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@@@ Education


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Math

B) Politics

C) Physics

D) Chemistry

E) Literature


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

История\ тарих

A) History

B) Politics

C) Physics

D) Chemistry

E) Literature


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) History

B) Politics

C) Physics

D) Chemistry

E) Literature


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) History

B) Politics

C) Physics

D) Chemistry

E) Literature

$$$ 5

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Литература/ Әдебиет

A) History

B) Politics

C) Physics

D) Chemistry

E) Literature


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Политология / саясаттану

A) History

B) Politics

C) Physics

D) Chemistry

E) Literature


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Geography

B) Biology

C) Philosophy

D) Chemistry

E) Literature


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Geography

B) Biology

C) Philosophy

D) Chemistry

E) Literature

$$$ 9

Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Geography

B) Biology

C) Philosophy

D) Chemistry

E) Literature

$$$ 10

Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Geography

B) Biology

C) Philosophy

D) Chemistry

E) Economics

$$$ 11

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Социология/ әлеуметтану

A) Geography

B) Biology

C) Philosophy

D) Sociology

E) Economics

$$$ 12

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Начальная школа/ Бастауыш мектеп

A) Primary school

B) Secondary school

C) Nursery school

D) Leave school

E) Vocational course

$$$ 13

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Средняя школа/ Орта мектеп

A) Primary school

B) Secondary school

C) Nursery school

D) Leave school

E) Vocational course

$$$ 14

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Детский сад / Бала-бақша

A) Primary school

B) Secondary school

C) Nursery school

D) Leave school

E) Vocational course

$$$ 15

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Оканчивать школу / Мектепті бітіру

A) Primary school

B) Secondary school

C) Nursery school

D) Leave school

E) Vocational course

$$$ 16

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Профессиональное обучение / Мамандырылған оқу

A) Primary school

B) Secondary school

C) Nursery school

D) Leave school

E) Vocational course

$$$ 17

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Устроиться на работу/ жұмысқа орналасу

A) get a job

B) take a gap year

C) study subjects

D) get a degree

E) finish the course

$$$ 18

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Взять годовой перерыв в учебе/ оқудан бір жылдық үзіліс алу

A) get a job

B) take a gap year

C) study subjects

D) get a degree

E) finish the course

$$$ 19

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Изучать предметы/ пәндерді оқу

A) get a job

B) take a gap year

C) study subjects

D) get a degree

E) finish the course

$$$ 20

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Получить степень / деңгей алу

A) get a job

B) take a gap year

C) study subjects

D) get a degree

E) finish the course

$$$ 21

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Окончить курс / курсты бітіру

A) get a job

B) take a gap year

C) study subjects

D) get a degree

E) finish the course

$$$ 22

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Сдать выпускные экзамены / бітіру емтихандарын тапсыру

A) pass the final exams

B) take a gap year

C) study subjects

D) get a degree

E) finish the course

$$$ 23

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Сдать вступительный экзамен / түсу емтиханын тапсыру

A) pass the final exams

B) pass an entrance exam

C) study subjects

D) get a degree

E) finish the course

$$$ 24

Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

Did you … to nursery school?

A) go

B) apply

C) fail

D) study

E) leave

$$$ 25

Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

At what age do children start … school?

A) go

B) apply

C) primary

D) gap

E) leave


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

Can pupils … school at sixteen ?

A) go

B) apply

C) fail

D) study

E) leave

$$$ 27

Complete the sentence with appropriate word: