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Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of kazakhstan



Theme: «National Income»


Bolatova B. ,

Group: Acc-132


Seniour Tutor

Didar Illyasov

Almaty 2013


1. Introduction...................................................................................................3-5

2. The main part..................................................................................................6

2.1. The national income of the society. The concept of national income........6-9

2.2. National income as a macroeconomic indicator......................................10-14

2.3. Production of national income and the facts of its growth. Productive

and unproductive labor in a market economy.................................................15-17

2.4. Distribution and use of the redistribution of national income..................17-19

2.5. Consumption and accumulation of national income................................20-22

3. Conclusion...................................................................................................23-25

4. List of references.........................................................................................26-27

1. Introduction

In macroeconomics to analyze the situation on the market uses a slightly different method and aggregate value, ie the aggregate, generalized value. Macroeconomics - a global approach, so to calculate the economic development of each country apply the following totals: GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and GNP (gross national product).

GDP - is the total value of all goods produced in the country, with no difference citizens or non-citizens of the country was produced by this product. The difference between GDP and GNP is that GNP is taken into account in the calculation of national lines (ie podchityvaetsya products produced only by residents of the country).

It is also widely used, and other summary measure, for example, macroeconomics national income. This figure represents a monetary value created within 1 year of products and services. For the calculation of the national income is often used net national product - which also applies to macroeconomics. That is, of net national product should only deduct indirect taxes.

In other words, we can say that macroeconomics national income includes income that were received basic factors of production. These factors are the available capital, labor, or labor, land, and entrepreneurial skills. However, the national income can be represented as a sum of some other income, namely: wages of all employees, interest payments on invested capital, general industrial and commercial profits, as well as land rent. There is another way to calculate the macroeconomics of national income - of the gross national product, you can deduct indirect taxes and depreciation, which are worn equipment. Despite the fact that this figure has many options of his calculations, the end result should always get the same. In addition, on the basis of national income can be calculated and macroeconomics personal income, which is also an important indicator of the macroeconomic situation of the country. The sources of personal income is the actual salary of the public, any other work activity, various payments from the funds of consumption (typically scholarships, pensions, etc.), business and private sector. Thus, the national income is considered one of the most important indicators of development of any country.

Macroeconomics is a part of economic theory or political, designed to find out how the economic system as a whole. It examines the conditions, factors, and the results of the national economy as a whole. Among its facilities are: the wealth and income of the nation, and the pace of growth factors, the structure and proportions of the social production of the social product, its measurement, and more.

My work is dedicated to the national income, its formation, izmeniniyu and use.

The problem of this study is the actual character in the modern world. This is evidenced by the frequent study of the issues raised.

The theme of "National income" studied at the junction of several inter-related disciplines. For the present state of science is characterized by the transition to a global address concerns subjects "National income" .

Questions of research has been widely discussed. Most of the material presented in textbooks is of a general nature, and in the many books on this subject addressed more specific issues the problem of "national income. Its production, distribution and redistribution." However, it takes account of the current conditions in the study of problems of the designated theme.

The high importance and the lack of practical elaboration problems, "National income" is defined undeniable novelty of this study. Further attention to the issue of the problem of "National income" to develop a better and reasonable resolution of urgent problems of private subjects of this study.

The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, a strong interest in the topic "National income" of modern science, on the other hand, its insufficient development. Consideration of issues related to this subject is both theoretical and practical significance. The results can be used to develop a methodology for the analysis of "National income". The theoretical value of the study of the problem of "National income" is that the chosen issues for consideration at the junction of several scientific disciplines.

The object of this study is to analyze the conditions of "National income".

In this case, the subject of the study is to examine the specific questions formulated as objectives of this study. The aim of this study is to examine the topic "National income" from the point of view of the latest domestic and foreign studies on similar issues. In pursuit of this goal the author has delivered solutions and the following tasks:

  • To study the theoretical aspects and to identify the nature of the national income.

  • To say about the relevance of the problem of national income.

  • Outline possible solutions subjects national income.

  • Mark trends in subjects national income.

The work has a traditional structure and includes an introduction, main part, consisting of three chapters, conclusion and bibliography. In the introduction the urgency of selecting a theme, set the goal and objectives of the study, described research methods and information sources.

Chapter One reveals the general questions revealed the historical aspects of the problem of "national income. Its production, distribution and redistribution." The basic concepts, driven by the relevance of the sound issues, "National income"

In the second chapter in more detail the content and the modern problem of "National income"

The third chapter is practical and based on individual data the analysis of the current status, as well as the analysis is done prospects and trends of "national income. Its production, distribution and redistribution."

According to the results of research have been opened a number of problems related to the topic, and the findings of the further study / improve the problem.

Thus, the relevance of the problem determined the selection of the theme of "national income. Its production, distribution and redistribution of the" scope and logic of its construction.

The current political situation in the world shows what influence relations with other states.

Economic well-being of society in a country made up of different elements, the management of which reflects a variety of indicators.

In macroeconomics widely used interconnected national accounts, which are calculated using the GDP (GDP). These include: national income, net national product, disposable income, personal income.

One of the most important achievements in the economy of the XX century is the development of theoretical concepts and statistical data related to national income. The concept of "national income" has a different meaning, there are five versions of the semantic concepts.

The development of the theoretical concepts and related statistics excited to political economy of public interest. We, as a nation, have an idea about the importance of values ​​and the role of the main components of the national income, and we study their changes and reciprocal relationship to determine whether the current state of the economy is balanced and healthy, or it tends to lead to difficulties and complications of inflationary or deflationary character.

Managers of large and small businesses, workers and farmer leaders, members of Congress, the administrators in charge of the various agencies of the federal government, officials from the local government and knowledgeable people at all - they all work with theoretical concepts and statistics that relate to the national income. Commentators and columnists that appear in print or on the radio, think for themselves difficult to discuss the current economic phenomena without referring to the main barometer - the national income. The concept of "national income" has become an important tool for thinking and acting in the economic affairs of the modern world. This is a complex and difficult concept, which in many cases abused and is often interpreted incorrectly. In this chapter we will try to reject the technical details and complexity, and provide a simple explanation of the subject, which can be useful for a wide range of readers. The process of education is gradually accustom us to a more qualified treatment of these useful, but complex tools of rational thought and action.

Thus, all of the above confirms the relevance of the chosen theme of the course work.

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