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сокращенные темы по англ яз.docx
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1. What is Public Administration?

2. Business Management and Public Administration.

3. Public Administration Personnel. Role Types: Political Executives. Desktop Administrators.

4. Professionals. Stret-level Bureaucrats. Policy Entrepreneurs.

5. Organization. Theory Bureaucracy.

6. Organization as a structure of subgroups.

7. Organization as a Cultural Product. Civil Service System.

8. Personnel Administration: Staffing and Training the Agency.

9. Problem Defintion. Information Search in a Decision-Making Process.

10. Making Choice and Evaluation in a Decision-Making Process.

11. Models of Decision-Making.

12. Transactianal and Transformational Leaders.

13. The Leadership Traits and Leadership Ingredients.

  1. What is Public Administration

Public administration is policy making. We are in contact with public administration from the moment of birth.

Various institutions are involved in public administration. These are governmental agencies. Some of them are mostly involved with policy formulation, for example, the Parliament or Congress. Some of them are mostly involved with policy formulation, for example, the Parliament or Congress.

Other institutions are agencies, banks and hospitals, district and city governments. They are the translators and tailors of government. without it government would be ineffective and inefficient.

  1. Business management and Public administration

Management of all organizations involves planning the activities and establishing goals; organizing work activities; staffing and training; directing or decision-making and so on.

That is why successful business was seen as the model for the proper management of government, and the field of public administration was seen as a field of business,

Some scholars argued that administration is a more general term and a more generic process than management. Administration takes place at factories, schools, hospitals, prisons, insurance companies, or welfare agencies, whether these organizations were private or public. Accordingly they started speaking about business and public administration.

There is an obvious difference between administration of business, or private organization, and administration of public organizations. Public organizations are more dependent on government allocations, more constrained by law, more exposed to political influences, and more difficult to evaluate than business organizations. Public administration takes into account also the special environment in which the public servant has to live, an environment constituted of the mix of administration, policy making, and politics.

  1. Public administration personnel: Role-types political executives desktop administrators

Large organizations employ many individuals.

A role is a predictable set of expectations and behaviors associated with an office or position.

A person usually performs several roles and it may become a source of stress and overload.

Viewing organization helps to identify rights and obligations of each employee.

Public organizations contain many specific roles, five role-types – the political executive, desktop administrator, professional, street-level bureaucrat, and policy entrepreneur – are the most common.

Political executives occupy the top of public organizations. They perform the functions of a political aide, policy maker, and top administrator.

In most cases, political executives are political appointees – elected officials give them their jobs.

They are also policy makers. They may also have responsibility for major decisions.

Political executives are also top-level administrators.

Desktop administrators are career civil servants down the hierarchy a few steps from political executives. Desktop administrators spend days filled with memoranda and meetings, guide policy intentions into policy actions that actually change, for better or worse, people’s life.