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1st of … May is a great holiday + C The/0

Actions speak______than words. c) louder

After ... I put on my coat, take my bag, and go to the University. A) breakfast;

After classes I go ... and have dinner there. C) home;

After days of preparation the hall is ready______the grand opening. d) for

Alan … in the bank for a year. +B has worked

All our students have dinner in their University’s ... . C) canteen;

always go abroad during their summer holidays. A) they;

appearance he is an impressive figure. C) In;

Are you aware______any reason why he is late? d) of

As ... rule we have little free time on my week-days. C) a;

As a rule before I go to ... I read books. B) bed;

Because of the flu many teachers were absent_______ work.b) from

By the sixteenth century a new economic system… feudalism. C had replaced

California is farther from New York______Pennsylva­nia.b) than

Children of aunt are my ... . C) cousins;

Choose a noun: B kingdom

Choose compound word to make a verb: white D wash

Choose the correct item: Pollution, smog, traffic jam and over population are B city problems

Choose the correct item: You may buy a bottle of milk at the … E dairy

Choose the correct item: You may buy a bunch of roses at the … D florist’s

Choose the correct item: You may buy a second-hand leather coat at the ... C second-hand shop

Choose the correct item: You may buy earrings, bracelets and studs at the … C jewellery’s

Choose the correct variant Are listening the children to the teacher?

Choose the correct variant Are the shops close at 8 o’clock in the morning?

Choose the correct variant Do you often play basketball?

Choose the correct variant Does his father drive a car very fast?

Choose the correct variant Does Sandra always get up early in the morning;

Choose the correct variant How often do you play basketball?

Choose the correct variant How many students are sitting on the stairs?

Choose the correct variant How much does it cost for the return ticket?

Choose the correct variant It’s not raining now;

Choose the correct variant John’s having a ride;

Choose the correct variant Mrs. Bell is buying for her children ice-cream;

Choose the correct variant My brother never waits for us;

Choose the correct variant She doesn’t come home early.

Choose the correct variant The cat is hiding from the dog, doesn’t it?

Choose the correct variant The girl is speaking rudely or politely isn’t she?

Choose the correct variant The next train leaves in the morning at two fifteen;

Choose the correct variant The policeman is pointing at the dog;

Choose the correct variant The students are drawing nothing;

Choose the correct variant They don’t often phone my mother in London;

Choose the correct variant We always go abroad for our holidays;

Choose the correct variant We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t go very often there;

Choose the correct variant What is the girl doing now?

Choose the correct variant What those people are looking for?

Choose the correct variant When are you going to have a meal?

Choose the correct variant When do you start at the university next year?

Choose the correct variant who’s shouting at the dog?

Choose the correct variant Why are they looking at me like that?

Choose the correct variant Why aren’t they cleaning the window?

Choose the correct variant Why don’t you come to the youth club?

Choose the correct variant. as a rule she has dinner at home;

Choose the correct variant. Do the shops open at 9 o’clock in the morning?

Choose the correct variant. Does his brother swim very good?

Choose the correct variant. Does his mother cook tasty?

Choose the correct variant. I usually have lunch at home;

Choose the correct variant. Mary doesn’t go to the library;

Choose the right variant of translation: легко (оңай, жеңіл) A easily

Choose uncountable noun: E politics

Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form. childrens;

Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form. foots;

Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form. mouses;

Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form. toothes;

Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form. woman-doctors;

Complete the proverb: A good beginning makes … E a good ending

Complete the proverb: As you make your bed... B so you must lie on it

Complete the proverb: East or West … D home is best

Complete the proverb: Never put off till tomorrow … A what you can do today

Complete the proverb: No pains … C no gains

Complete the proverb: So many men … A so many minds

Compose adjective using the necessary suffix: dangerB ous

Compose compound word: House … A wife

Compose compound word: Mother … D land

Could you add this up for me? I'm not very quick______calculating.c) at

Country is India, nationality is … D Indian

Country is Japan, nationality is … D Japanese

Did ... see this film yesterday? B) anybody;

Doctor James is away. +D 0.

Don’t make so much noise. I (to work) now. + A- am working

Don’t worry. We have ... time before the train comes in. C) much;

dress. b) of

Eight o’clock a.m. is ... time in our family. A) breakfast;

Father (still/work) in the garden. +A is still working

Find a noun: B ability

Find the odd word: A rehearsal

Find the odd word: B ambulance

Find the right translation: жетістік, успех. A progress

First of all we shall listen to ... suggestions, then we shall put forward ... C) their / ours;

Form adjective from noun: careB ful

Form adjective from noun: grass a y

Form adjective from noun: noise D y

Form the adjective using the necessary prefix: known B un

Form the noun using the necessary suffix: freeD dom

France is to … north of … Italy. B) -, the, -;

friend made some mistakes in his dictation.A) My;

Give ... the book, please. C) we;

Give the opposite to the word: equal C unequal

Give the opposite to the word: important A unimportant

Give the opposite to the word: official D unofficial

Give the opposite to the word: possible A impossible

group of … farmers were sitting in … village house. A) a, -, the;

Have you got______luggage? Let me help you. a) any

He ...(buy) an English book today. +E has bought

He … with his family now. His sons … so much exited. D) is, are;

He drives______than Bob. a) more cautiously

He enjoyed his life there. He had_______friends and they met quite often. a) few

He is keen ... ancient languages. B) on;

He is … wonderful teacher. He teaches … History. A) a, -;

He is an old friend of ... .C) ours;

He is going ... for sports. C) in;

He is the most handsome man I … ever …. +C have … known

He keeps trying although there is______chance of suc­cess.a) much

He tries to do ... morning exercises every morning. A) his;

He usually gets up ... half past seven. B) at;

He was found guilty______robbing the bank.a) of

He washed and dressed ... .C) himself;

Her sport car is different______Kate's.

He's a fast runner. I can't run as______as he.a) fast

His drawings are as perfect as his______.b) instructor's

Honesty is______policy.a) the best

Hotels are becoming______nowadays. b) the most expensive

How ... English words do you know? A) many;

How … you? – I … not very well today. D) are, am;

How many books … they…? + E do … want

I ... … next week. + D am arriving

I … sorry. They … not at the office at the moment. A) am, are;

I am short______money at the moment. d) of

I am suspicious______those people who always ask questions.b) of

I can’t do it today. I have ... free time.C) little;

I cannot talk to you now. I______time. a) have got no

I come from … pretty rich … family. B) a, -;

I don’t want ... for the first lesson so I come a few minutes before the bell. C) to be late;

I feel really sorry______her because she has fallen ill. d) for

I feel______today than I did last week. d) more better

I felt very ashamed______making such a stupid mistake.

I have lost ... pen, may I take ... ? C) my / yours;

I like Jane less than Tom, but I like Sam______of all. d) least

I live ... a new 9-storeyed block ... flats ... Chockin Street. C) in / of / in;

I must hurry or I'll be late______school. c) for

I spend most of my time in my bedroom which I use ... a study. B) as;

I won’t drink … lemonade. There is… fly in it. +A 0/a

I’m quite ... and easy to deal with. So I have a lot of friends with whom we spend much time together. C) sociable;

I’ve got good relations ... my mum. C) with;

I’ve got no pen to write with. I’ll ask Mary to give me ... . B) hers;

If there are______letters for me? a) any

If you are interested in______details ask the head of the office. a) further

If you ever have ... problems, let me know. A) any;

In … small town in … East there was … man who had … parrot. A) a, the, a, a;

In the morning if I have enough time I take ... . E) a shower.

Insert the sentence in “Past Simple”: Who ... America? B discovered

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: He (buy) an English book today. E has bought

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: He (write) a letter to his parents. B has written

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: … you … this task? B have/finished

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: She already (paint) a picture. B has painted

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: The teacher (discuss) the problem with children. C has discussed

Insert the sentence in “Present Perfect”: What task … she … yet? D has… done

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Tom … a shower at the moment. E is having

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Don’t make so much noise. I (to work) now. A am working

Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: They … … football in the garden now. B are playing

Is ... absent today? B) anybody;

is that man?- He is a doctor. B) What;

is that man?- Klimov Ivan Petrovich. B) Who;

It ... me half an hour to go to the University on foot. C) takes;

It is not his fault. You cannot blame______. c) him

It took Kate______to do this work. d) much longer

It took some time to get accustomed______driving on the left. c) to

John's grades are______his sister's.c) higher than

Kazakh like … milk. +C The/0

M. Auezov is … well-known Kazakh poet. + D a

men declare war. But it is the youth that fight and die. d) older

Moscow is especially famous______its elegant architec­ture.b) of

My younger sister is very popular ... her friends at parties. C) with;

My book is______interesting______yours. a) as, as

My children are my parents’ ... . D) grandchildren;

My days are so busy that I have______time for reading. d) little

My elder brother looks like ... mother . B) my;

My flat is ... the third floor. D) on;

My friend … in the USA many times. +A has been

My friend’s … flat is … very comfortable. C) -, -;

My grandmother … not nervous and she … rarely upset. A) is, is;

My house is______ height______his.

My mother’s sister is my ... . B) aunt;

My room... a green park and has a lot of sunshine. C) overlooks;

My sister is better______sport than me.a) at

My sister is very keen______fashion.c) on

My sister’s husband is my ... .B) brother-in-law;

My working day ... 6 hours. C) lasts;

No animal is so big______King Kong.a) as

Now my father smokes______cigarettes than he used to. c) fewer

Nursery school , kindergarten , ... , institute. C) secondary school;

Of the two books, this one is the______.b) most interesting

Of two evils choose______.c) the least

of you knows his address? B) Which;

often meet here.A) We;

On week-ends we like to go ... a walk with our friends. C) for;

One day … man decided to sell … bird. A) a, a;

Our large family consists ... 8 people. C) of;

Parents of my father are my ... . A) grandparents;

people give money to charity. b) many

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