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8. Повелительное наклонение

(The Imperative)

1. Поставьте глагол в повелительное наклонение.

Пример: Tell him to close the door. – Close the door, please.

  1. Tell him to tell you the time.

  2. Ask him to send a telegram.

  3. Ask him to write a letter.

  4. Tell him to come to the meeting on time.

  5. Ask him to be at home in the evening.

  6. Ask him to repeat his telephone number again.

  7. Ask him to come here tomorrow.

  8. Tell him to take these books.

  9. Ask her to go to the park now.

2. Соотнесите колонку чисел с колонкой букв по смыслу.

1. Wake a. at her! She’s beautiful.

2. Look b. to Liz. It’s hers.

3. Help c. to your room!

4. Give this d. up You’re late!

5. Do e. me! I can’t move.

6. Go f. your homework now!

3. Измените предложения на отрицательные, заменяя выделенные слова объектными местоимениями.

1. Give John the ball! Don’t give him the ball!

2. Look at Julie! …

3. Eat the ice-cream! …

4. Tell Susan the news! …

5. Look at the cat! …

6. Listen to Anna and Mark! …

7. Give the money to Helen and me! …

8. Open the window! …

9. Look at the children! …

10. Make a sandwich for Sam! …

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление повелительного наклонения.

  1. Let’s hurry home.

  2. Let’s tell him about our plan.

  3. Let her tell us the news.

  4. Let him bring us a little juice.

  5. Let me show you some nice pictures.

  6. Let’s do these exercises.

  7. Let him speak English, Mr. Douglas doesn’t understand him.

  8. Let me tell you something interesting.

  9. Let them read this letter.

  10. Let the students go home.

  1. Составьте предложения из таблицы.


tell the architect about your new project

begin the work

show our design to the boss

ask him some questions

do this work now

thank Mr. Crowford for his help

put the documents into the safe

sit down here

learn some new words

telephone the parents as soon as possible

give this student a little time

Пусть она

Пусть он

Пусть они

Разрешите мне

6. Преобразуйте предложения, используя вместо подчеркнутых слов соответствующие местоимения.

Пример: Let his brother open the window. – Let him open the window.

  1. Let Ann do it.

  2. Let our parents buy us a new car.

  3. Let Jim park the car.

  4. Let that gentleman come in.

  5. Let the people wait a little.

  6. Let my mother make coffee.

  7. Let Tom phone me in the evening

  8. Let the secretary type this document at once.

  9. Let these students come to the meeting.

7. Отрицайте данные предложения.

  1. Let your child go out alone.

  2. Let my mother speak to the professor.

  3. Let your cat sit on the table.

  4. Call me so late.

  5. Watch TV so long.

  6. Let this boy speak so loud.

  7. Be angry.

  8. Let him be afraid.

  9. Let our lessons be over.

  10. Let him ask stupid questions.

8. Используйте нужную форму повелительного наклонения (Do, Don’t Let’s) и одно из данных слов по смыслу.

wake, break, wash, turn on, play, move, open, close, be, have.

1. I’m bored. … a game.

2. Always … your hands before you sit at the table.

3. The baby is sleeping. … her.

4. It’s our anniversary next week. … a party.

5. … late. Your father will be angry.

6. … ! There’s a spider on your head.

7. That vase is expensive. … it.

8. … the oven door and put the meat inside.

9. It’s getting dark. … the light, please.

10. I’m cold. … the windows, please.

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