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    1. Read the text and express your opinion on the idea touched in the text. Prove your point of view.

Life becomes very monotonous without colourful celebrations. Public holidays unite nation and form national identity. Public holidays are usually memorable events in people's lives.

People of different nations inhabit our planet. All of them have their holidays and traditions. They unite people; make them proud of their country's history. People also should have time for relaxation, for leisure pursuit.

All the holidays can be divided into national and religious. Most of religious holidays are common for people in different countries.

Christmas is the most important among them. It is celebrated on the 25th of December in Great Brit­ain, the USA and other Europeans countries and on the 7th of January in Russia. Most families decorate their houses with a Christmas tree, buy presents for their nearest, go to the church, make special food. Its roast turkey and Christmas pudding in Great Britain.

The second important holiday is Easter, which celebrates the day when Jesus Christ came back from his death. People in Great Britain also celebrate St David's day in Wales. St Andrew's day in Scotland, St Patrick's day in Ireland and St George day in England.

Remembrance Day is observed in November to commemorate those who died in both the first and the second wars during special church services and ceremonies. People in Russia consider Victory day to be the most important. Wee also celebrate the day of Independence, the Day of National Defender, Women's day.

Some foreign holidays have recently become popular in Russia. They are St Valentine Day - the day of lovers and Halloween. When we know holidays and traditions we understand the people better.

    1. Dramatize the situation. You are going to an English spewing country for a week in Octo­ber. Find out from your foreign friend who lives there what's the weather like in October if it is changeable, (if it often changes), and which things it would be better to take with you.

  • Hello! You look so excited! What's the matter?

  • I have good news. I'm going to England to study for a week?

- When are you going to England?

  • In October. I feel worried a little; I don't know what the weather like in October in Brighton is.

- Oh! Brighton is in the south of England. It is warmer than in London.

  • But I've heard that Brighton is on the sea coast and it often wet and windy in autumn here.

  • You aren't quite right. It sometimes rain and windy but there are a lot of sunny days in October.

  • I know the English say: "There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes"

  • You are right. They use this proverb.

  • I don't know what clothes to take with me. I don't like to travel with heavy luggage, that's why I don't want to tale a lot of things with me. Shall I take an anorak, or a raincoat or umbrella?

Of course you should take an umbrella, because it may be sunny in the afternoon and rainy in the evening.

  • Of course I'll take it. And what about warm sweater?

I advise you to take it, because the winds are strong and it'll help you to keep warm especially if you are walking along the seacoast.

  • And what about T-shirt or light dress?

  • I advise you to take a T-shirt and cotton jeans with you. If it is warm you will wear a T-shirt and jeans and jeans and if it's cold put on the sweater.

That's the way out. And what about sunglasses?

  • I think you shouldn't take them with you. The sun in October isn't so bright, so you can easily deal without them.

  • OK, thank you. I'll follow your advice


l.Read the text and answer the questions to the text.

    1. Read the text and express your opinion on the idea touched in the text Prove your point of


There are many different cities in the world, but the dearest for us is the city where we life. We are proud of our native city, its past and present. Moscow is political, cultural and industrial centre which attracts millions of tourists.

Moscow is the capital of Russia. It's one of„the oldest city of Russia and one of the biggest and the most beautiful cities in the world. It was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147. Gradually the city became more and more powerful and under the ruling of Ivan III it became the capital of the state. Though Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg in 1712 it remained the heart of Russia. In 1918 Moscow became the capital again.

Moscow is a political economic and cultural centre of Russia. It is the seat of the government. Dif­ferent kinds of industry are developed in Moscow region. Moscow is famous for its cultural facilities as there are a lot of theatres, museums, universities, libraries, galleries and cinemas. There are many build­ings, remarkable for their architecture, historical places, beautiful streets, green parks, churches and monuments in Moscow. Lots of tourists come to our city annually to see its attractions. Moscow metro is the most beautiful in the world. It connects the centre with the suburbs. Moscow is called a port of five seas, as the Moskva-Volga canal links it with the Baltic, the White, the Black, the Caspian seas and the sea of Asov. There are nine railway stations and four airports.

Moscow is the centre of science as there are a lot of research institutions, universities, colleges, so it provides wonderful educational facilities. There is a great amount of stadiums, swimming pools, tennis courts, skating rinks, fitness centres.

But as any other large city Moscow has its own problems. Because of heavy traffic, plants and fac­tories, crowds of people, ecological situation isn't so good.

Muscovites love their city and are proud of it, so they should do their best to settle up all the prob­lems and to make their native city more and more beautiful.

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