите за окончанием - s в смысловых и вспомогательных глаголах в 3-м лице единственного числа.

Model: He plays chess.

tennis = He plays tennis.

like = He likes tennis. Does he like ?

We = We like tennis. Do we like ?

a) She likes to make tea.

1) supper 6) I

2) my sister 7) clothes

3) coffee 8) they

4) we 9) to wear (носить)

5) sandwiches 10) new

b) Lena sits in the park every afternoon.

1) evening 6) centre of the town

2) walk 7) Sunday

3) morning 8) do some shopping

4) street 9) he

5) we 10) many people

c) Does Peter like to repair cars?

1) coloured TV sets 6) cook meat

2) cassette recorders 7) write letters

3) you 8) they

4) houses and apartments 9) read detective stories

5) John 10) make clothes for dolls

d) Does a fashion model show new styles of dresses?

1) a designer 6) sell

2) cameras 7) Japanese TV sets

3) an engineer 8) books for children

4) you 9) they

5) a shop-assistant 10) buy

1.3 Повторите спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple. Заполните пропуски в предложениях.

I am

We/ you/ they are

He / she/ it is

Am I?

Are we / you/ they ?

Is he / she/ it?

  1. Peter ____ a first-year student.

  2. I ___ a book-lover and home-sitter.

  3. They ___ islanders. They seldom see other people.

  4. The British ___ well-mannered people.

  5. Great Britain ___ a country of traditions.

  6. She ___ a foreigner. I can’t understand a word she says.

  7. I ___ sorry. ___ this a bus to the centre of the city?

  8. Sport ___ an important part of my life.

  9. ___ you fond of playing football?

  10. ___ he as clever as his brother?

1.3.1 Заполните пропуски в предложениях с конструкцией there+be. Не забудьте начинать перевод предложений с обстоятельства места.

There + is/are + подл. + обстоятельство места.

Model: There is a new school in our street. – На нашей улице находится новая школа.

  1. There ___ many museums in London.

  2. There ___ a lot of historical monuments in St. Petersburg.

  3. ___ there any trousers in your wardrobe (гардероб)?

  4. There ___ not any animals and birds in this wood.

  5. There ____ a table, four chairs, a sofa and a telly in my room.

  6. ___ there a lake or a river near your town?

  7. There ___ much snow outdoors this winter.

  8. There ___ 50 states in the USA.

  9. How many parks ___ there in your city?

1.3.2 Переведите на английский язык, употребляя нужную форму глагола to be.

1) Я увлекаюсь игрой в шахматы.

2) Он очень популярный певец и композитор.

3) Эта традиция очень старая.

4) Моей старшей сестре 25 лет.

5) В нашей аудитории 4 больших окна.

6) Есть много интересных и важных профессий.

7) Какой твой любимый праздник?

8) Джейн будущий модельер. Она студентка колледжа.

9) Они очень богатые люди.

10) В Великобритании много интересных традиций.

1.3.3 Используя конструкцию «there be» скажите о том, что есть и чего нет:

1. in the street; 2. in the park; 3. at our University;

4. in the classroom; 5. in our town

1.3.4 Спросите своих сокурсников о том, что есть:

1. in his or her flat; 2. in this or her town