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Iris Murdoch “The Sandcastle” Chapter 1

  1. Find the following words and word combinations in the text. Be ready to represent the situations where they occur and give synonyms to them.

  • to articulate distinctly

  • outbreak of measles

  • to bring the term to an early conclusion

  • to get smb off taking junior prep

  • to take a vow of obedience

  • to have a soporific feeling of conjugal boredom

  • to make a futile remark

  • to lead a cloistered life

  • to know smb’s mind

  • to be littered with the discarded paraphernalia of subjects

  • to be sniffed up with sth

  • to draw one’s horns in pretty sharply

  1. Answer the following questions using the words mentioned above.

  1. Who are the main characters of the chapter?

  2. Where does the place of the action take place?

  3. What do the characters argue about?

  4. What kind of family relation do they have?

  5. How many children are there in the family? Where are they?

  6. Whom do the children resemble in their appearance?

  1. Remember the situations where the following phrases were used and express your opinion to them.

“Mor had been brought up as a Methodist. He believed profoundly in complete truthfulness as the basis and condition of all virtue”.

“You always pretend people don’t know what they want when they don’t want what you want”.

“You live in a dream world ... Neither of your children are clever, and you’ve already caused them both enough unhappiness by pretending that they are”.

  1. Translate the following extract in a proper manner from English into Russian.

“Mor hated Nan’s moocher ... – Her strength was endless”

Chapter 2

1.Find the following words and word combinations in the text. Be ready to represent the situations where they occur and give synonyms to them.

  • to console

  • a desultory conversation

  • to extend the tenure of power

  • remorse of conscience

  • to mitigate the tyranny

  • to regard sth as affectation

  • to endeavor to bring the friendship to an end

  • to have a vague curiosity about smb

  • to stand stately and pensive

  • to be littered with the discarded paraphernalia of subjects

  • to blend into a nity

  • to be invariably an efficient ally

  • the sense of vocation

  • to be a connoisseur of books

  • to be a bit intimidating

  • to find sth hard to interpret

2. Answer the following questions using the words mentioned above.

  1. Who was Demoyte? Why did Mor respect him greatly?

  2. What position did Mor occupy when Demoyte was the headmaster? What was peculiar about that?

  3. What were the reasons for Nan to dislike Demoyte?

  4. Why did Mor have a vague curiosity about Miss Carter?

  5. Who watch Mor’s arrival and why?

  6. How did the first meting of Mor and Miss Carter happen? What was peculiar about their behavior?

  7. Who were present at the dinner? What was it like?

  8. How did Mor like to read? Why?

3. Remember the situations where the following phrases were used and express your opinion to them.

“Demoyte had not been easy to live with and he had not been easy to get rid of”.

“He had mitigated the tyranny; but he had also been to a large extent its instrument and had not infrequently enjoyed its fruits”.

“As for morality and such things Demoyte took the view that if a boy could look after his Latin prose, his character would look after itself”.

“I think fundamentally Mr Everard is a fool and if someone is a fool, especially if he’s in a position of authority, this spoils his other good qualities”.

“Mor knew that she was not interested in roses. Nan thought on the whole that flowers were rather messy and insanitary things”.

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