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some feelings? Higgins. Oh, no, I don't think so. Not any feelings that we need bother about. (B. Sh.) 10. Why need my name have been dragged in? (Lw)

Exercise 20 p. 122. Paraphrase the following using the modal verb


1.I see no reason why we should argue. 2. It was not necessary for her to carry the bags all by herself: there were porters at the station.

3.Is it so very necessary that you should go there at all? 4. There is no use worrying about her; she is quite able to take care of herself. 5. What's the use of reproaching yourself. 6. I don't think there is any need to bother them. 7. It was quite unnecessary for you to do the work instead of him.

Exercise 21 p. 122. Translate into English using (don't) have to, needn't (have).

1.У нас поставили телефон, и нам теперь не нужно ходить к соседям. 2. Вам незачем идти на улицу: у соседей есть телефон. 3. У

нас теперь построили стадион, и детям не приходится ездить далеко. 4.

Им незачем ездить так далеко, можно заниматься в нашем читальном зале. 5. Можешь не отвечать на этот вопрос, если не хочешь. 6. Не обязательно вам приходить самому. Можете прислать кого-нибудь. 7.

Ему незачем беспокоиться. Все будет в порядке. 8. Нам не нужно было ходить в библиотеку. У нас были все необходимые книги. 9. К

вечеру зуб перестал болеть, и он решил, что ему не надо идти к врачу. 10. Много ли вам пришлось потратить времени на эту работу? 11.

Оказалось, что у меня есть этот словарь, так что мне не пришлось покупать новый. 12. Вам не нужно было покупать этот словарь, у

меня есть лишний экземпляр, и я с удовольствием дал бы его вам,

если бы вы только попросили. 13. Разговор наш продолжался недолго,


все было достаточно ясно, и нам не к чему было вдаваться в излишние подробности. 14. Ему не к чему было вдаваться в подробности: это все равно не помогло. 15. Все слова в тексте были знакомы, и им незачем было пользоваться словарем; это только отняло у них больше времени. 16. Все слова в тексте были настолько хорошо знакомы, что мне даже незачем было пользоваться словарем.

Exercise 22 p. 122. Translate and make up your own sentences on the same pattern.

1. Must I myself get in touch with him or is the secretary to do this? 2. Will they have to come here every day? 3. Need you be in a hurry? You have a lot of time left before you leave. 4. Am I to understand that I am not wanted here? 5. Did he have to make a living for the whole family at such an early age? 6. Do you think that she must make the first step to make up the quarrel with him? 7. You have to get up very early to catch the first train, don't you? 8. Need you so exert yourself having such big boys to help you?

Exercise 23 p. 123. Translate into English using the verbs must, to be (to), to have (to) or need. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Сказал ли преподаватель, что мы должны выучить этот текст наизусть? 2. Я не знал, что этот текст не надо учить наизусть. 3. Зря вы учили этот текст наизусть; его надо было просто читать. 4.

Не шумите: дети, должно быть, спят. 5. Никто, наверно, не сказал ему об этом. 6. Они должны были прийти в 5, а уже 6 часов. 7. Они,

наверно, забыли, что должны были прийти в 5 часов. 8. Надеюсь,

вас не пришлось долго ждать, да? 9. Надеюсь, нам не придется ждать. 10. Эту книгу можно найти в любой библиотеке. 11. Стоит ли волноваться из-за таких пустяков?



Exercise 24 p. 123. Analyse the meaning of the modal verb should and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. My family are of opinion that Mr. Micawber should quit London and exert his talents in the country. (CD.) 2. Bosinney looked clever; but he should be easy to deal with in money matters (Soames thought). (Gls.) 3. Soames thought: "Why is all this? Why should I surfer? What have I done? It is not my fault!" (Gls.) 4. E l i z a . I want to know what I may take away with me. I don't want to be accused of stealing, Mr. Higgins. H i g g i n s. Stealing! You shouldn't have said that, Eliza. That shows a want of feeling. (Sh.) 5. And suddenly Lanny remembered . . . on the highveld one did not speak to a white man till he spoke to you. He should have remembered. (Ab) 6. When Swithin approached his usual seat, who should be sitting there but Rozzi. (Gls.) 7. "To think that you should be the first to kindle the sparks of ambition in my 'umble breast, and that you've forgotten it! Oh!" exclaimed Uriah. (CD.)

Exercise 25 p. 123. State whether should is auxiliary or modal.

1.You (we, he) should have done it long ago. 2. We told him that we should let him know the day of our arrival. 3. Had it not been for the rain, we should have come in time. 4. He should be more careful about his health. 5. Is it possible that he should have misunderstood me?

6.I should gladly do it for you, but I am too busy now. 7. "I shouldn't have missed the chance," he reproached himself.

Exercise 26 p. 124. Use should or had (to) with the correct form of the infinitive in brackets.

1.We . . . (to call) on him yesterday, but we were too busy as


we . . . (to attend) an extra meeting. 2. I . . . not (to tell) him this news; he was so much upset, but I really . . . (to do) so, for the circumstances demanded that. 3. You . . . (to see) him dance! You have missed a lot. I

. . . (to take) you to the concert. 4. It was very hard work but we . . . (to do) it. 5. She ... (not to let) it pass like that, she . . . (to explain) it to him that he was wrong. 6. Although it was unpleasant to her, she . . .

(to tell) him that he was wrong.

Exercise 27 p. 124. Use should or need with the correct form of the infinitive in brackets.

1. I am very sorry, I . . . not (to bother) you with this trifle .2. You ... not (to come) so early, now you will have to wait. 3. You ... not (to give) the child so much money. It will spoil him. 4. You ... not (to return) the money so soon. I could have waited. 5. You ... not (to help) him with this work. He could have managed it himself.

Exercise 28 p. 124. Fill in the blanks with either should or must. Translate into Russian.

1. a) You . . . have spoken to him already. I see you know everything. b) You ... have spoken to him of the matter. Why keep him in the dark? 2. a) They ... have studied the subject more thoroughly; they will regret it later on. b) They ... have studied the subject thoroughly; they answered every question. 3. a) You ... have ignored the traffic regulations. That's why you were fined. b) You ... have followed the traffic regulations, then you would not have been fined. 4. a) He ... have forgotten to send them a telegram. b ) He ... have remembered to send them a telegram. 5. a) I . . . have taken Grandfather's spectacles. I cannot see anything through them, b) I . . .

have taken my opera-glasses. I don't see anything.

Exercise 29 p. 124. Translate into English using must, to be (to),


have (to), needn't or should.

1. Я не должен был говорить с ней таким тоном. Именно мой тон, должно быть, и обидел ее. 2. Мы, должно быть, пропустили его.

Мы должны были прийти пораньше. 3. Вам не надо было так торопиться; нужно было быть здесь не раньше пяти. 4. Она должна была выгладить это платье, до того как оно высохло; теперь ей придется смочить его снова. 5. Она не должна была закрывать окно так быстро, надо было проветрить комнату получше. 6. Эго должно было случиться. Всем известна его расcеянность. 7. Этого следовало ожидать, и нечего удивляться. 8. Нам не пришлось тащить вещи на себе: нам попалась попутная машина. 9. Вы не должны так расстраиваться по пустякам. Надо держать себя в руках. 10. Вы не должны грызть ногти. Это отвратительная привычка, и

нужно от нее избавиться. 11. Надеюсь, ты не должна теперь так рано вставать; ты ведь теперь работаешь в десяти минутах ходьбы от дома. 12. Она, очевидно, была очень приятной женщиной. Все говорят о ней с такой любовью. 13. В Крыму есть много растений,

которые нельзя трогать руками, так как они оставляют ожоги. 14.

Это лекарство можно получить только по рецепту врача. 15. Там,

наверно, идет дождь; смотри, какое темное небо. 16. С какой стати я буду делать то, что я не должна. 17. Они, вероятно, что-то горячо обсуждали; они даже не заметили, как мы вошли. 18. Через год эта железная дорога будет полностью электрифицирована.

Ought (to)

Exercise 30 p. 125. Analyse the meaning of the verb ought (to) and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The young ought to respect old age. 2. I know that from every


practical standpoint, from the standpoint of common decency, from the standpoint of what is right and wrong, I have done what I ought to do. (M) 3. The girl cannot be blamed. She was behaving naturally, as others ought to have behaved. (Vk) 4. He was a lawyer, and thought that things ought to be done according to juridical formulas which he had learned. (Gls.) 5. You ought not to show to him that you notice his stammer, he feels it very keenly. 6. "Do you know your mistress's name?" asked Mr. Murdstone. "She has been my mistress a long time, sir," answered Peggotty. "I ought to know it." (CD.) 7. With his straight delicate nose, his fine brow and well shaped mouth he ought to have been good-looking, but surprisingly enough he was not. (M) 8. "I could have my tea here with you," she suggested. "I'd love it," replied Jon. "Only I feel, you ought to be with the other guests, oughtn't you?" (Gls.) 9. "... perhaps he was right," she told herself ..." after all, Erik ought to know far more than anyone else what he wanted." (W) 10. Where is Bosinney? — He ought to be in his study. (Gls.)

Exercise 31 p. 125. Fill in the blanks with ought, to be (to), to

have (to).

1. Don't contradict her, you . . . to respect her age. 2. She is not a bad sort, if somewhat capricious; so you sometimes . . . to put up with her whims. 3. The situation grew awkward. He felt that something . . . to be done, or else the party would break up; so he . . .

to say a few conciliating words to put the guests at their ease. 4. He was boiling with rage, but he . . . to control his feelings not to give himself away. 5. I thought I . . . to do something to return their hospitality. 6. Not a living thing . . . to be seen. 7. Why do you ask my opinion? You have been in the business much longer, you . . . to know better. 8. You are a father, you ... not to neglect your duties to your children. 9.


According to the rules of the game a football player ... not to touch the ball with his hands. 10. He . . . to have taken the floor and spoken in favour of the proposal. 11. Ring me up at 6. The situation . . . to clear up by then.

Exercise 32 p. 126. Fill in the blanks with must, should or

ought (to).

1. Your questions surprise me, you . . . (to know) this. 2. Children

. . . (to obey) their parents. 3. Though it is a very unpleasant mission, I feel I . . . (to tell) you the truth. 4. Why . . . I (to know) where he is? 5. Let's tell him all as it is. He . . . (to understand). 6. You . . . (to apologize) when you saw that his feelings were hurt. 7. You ... (not to eat) so much bread; you will gain weight, which is not good for your heart. 8 .She ... (not to speak) about such things in the child's presence. Now you see the results. 9. I . .. (to know) that it might come to that. 10. a) If they had been warned in time, they ... (to be) there by now. b) If they were warned in time they . . . (to be) there by now. 11. His heart was now thumping so violently he felt it . . . (to burst). 12. He gave you just that feeling of assurance, of confidence that a doctor

. . . (to give).

Can and May

Exercise 33 p. 126. Analyse the meaning of the verb can. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. In the dimness of the landing I could not see very well. (Ldn) 2. "Your servant, sir," said Mr. Omer. "What can I do for you, sir?" (CD.) 3. You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. 4. E l i z a . I can do without you; don't think I can't. H i g g i n s. I know you can, Eliza. I told you you could. (Sh.) 5. I think you


could do it if you tried. 6. She could not have said why but she was sure of it. (Dr) 7. "Martha, is it you?" says Em'ly. "Oh, Martha, can it be you?" (CD.) 8. She cannot deceive me. Her name cannot be Doolittle. Doolittle is an English name, and she is not English. (Sh.) 9. Could this old woman be Louise? She can't have changed like that. 10. I should think there never can have been a man who enjoyed his profession more than Mr. Creakle did. (CD.) 11. I cannot conceive whose stockings they can have been that Peggotty was always darning, or where such an unfailing supply of stockings in want of darning can have come from. (CD.) 12. I was fresh and lively myself, in the pleasure of being there, that I could have stopped the people in the streets and shaken hands with them. (CD.) 13. She can't have failed to notice this mistake.

Exercise 34 p. 127. Use can in the correct form followed by the appropriate infinitive.

1. . . . you (to call) a little later? I'm afraid I shall be busy till seven. 2. . . . it (to be) a joke? 3. You ... not (to see) him at the meeting. He was ill. 4. . . . we (to cover) fifteen kilometres? The village is not yet seen. 5. He ... not (to forget) your address; he has visited you several times. 6. If you had let us know, we . . . (to send) our car for you. 7. I should be very much obliged to you if you ... (to lend) me your dictionary for a couple of days. 8. I don't believe her, she . . . (to fail) to recognize me. 9. He said he . . . (to manage) the task by himself. 10. Why didn't you ask me? I . . . (to do) it for you.

Exercise 35 p. 127. Translate into English using the verb can


1. He может быть, чтобы он опоздал. Он всегда такой пунктуальный. 2. Неужели он произвел на вас впечатление


рассеянного человека? 3. Не может быть, чтобы я неправильно вас понял. 4. Он не мог прочитать эту книгу так быстро; она трудна для него. 5. Не может быть, чтобы она не нашла вашего дома. 6. Вряд ли она забыла об этом; я об этом напоминала ей только вчера. 7.

Неужели вы не помните, что я возвратил вам эту книгу? 8. Разве мог кто-нибудь подумать, что эта команда займет первое место? 9. Если бы не хорошая погода, экспедиция не смогла бы подняться на вершину горы. 10. Неужели вы не нашли мою книгу?

Exercise 36 p. 127. Analyse the meaning of the verb may. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I said to Mrs. Micawber: "May I ask what you and Mr. Micawber intend to do, now that Mr. Micawber is out of his difficulties? Have you settled yet?" (CD.) 2. He said I might come to him any day I liked. 3. "The door was open," he said. "Might I see your wife for a minute?" (Gls.) 4. If he walks from the station, he may arrive in the course of the next half-hour. If he drives, he may be here at any moment. (Sh.) 5. Here Miss Murdstone ceased her speech, and shutting her mouth, looked as if she might be broken, but would never be bent. (CD.) 6. It was some special occasion. I don't remember what. It may have been my birthday. (CD.) 7. He may not have learned the news, that's why he looks as if nothing had happened. 8. We might have gone

Exercise 39 p. 129. Paraphrase the following sentences using the modal verbs can or may in the correct form.

1. I don't believe that he had done the work carelessly. 2. Perhaps, you changed at the wrong station, that's why it took you so long to get here. 3. I think he will be able to substitute for you in case you shouldn't come. 4. Is it not in your power to change the timetable? 5. Most probably he did not see you, otherwise he would have come up to


you. 6. Perhaps I shall have to take him to hospital; it is possible that he has broken his arm. 7. Why blame her? Maybe she did not know it was so urgent. 8. It is impossible that she has wrongly interpreted your words. 9. I suppose they were unable to get in touch with you. 10. Would you mind my smoking here?

Exercise 40 p. 129. Translate and complete the following phrases.

1. Я, возможно, смогу.... 2. Я, возможно, смог бы ....

3. Мне,

возможно, придется (пришлось бы) . .

. . 4. Не мог ли бы я ...

? 5. Не

могу ли я ... ? 6. Не можете ли вы...

? 7. Не могли бы вы ...

? 8. Он,

должно быть,... ? 9. Вы, возможно, ... 10. Вам незачем (было).... 11.

Возможно ли, чтобы...? 12. Не может быть, чтобы. . . .

Exercise 41 p. 129. Fill in the blanks with can or may in the correct




1. . . .

I see you tonight? 2. . . .

I find you there tonight? 3. You

... read this article. You have knowledge enough. 4. You . . . take this

book; I don't need it. 5. . . . I be of any service to you? 6. You ... avail

yourself of my services. 7. What ... he want here? 8. Buy this dictionary.

You ... want it one day. 9. What ... have made them so late? — Something ... have happened to the car. 10. . . . I ask you to do me a

favour? 11. . . . you do me a favour? 12. They ... have said something of

the kind, but I hardly believe it. 13. I don't think they ... have said

anything of the kind.' 14. I . . . not imagine her teaching children, she

used to be so impatient; but who knows, time changes people; she ...

have become quite different. 15. You never ... tell; everything ... turnout

quite all right. 16. I am sure you ... have done it much better. You did not try. 17. If she ... not call on me, she ... have called me up at least. 18.

It was a very popular song at the time, you ...

hear it everywhere. 19.

Something was wrong with the receiver, I . . .

not hear you well. 20. A


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