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My name (мое имя) is Samuel Hunt.

I'm from England.

I live (живу) in London.

I'm a detective.

I work (работаю) in Scotland Yard1.

I'm 40 years old.

I'm married (женат/замужем).

I speak a little (немного) German and a little Russian. Nice to meet you (приятно познакомиться).

Скотланд – Ярд – центральное управление полиции и сыскного отделения в Лондоне.

2. QUESTIONS (Вопросы)

What is your name?

Что есть Ваше имя = как Вас зовут?

My name is ...

Where are you from?

Откуда есть Вы из = откуда Вы?

I am from…

Where do you live?

Где вы живете?

I live in…

What do you do?

Что Вы делаете = кто Вы по профессии?

I’m a…

Where do you work?

Где Вы работаете?

I work in…

How old are you?

Как стары есть Вы = сколько вам лет?

I’m …years old.

Are you married?

Вы женаты/замужем?

Yes, I’m married / No, I’m single (холостой)

Do you speak English?

Вы говорите по-английски?

I speak…

What is you telephone number?

Какой Ваш телефонный номер?

My mobile is…

My home (домашний) number is…


Her name is Joanne Connor.

She is from Salisbury, Wiltshire'.

She lives in London.

She is a constable.

She is 25.

She is not married.

She speaks German and French.

She - она Her- ее


His name is Simon Cross.

He is from Stratford-on­Avon2.

He lives in London.

He is a criminal.

He is 23.

He is single.

He speaks a little Spanish.

He-он His - его

1.Уилсбери, графство Уилтшир (на Юге Англии)

2 Стррэдфорд-он-Эйвон – город на берегу реки Эйвон, где родился и умер У. Шекспир

3. Констебль – низший полицейский чин в Великобритании и США.


DH = Detective Hunt JC = Joanne Connor

JC: Good morning, sir!

DH: Morning.

JC: I'm constable' Connor. I'm your new (новый) partner (напарник/напарница).

DH: My new partner?

JC: Yes, sir.

DH: OK. Please sit down (садитесь).

JC: Thank you.

DH: What is your first name (имя; в отличие от “surname” – «фамилия»), constable Connor?

JC: Joanne.

DH: And where are you from?

JC: I'm from Salisbury.

DH: Salisbury?

JC: Yes. It's in Wiltshire.

DH: Oh. And where do you live now (сейчас)?

JC: In London. I rent (снимаю) a room (комнату).

DH: How old are you?

JC: I'm 25.

DH: Are you married?

JC: No, I'm single.

DH: Do you speak German?

JC: Yes, sir. I speak German and French.

DH: Great (отлично, здорово). Nice to meet you, constable Connor.

JC: Nice to meet you too (тоже), sir.



In the morning (утром) Detective Hunt comes (приходит) to his office (кабинет).

DH: Hello, constable Connor.

JC: Hello, sir. How are you (как Вы)?

DH: I'm OK, thanks. And you?

JC: Very well (очень хорошо), thanks. Any news (какие-нибудь новости)?

DH: Yes, constable. We must (должны) go to (едем в) Stratford-on-Avon.

JC: Stratford-on-Avon?

DH: Yes, tomorrow (завтра). Book a room (забронировать номер)in a hotel, please. For 10 days (на 10 дней).

JC: But why (почему)?

DH: It's our new (новый) case (дело).

2. I'd like to book a room

R: Hello, the California Hotel. Robert speaking (говорит). Can I help you (Чем я могу Вам помочь)?

JC: Yes, please. I'd like (=I would like; я бы хотел) to book a room for tomorrow (на завтра), please.

R: A single (одноместный) or a double (двухместный)?

JC: Two single rooms, please. How much is it (сколько это стоит)?

R: A single room is £ 20 a night (за ночь).

JC: It's OK.

I: What is your name, please?

JC: Joanne Connor. C-O-N-N-O-R.

I: How long (как долго) would you like (Вы бы хотели) to stay (останавливаться)?

JC: For 10 nights.

I: How (как) would you like to pay (платить)?

JC: By credit card.

I: What's your credit card number (номер)?

JC: It's Mastercard 7113 5600 0043 2213.

R: Thank you very much. Your room numbers are 505 and 507.

3. Welcome to the california hotel

R: Hello! Welcome to (добро пожаловать) the California hotel! Can I help you?

JC: Yes, please. My name is Joanne Connor, and this is Mr. Samuel Hunt. We have a reservation (бронь).

R: Just a moment (один момент), please. Connor, Connor… Yes, you have a reservation. It is for two people, for 10 nights. A double room.

JC: Are you sure (уверенны)? We need (нужно) two single rooms.

R: Oh, I’m Sorry. Two single rooms, of course. Here are your keys (ключи). The rooms are on floor five (на пятом этаже).

4. Do you have breakfast here?

R: Hello, the California hotel. Robert speaking.

DH: Hello, Robert. Samuel Hunt speaking, room 507.

R: How сan I help you sir?

HD: Can you tell me (не могли бы вы сказать), do you have breakfast (завтрак) here (здесь)?

R: Yes, sir, every day. We have breakfast (завтракать) at 9.00 AM at the restaurant (в ресторане).

DH: And where (где) is the restaurant?

R: It’s on floor five (пятый этаж).

DH: Thank you very much.

R: You’re welcome.



After (после) the breakfast.

DH: So (итак), the new case.

JC: Yes?

DH: We must find (найти) an escaped (сбежавший) criminal (преступник).

JC: An escaped criminal?

DH: Yes. His name is Simon Cross, and he is from Stratford-on-Avon.

JC: That’s why (вот почему) we are here!

DH: Right (верно). This is his photo, you can take (взять) it. We also (также) know his address. It’s 4, Queen Street.

JC: 4, Queen Street.

DH: Right. You should (следует) go there and search (обыскать, осмотреть) the place (место). Try (попытайся) to find some clues ( a clue – улика, зацепка, ключ).

JC: Yes, sir.


2.1 P = Passer-by (прохожий) JC = Joanne Connor

JC: Excuse me, where (где) is Queen Street?

P: Sorry, I have no idea (понятий не имею). I’m a stranger here myself (сам не местный; stranger – незнакомец, иностранец).

2.2 P = Policeman JC = Joanne Connor

JC: Excuse me, where is Queen Street?

P: Queen Street? Oh, it’s easy (легко). Do you know the Theatre?

JC: No, I’m a stranger here.

P: OK, Just (просто) turn right (поверните направо) and go straight ahead (идите прямо) until the crossroads (до перекрестка). Then (потом) turn left (поверните налево)and go straight ahead until the Theatre. And then turn right again (снова).

JC: Thank you. Is it far (далеко) from here (отсюда; «от здесь»)?

P: Yes, it’s better (лучше) to take a taxi (взять такси).

JC: Thank you very much.

P: You’re welcome.


TD = Taxi Driver JC = Joanne Connor

JC: Hello, are you free (свободный)?

TD: Yes, ma’am. Where to (куда/ ехать/)?

JC: 4, Queen Street. Do you know the place (место)?

TD: Yes, of course. It’s a Tudor house (дом в стиле эпохи Тюдоров (XV-XVII вв). старые живописные дома с белыми стенами и темным деревянным каркасом, за что их еще называют “black-and-white houses”- «черно-белые дома». Им часто по 300-400 лет), right?

JC: I have no idea. I’m a stranger here.

TD: Oh, it’s a beautiful old (старый) cottage. I like black-and-white (черно-белый) houses very much…

TD: So, this it Queen Street. Number 4 is over there (вон там).

JC: Where?

TD: That small (маленький) cottage.

JC: Oh, I see (понятно; to see - видеть). Thanks a lot.

TD: You’re welcome. £ 10, please.



Constable Connor comes into the cottage and phones Detec­tive Hunt

JC: Can you hear (слышать) me, sir?

DH: Yes, constable. Where are you?

JC: In the cottage. It's very small. There is (там есть) a living-room (гостиная), a kitchen (кухня) and a bathroom (ванная). I'm in the living-room now.

DH: What can you see?

JC: Not much (много). There is a desk (письменный стол), an armchair (кресло), a wardrobe (гардероб), a table (стол) and a chair (стул).

DH: What is there on the table?

JC: Just (просто) a lamp (лампа).

DH: Is there a laptop (ноутбук) or a computer? Any (какие-нибудь) papers (бумаги)?

JC: Unfortunately (к сожалению) no, sir.

DH: What is there near (рядом) the window (окно)?


DH: Does it work?

JC: Just a moment, sir ... no, it doesn't.

DH: Look at (посмотри на) the floor (пол), maybe (может быть) there is something (что-нибудь) under (под) the carpet (ковер).

JC: No, sir, nothing. Just a lot of (много) dust (пыль).

DH: Are there any clothes (одежда) in the wardrobe? JC: Just a moment ... no, sir.

DH: What is there on the walls (на стенах)?

JC: The walls are empty (пустые). There are no pictures (картины), no photos, nothing.

DH: So, he took everything away (он все забрал; to take away – забирать).


DH: Where are you now, constable?

JC: In the bathroom, sir.

DH: Is there anything (что-нибудь) interesting?

JC: Well, there's a bath-tub (ванная), a sink (раковина) and a mirror (зеркало). Oh, and a rug (коврик) on the floor (пол). And again, nothing (ничего) under the rug.

DH: Are there any towels (полотенца)?

JC: Hm, no. Not even soap (мыло) or shampoo (шампунь).

DH: He's a clever (умный) guy (парень), this Simon Cross.

JC: I'm afraid so (боюсь, что так), sir.


IC: I'm in the kitchen now, sir. There is a table (стол) and two chairs (стулья), a fridge (холодильник), a cooker (плита), a sink (раковина) and two cupboards (шкаф).

DH: Anything in the cupboards? JC: No, but. .. wait a minute ...

DH: What?

JC: There is something between (между) the fridge and the sink ...

DH: Yes?

JC: Oh, well, it's nothing. It's just (всего лишь, только) a towel (полотенце).

DH: A towel? But he took everything away, even towels from the bathroom. Why did he leave (оставил) this one?

JC: I think it just slipped (to slip – проскользнуть, ускользнуть) between the fridge and the sink.

DH: Is it an ordinary (обычное) towel?

JC: Well, yes, just an ordinary green (зеленое) towel... but there is something on it. .. a label (этикетка). There is a la­bel. It says (она говорит = на ней написано): "The Shelter Pub".

DH: It's a towel from the local (местный) pub! Why did he take it home (взял домой)?

JC: What if (что если) he worked there?

DH: I think so, too. Well done (хорошо сделано = молодец), Connor! It's our next step (следующий шаг). We will go to the Shelter Pub.



W = Waiter (официант) DH = Detective Hunt

JC = Joanne Connor

Detective Hunt and Constable Connor meet (встречаться) at the Shelter Pub and come in.

W: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

DH: Yes, please. Can we see the menus?

W: Of course, sir. Here you are. Anything to drink (что-нибудь выпить)?

DH: Yes, please. Half-pint (полпинты. Пинта = 0,568) of lager (лагер – пиво осветленное методом низового брожения; светлое, легкое), please.

W: And you, ma’am?

JC: A cup of tea (чашечку чая), please.

W: Black (черный) or green (зеленый)?

JC: Green, please.

W: Sugar (сахар)?

JC: No, thank you.

W: OK, thank you. Just a moment.

The waiter goes away.

JC: How can you drink beer (пиво), sir?! We’re on duty (при исполнении; на дежурстве).

DH: Hush (тсс)! We’re here incognito.


DH: Joanne, dear, can you read (прочитать) the menu for me? I left (забыл) my glasses (очки) at home.

JC: Yes, sir…I mean (то есть; я имею в виду), Samuel. Of course.