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Ex.1 Organic cotton program

Restore the text

  1. using the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form (tense forms or verbals3)

  2. giving the English equivalents for the Russian words in brackets (you can find the English equivalents for these words at the pages indicated)

When we (scrutinize, Past Simple)1 (волокна; SB p. 71)a to determine their (воздействие на окружающую среду; SB p.65)b, we (figure, Past Simple)2 cotton was "pure" and "natural," make, verbal)3 from a (растение; WB p.44)c.

We (be, Past Simple)4 right about the plant.

As it (happen, Present Simple)5, very little (be, Present Simple)6 pure or natural about cotton when it (raise, Present Simple)7 conventionally. Fully 10 percent of all agricultural (химические вещества; SB p.67)d in the United States (use, Present Simple)8 to produce cotton, (grow, verbal)9 on just one percent of all major agricultural land. Conventional cotton (сельскохозяйственные культуры; WB p.44)e in six California counties alone (dust, Present Simple)10 every year with 57 million pounds of chemicals. And research (show, Present Simple)11 that extensive and intensive use of synthetic (удобрения; WB p.45)f, soil additives, defoliants and other substances (wreak, Present Simple)12 terrible havoc on soil, water, air and many, many (live, verbal)13 things.

There is, of course, an alternative: organic cotton. There are farmers who (grow, Present Perfect Continuous)14 cotton without harmful chemicals for years. Their yield (be, Present Simple)15 high and the quality of the cotton they grow is equal to or better than conventionally grown cotton. Their methods support (биологическая вариативность; SB p.67)g and healthy ecosystems, improve the quality of soil and often (use, Present Simple)16 less water. (Grow, verbal)17 organically (take, Present Simple)18 more time, (require, Present Simple)19 more knowledge and skill, and, for now, costs more. But it's worth it.

Once we had this knowledge, and the counsel of good friends in the environmental community, we (believe, Past Simple)20 we had no choice. In 1996, we converted our entire sportswear line to 100% (хлопок, выращенный без применения химических веществ; SB p.67)h. We (decide, Past Simple)21 never (go back, verbal)22 to (обычный; SB p. 67)i cotton, regardless of the outcome.

The … (шаг; SB p.67)j (not compromise, Past Simple)23 quality. Rather it (improve, Past Simple)24 the feel of our fabric and (provoke, Past Simple)25 a fundamental change in our attitudes about agriculture. As part of our organic cotton program, hundreds of us (take, Past Simple)26 tours of cotton fields, where we could (see, verbal)27 the dangers of pesticide use and the (преимущества; SB p.67)k of organic farming for ourselves. Many of us (become, Present Perfect)28 activists on the issue and (shift Present Perfect)29 to (buy, verbal)30 organic foods and clothing for ourselves and our families.

Ex. 2 Recyclables

Restore the text

    1. using the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form (tense forms or verbals)

    2. giving the English equivalents for the Russian words in brackets (you can find the English equivalents for these words at the pages indicated)

To us, quality (mean, Present Simple)1 more than how a (предмет одежды; SB p.67)a (look, Present Simple)2 or (function, Present Simple)3: It also (include, Present Simple)4 the way it (affect, Present Simple)5 the (окружающая среда; SB p.65)b and quality of life. This means working to source materials and develop processes that minimize damage to the environment.

In 1993, we (adopt, Past Simple)6 (шерсть, ворс; SB p.71)c into our product line (make, verbal)7 from post consumer (повторно использованные пластиковые бутылки для газированной воды; SB p.71)d. We (be, Past Simple)8 the first (верхняя одежда; SB p.68)e manufacturer to do so. PCR® clothing (be, Past Simple)9 a positive step towards a more sustainable system – one that (use, Present Simple)10 fewer (ресурсы; SB p.67; WB p.43)f, (discard, Present Simple)11 less and better protects people’s health. Today, we (use, Present Simple)12 PCR fleece in about 31 products, and we (save, Present Perfect)13 some 86 million soda bottles from the (мусор, SB p.65)g heap. That’s enough oil (fill, verbal)14 the 40-gallon gas tank of the diminutive Chevy Suburban 20,000 times.

This year, we’re also pleased to (доложить, сообщить; WB p.43)h the addition of PCR® filament yarn to some products in our line. PCR filament yarn (contain, Present Simple)15 30-50% post-consumer feedstock - soda bottles, polyester uniforms, tents and garments. The remainder is post-industrial feedstock, which (come, Present Simple)16 mostly from yarn and polymer factory (отходы; WB p.44)i products. With the addition of this new yarn, we can now (make, non-verbal)17 both lining and shell out of recyclable materials. It (offer, Present Simple)18 the same performance characteristics as virgin yarn at a competitive price with less environmental harm.

We still (not hit, Present Perfect)19 the goal of (create, verbal)20 a fully recyclable garment. We (get, Present Contunuous)21 there. But until then, we (make, Future Indefinite)22 clothes out of recyclables. And make them so they (not throw, Future Indefinite)23 away.

We encourage you to do your part to help the environment by (buy, verbal)24 only what (need, Present Simple)25, wearing it out or passing it on to (благотворительность; SB p.72)j for redistribution.

Did You Know?

  • Approximately 40 billion plastic bottles (produce, Present Simple)26 annually in the U.S.

  • About two-thirds of them end up in (мусорные свалки; SB p.70)k.

The amount of petroleum (save, verbal)27 by (use, verbal)28 post-consumer (recycle, non-verbal)29 bottles instead of virgin materials in the (производственный процесс; SB р. 68)l is enough (power, non-verbal)30 a city the size of Atlanta for a year.

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