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The corridors were dusty and I saw dust on the window ledges …

[37] … … … … … … …

There’s water through many homes - I would say almost all of them have water in them. It’s just completely under water.

[38] … … … … … … …

I still love my husband although he has said he doesn’t love me any more.

[39] … … … … … … …

My axe is too blunt. I must get a sharper one.

[40] … … … … … … …

Ted saw Harry yesterday. He told him about the meeting.

[41] … … … … … … …

Joan brought some carnations, and Catherine some sweet peas.

[42] … … … … … … …

The Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management has started dehorning rhino to stamp out poaching of the endangered animals.

[43] … … … … … … …

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns. (Declaration of Independence).

2.К акое правилоиспользования лексич ескогоповторавтексте наруш е- новследую щ ем прим ере?

[44]The bad news didn’t surprise Miss Ankrom, who is expecting a baby. She said she had been half expecting it.

3.Н айдите в приведенных ниж е текстовых ф рагм ентах следую щ ие варианты периф разирования7:

3.1.Синоним ич еская зам ена(полные и ч астич ные синоним ы)

[45]I kept turning, my rigid index finger extended, to catch his corpulent colleague just behind the jawbone with this deadly digit.

[46]Britain made a ‘profit’of nearly £2.5 billion from the poorest countries in 1990, according to figures released today by Christian Aid.

The income from debt repayments was that much higher than the total expended on aid from all sources. Ten years ago there was a net outflow from Britain to the Third World of £5.3 billion.

[47]Some aristocrats argue that their behaviour is bad because of their position in society. ‘I do feel confused about my destiny’, admits Jamie Blandford. ‘I have always resented having my life mapped out for me.’

7 При составлении предлагаем ых ниж е практич еских заданий были использованы тек-

сты из (Salkie, 1995; Cook, 1989).


Royal expert Ingrid Seward agrees that people in high places attract more pressure.

3.2.Гипо-гипероним ич еская зам ена

[48]In 1295, Good King Vaclav II of Bohemia founded the town of Pilsen. He was certainly an affable old ruler and granted numerous privileges to the towns inhabitants. One of these being the right to brew beer.

[49]Students’ experience of French is broadened using state-of- the-art language learning technology. In addition to advanced work on French structures and usage, students learn how to handle different registers of French and to recognise non-standard varieties of the language, both spoken and written.

[50]Paul went out the door. I backed out after him. The Bronco was right in front of the station. ‘Go around’, I said, ‘and go fast. Get in the other side and crouch down.’

He did what I told him and I followed, backing, my gun steady at the open door. Then we were in the car and out of the lot, and heading toward Brighton along Commonwealth Avenue.

[51]Ten solicitors are facing criminal charges of defrauding the legal aid fund, and a further 31 are under investigation.

The frauds have been unearthed by a four-man Legal Aid Board


team of three former police officers and a solicitor. The unit was set


up in 1980 after spot checks revealed a number of cases of inflated or


improper billing.

4. В

каком порядке по отнош ению друг к другупри гипо-гипероним и-

ч еских

зам енах обыч но располагаю тся гипоним и гипероним ? В текстах

[52] и [53] порядокследования указанных э лем ентовбыл изм ененнапротивополож ный. К акэ то влияетна см ысл текста? В осстановите исх одный порядокрасполож ения гипоним ови гипероним оввкаж дом отрывке.

[52] What are the mental processes involved in using language? What is the role of language in society? How are second languages learned? These are some of the questions to which the subject attempts to find answers.

All students are given an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of linguistics.

[53] The leaders attending the conference will discuss possible ways to speed up progress towards democracy in South Africa. Chief Anyaoku, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, said that it might be necessary to invite a representative from South Africa.


He also said that the presence of the ANC president, Nelson Mandela, was quite important as he would brief Heads of Government on the latest developments in the country.

5. Н айдите в следую щ их текстах случ аи буквального повтора полнознач ных слов. И спользуйте вм естоуказанногоприем акогезии одиниз вариантовпериф разирования (синоним ич ескую или гипо-гипероним ич ескую зам ену). К аким э ф ф ектом сопровож дается внесение подобных изм енений в текст?

[54]It took me a long time to pick myself up after my husband left me and our two young children. I’m 28. Eventually, though, through friends, I met a man. He has asked me out but I don’t know what to do. I still love my husband although he has said he doesn’t love me anymore. How can I learn to be comfortable with another man while I still have feelings for my husband? – Kathy.

[55]‘Twenty-two,’ I called out to Angelina as I started for the kitchen door. Before I reached it two more policemen stepped through. And the main entrance was blocked by survivors of the original four.

‘Trapped!’I shouted aloud, then touched the sonic screamer in my belt buckle. A number of the diners screamed in response as the vibrations produced feelings of terror. Nice. In the confusion I would escape through the fire exit hidden behind the drapes.

Except this door wasn’t the only thing the drapes concealed. Two more policemen blocked my way. This was getting annoying.

6. О пределите, какие э лем енты (отдельное слово, соч етание двух или более слов) зам ещ аетсубститутone вследую щ их прим ерах . Сох раняется ли при использовании данного прием акогезии тож дествореф еренции? В каких других ф ункциях , пом им оуказанной, м ож етиспользоваться лексем а onе?

[56]A group of people marching on the road should keep to the left. There should be look-outs in front and at the back wearing reflective clothing at night and fluorescent clothing by day. At night the look-out in front should carry a white light and the one at the back should carry a bright red light visible from the rear.

[57]Two cholesterol information evenings being held at the hospital on 9 and 16 August are already fully booked. A further one will be arranged for the end of August or beginning of September if there is enough demand.

[58]Excess cholesterol enters the body through our foods, especially animal fats, and many people are still unaware of the ones they should avoid.


[59]While many outsiders still look at Africa and see sub-national ‘tribes’, SADCC is creating a region – not one which will replace sovereign states, but one which is altering their economic context.

[60]All Microsoft applications work in a common way – so when you learn one, you’ve learned them all.

[61]We have recently set up a new group in our small village. Until now we have had no facilities for the under 5s and this in a village which has no shop and a very restricted bus service. Our aim is to enable parents and their young ones to meet on a regular basis, providing our youngsters with a safe, caring atmosphere in which to develop their social skills.

[62]How shall we organise this picture so that we can all be seen? Let’s have the tall ones at the back and the short ones at the front.

7. И зуч ивтексты [63] – [68], найдите вних случ аи использования do в кач естве глагола-зам естителя. В сегда ли данная языковая единица ф ункционируеткаксубститут?

[63]By the way, I have never yet heard how these remote islands became attached to the crown of Narnia; if I ever do, and if the story is at all interesting, I may put it in another book.

[64]I’m one of the four presenters of the programme. We have two presenters on duty every morning and the programme is on six days a week. The presenter’s function is first of all to introduce the recorded items that the reporters have made overnight or the day before and then to do all the live interviews.

[65]After the ceremony we all went to the village hall for the reception. It was a wonderful do - smoked salmon and frankfurters for everyone, with warm rolls and crackers. And as much booze as you could drink.

[66]The proposed EC convention on immigration is clearly racist, designed to deter immigration from largely black and Asian countries by its visa proposals. The racist character of the proposals is underlined by the recent decision of the EC to waive visa requirements for some Eastern European countries. Refugee agencies also insist that the distinction between a political refugee, who has rights under international law, and an economic migrant, who does not, is becoming untenable.

[67]Mark Tully, the BBC’s man, introduced us and said, ‘Mrs Gandhi, you will remember me, I’m Mark Tully, you expelled me during the emergency,’ and she looked at him and said, ‘and I may very well expel you again Mr Tully’. Now you know those are great moments: to see people of that kind of power and character. When you write about them as a historian you write about them as if they don’t exist any more, but it’s not true, they do.


[68] Roz needs to broaden her horizons. She’s a clever woman, and I think she is wasted by staying at home. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the work she’s put in for me and the kids – I do, very much. But I sense us growing apart because our interests are so different.

8. Проанализируйте прим еры [69] – [74]. В какой роли в тексте м ож ет выступатьэ лем ентso?

[69]‘Marty, you are the third person this morning who has offered to disassemble my body. You are also third in order of probable success. I can’t throw a baseball like you can, but the odds are very good that I could put you in the hospital before you got a hand on me.’

‘You think so.’

‘I was proud of myself. I didn’t say, «I know so.»’

[70]In the twentieth century the focus of exploitation has changed but exploitation itself remains. Capitalist society now tries to preserve itself with a precariously interlocking and frantically stimulated system of greeds and so it encourages people to think of themselves primarily as consumers living in a consumer society.

[71]Plan your travelling to include plenty of opportunities to get up and stretch stiff joints. Don’t expect to make a quick eight-hour car trip with only one stop for lunch. Plan in other stretching rests. On a train or plane make sure to walk in the aisle with your child every hour or so.

[72]The sparrow perched on the edge of the pram and stared down into the baby’s open mouth. Then he turned to Teddy Robinson.

‘That baby’s hungry,’ chirped the sparrow. ‘Look, his beak is wide open.’

‘Do you really think so?’said Teddy Robinson.

[73]If your network is loaded in the upper-memory region between 640 K and 1 megabyte, you might have problems running Windows. If so, try loading the network in conventional memory.

[74]Direct radiometric age determination of Phanerozoic carbonates has been a long-standing problem in geochronology. Rb-Sr and K-Ar dating schemes, commonly used to constrain the chronology of Phanerozoic sediments, have so far proved to be unsuccessful in dating these rocks because of their poor enrichment in radiogenic 87Sr and 4oAr and also because of analytical difficulties.

9.В осстановите вследую щ их прим ерах э лем енты, опущ енные врезультате анаф орич ескогоэ ллипсиса.

[75] Both Mr Major and Douglas Hurd, the foreign secretary, are engaged in a damage limitation exercise, eager to ensure that the sanctions question does not come to dominate this meeting as it has dominated the last three.


[76]If aggression should instantly be punished, why was not a man, not a gun sent to deal with the occupied territories of the Middle East, Cyprus and East Timor? Our middle-of-the-road warmonger waves this aside. International force was not used in the past, he agrees. It should have been.

[77]To learn a new language you’ve got two options: either you study grammar, vocabulary and phonetics for months and months or you can go back to the way you learnt things as a child. A child learns to speak almost ‘by chance’. He imitates his parents without knowing why.

[78]‘You know, I can’t keep up with you, Caroline. Last I heard you were in hot pursuit of a man.’

Caroline frowned. ‘Who says I’m not now?’

[79]And what is the Prime Minister doing while all this is happening? I’ll tell you what he’s doing. Driving around in his flash car at our expense, that’s what. Or chatting with his Cabinet friends about how ungrateful we are.

10. При определенных условиях лич ное м естоим ение it и указательные м естоим ения this / that (вабсолю тной ф орм е) взаим озам еняем ы. В каких из приводим ых ниж е прим еровтакая зам енавозм ож на? О боснуйте свой выбор. О пределите содерж ание анаф орич еской отсылки вкаж дом случ ае.

[80]Graham reckons that we should buy a laser printer. He says this will speed up our output enormously.

[81]My brother used to tease me all the time. I hated it.

[82]‘She’s having a baby.’

‘How do you know that?’

[83] The B minor suite came floating up from the great hall to the ears of the two men in the laboratory. They were too busy to realise that they were hearing it.

11. О пределите реф еренциальную отнесенностьм естоим ения it вприводим ом ниж е отрывке. О братите вним ание нато, ч тоданное м естоим ение м ож етбытьиспользованоне толькоанаф орич ески, т.е. каксредствосвязи различ ных предлож ений втексте, нои какф орм альное подлеж ащ ее. В некоторых случ аях такж е им еетм естотакназываем ая э кзоф ора(т.е. it отсылаетк некоторой ситуации, не упом инаем ой в сам ом тексте). К акие ещ е прием ы когезии встреч аю тся вданном тексте?

[84] What’s it matter? You start a family, work and plan. Suddenly you turn around and there’s nothing there. Probably never was. What’s a family, anyway? Just – just kids with your blood in ’em. There’s no reason why they should like you. You go on expecting it, of course, but it’s silly, really. Like expecting ’em to know what they mean to you when they’re babies. They’re not supposed to know perhaps. It’s not natural really, when you come to think of it. You can’t expect anybody to know what they mean to somebody else – it’s not the way of things. There’s just nothing. Bloody nothing.


12. Сравните два следую щ их прим ера. У каж ите сх одстваи различ ия в

функционировании анаф орич ескогом естоим ения it и субститутаso.

[85]Mary said that Britain caused the Second World War, but she couldn’t get anyone else to believe it.

[86]Mary thinks that there is another planet beyond Pluto, but no one else thinks so.

13.Покаким прич инам зам енавтексте прием а ч астич ного повторана проном инализацию м ож етоказаться не э квивалентной?

[87]The corridors were dusty and so were the window ledges …

(ср. с [36] The corridors were dusty and I saw dust on the window ledges … )

14.О пределите, какие прием ы когезии использую тся вследую щ ем тексте:

[88]It was Friday morning. There were two horses out in the field. Susan ran up and caught the nearest one. He seemed quite calm. However, as she turned to take him back, the powerful creature suddenly reared and jumped forward. It was all over in an instant. The animal was running wildly across the field and the girl was left sitting in the mud. Most of the time I love horses, she thought, but sometimes I could just kill one of them.

15.И з приведенных выш е отрывковподберите яркие прим еры для иллю страции переводч еских трудностей всф ере когезии текста, связанных с

различ ием грам м атич еской и лексич еской систем английского и русского языков. К акие другие переводч еские трудности возникаю т в указанной сф ере?

Литер атур а

Гак В.Г . К проблем е сопоставительно-типологич ескогоанализареч е- вогоактаи текста / В .Г. Гак// Сопоставительная лингвистикаи обуч ение неродном уязыку. – М ., 1987. – С. 37-48.

Клю ев Е .В. Реч евая ком м уникация: У ч еб. пособие для ун-тови вузов/

Е .В . К лю ев. – М .: ПРИ О Р, 1998. – 224 c.

Кр асных В.В. О сновы псих олингвистики и теории ком м уникации: К урс лекций / В .В . К расных . – М .: И Т Д ГК «Гнозис», 2001. – 270 с.

Л ингвистич еский э нциклопедич еский словарь. – М .: Сов. э нцикл., 1990. – 685 с.

Мо ск альск ая О.И . Грам м атикатекста(пособие пограм м атике нем ецкого языка для ин-тови ф ак. иностр. яз.): У ч еб. пособие / О .И . М оскаль-

ская. – М .: В ысш . ш к., 1981. – 183 с.

П ад учева Е .В. В ысказывание и его соотнесенностьс действительностью . (Реф еренциальные аспекты сем антики м естоим ений) / Е .В . Падуч е-

ва. – М .: Н аука, 1985. – 271 с.


Baker, M. In other Words: A coursebook on translation / M. Baker. – London, NY: Routledge, 1992. – 304 p.

Beaugrande, R. de Introduction to text linguistics / R. de Beaugrande, W. Dressler. – London, NY: Longman, 1981. – 270 p.

Blum-Kulka, S. Shifts of Cohesion and Coherence in Translation / S. BlumKulka // House J., Blum-Kulka S. (eds) Interlingual and Intercultural Communication: Discourse and Cognition in Translation and Second Language Acquisition Studies. – Tübingen, 1986. – P. 17-35.

Brown, G. Discourse analysis / G. Brown, G. Yule. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. – 288 p.

Carrell, P. Cohesion is not coherence / P. Carrell // TESOL Quarterly. – 1982. – Vol. 16, N 4. – P. 479-488.

Cook, G. Discourse / G. Cook. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. Halliday, M. A. K. Cohesion in English / M. A. K. Halliday, R. Hasan. –

London, NY: Longman, 1976. – 374 p.

Hatim, B. Discourse and the Translator / B. Hatim, I. Mason. – London, NY: Longman, 1990. – 258 p.

Salkie, R. Text and Discourse Analysis / R. Salkie. – London, NY: Routledge, 1995. – 115 p.

Shlesinger, M. Shifts in Cohesion in Simultaneous Interpreting / M. Shlesinger // The Translator. – 1995. – Vol. 1, N 2. – P. 193-214.



БО Л Д Ы РЕ В Н .Н . К огнитивная сем антика: К урс лекций по английской ф илологии / Н .Н . Болдырев. – 2-е изд. – Т ам бов: И зд-воТ ам бов. ун-

та, 2001. – 123 с.


В .Б. В ведение в теорию

ком м уникации:

У ч еб. пособие /

В .Б. К аш кин. – В оронеж : В ГТ У , 2000. – 175 с.



Е В Е .В . Реч евая ком м уникация: У ч еб. пособие для ун-тови ву-

зов/ Е .В . К лю ев. – М .: ПРИ О Р, 1998. – 224 c.



В .В . О сновы псих олингвистики и теории ком м уникации:

К урс лекций / В .В . К расных . – М .: И Т Д ГК «Гнозис», 2001. – 270с.


словарь когнитивных

терм инов /

Е .С. К убрякова,

В .З. Д ем ьянков,

Ю .Г. Панкрац, Л .Г. Л узина; Под общ . ред. Е .С. К убряко-

вой. – М

.: М ГУ , 1997. – 245 с.



ПО ПО В А З.Д . Понятие «концепт» влингвистич еских исследованиях / З.Д . Попова, И .А . Стернин. – В оронеж : И зд-воВ ГУ , 1999. – 30с.

Доп олнительнаялитер атур а

Л И Н ГВ И СТ И Ч Е СК И Й э нциклопедич еский словарь. – М .: Сов. э н-

цикл., 1990. – 685 с.



.Л . И нтерпретативный анализ дискурсавм алой группе /

М .Л . М

акаров. – Т верь, 1998. – 199 с.


кязыку: Сб. науч . тр.: Посвящ . Е .С К убряковой / Ред-

кол.: В .А . В иноградов(отв.ред.) и др. – М .; В оронеж : И Я РА Н : В оронеж .

гос. ун-т, 2002. - 490 с.


В .В . Т еория перевода: У ч ебникдля студ. лингв. вузови

ф ак. иностр. яз. /

В .В . Сдобников, О .В . Петрова. – Н . Н овгород: И зд-во

Н иж егород. гос. лингв. ун-та, 2001. - 302 с.

СО Ц И А Л Ь Н А Я властьязыка: Сб. науч . трудов/ Редкол.: Л .И . Гриш а-

ева(отв.ред.) и др. – В оронеж , 2001. – 269 с.


лингвистич еский м еридиан / Под ред. И .П.Сусова. –

Т верь. – В ып. 2. – 1999. – 143 с.

Т Е К СТ в ф окусе литературоведения, лингвистики и культурологии: М еж вуз. сб. науч . трудов/ Редкол.: Ф едосю кМ .Ю . (науч .ред.) и др. – Я ро-

славль, 2002. – 266 с.

BAKER, M. In other Words: A coursebook on translation / M. Baker. – London, NY: Routledge, 1992. – 304 p.

HATIM, B. Discourse and the Translator / B. Hatim, I. Mason. – London, NY: Longman, 1990. – 258 p.

SALKIE, R. Text and Discourse Analysis / R. Salkie. – London, NY: Routledge, 1995. – 115 p.

Э Л Е К Т РО Н Н Ы Й каталог Н ауч ной библиотеки В оронеж ского государственногоуниверситета. – (http//www.lib.vsu.ru/).

СО Ц И А Л Ь Н Ы Е и гум анитарные науки. Л ингвистика: Библиогр. база данных . 1986-2002 гг. / И Н И О Н РА Н . – М ., 2003. – (CD-ROM).



ПРЕ Д И СЛ О В И Е ..................................................................................................................


Т ем а1. ПРО БЛ Е М А О ПРЕ Д Е Л Е Н И Я Т Е К СТ А ................................................................


1.1. Т екстvs. «не-текст»: проблем аотгранич ения текстаотслуч айной


последовательности предлож ений ...................................................................................


1.2. Т екстvs. дискурс........................................................................................................


1.3. Т екстvs. отдельное предлож ение: проблем аделим итации текста........................


1.4. Х орош ий текстvs. плох ой текст..............................................................................


К онтрольные вопросы и практич еские задания ктем е 1. .............................................


Л итература......................................................................................................................


Т ем а2. К О ГЕ РЕ Н Т Н О СТ Ь Т Е К СТ А ...............................................................................


2.1. Ч тотакое концепты? ................................................................................................


2.2. К аквозникаю тконцепты? .......................................................................................


2.3. К онцепты и другие ф орм аты знания.......................................................................


2.4. Т ипология концептови концептуальных отнош ений вм одели когерентности Р.

де Бограндаи В . Д ресслера............................................................................................


2.5. И нф еренция..............................................................................................................


2.6. Сох ранение когерентности текстакакзадач аперевода.........................................


К онтрольные вопросы и практич еские задания ктем е 2. .............................................


Л итература......................................................................................................................


Т ем а3. К О ГЕ ЗИ Я Т Е К СТ А ..............................................................................................


3.1. Различ ия впоним ании «когезии»............................................................................


3.2. Способы повторноговх ож дения э лем ентоввтекст...............................................


3.2.1. Периф разирование .............................................................................................


3.2.2. Проном инализация.............................................................................................


3.3. Прием ы когезии и виды реф еренциальных отнош ений .........................................


3.4. У словия употребления «конкурирую щ их » прием овкогезии ................................


3.5. К огезия текстаи перевод.........................................................................................


К онтрольные вопросы и практич еские задания ктем е 3. .............................................


Л итература......................................................................................................................


О СН О В Н А Я Л И Т Е РА Т У РА ПО К У РСУ .........................................................................


Д ополнительная литература...........................................................................................


Содерж ание ........................................................................................................................