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  1. Research shows parents of small children more likely to stop smoking if given the right program

Wednesday, October 10, 2012 by: S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) A massive research project conducted by Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital reveals that parents who seek help with the right cessation program are much more likely to stop smoking than those attempting to quit on their own. Over 7,000 parents were studied in 18 different studies, and the parents were offered self help materials, counseling, and/or medications by their pediatricians. Many of the interventions included a visit to a well-baby or "well-child" clinic. The research tracked parental activity and success rates for over a year. The conclusion: Pediatricians who recommend the right cessation programs to the parents were more likely to see them stop smoking, especially because of the "teachable moment" during the visit, regarding their children's vulnerability to the devastating effects of the tobacco smoke (http://www.reuters.com). Though they are considered short term studies, Dr. Winickoff at Harvard Medical School says they are "worth pursuing," and that the best programs will enable nearly every parent to quit smoking. Sue Curry, the Dean of University of Iowa's College of Public Health, says that one of her studies, included in the analysis, found that mothers who were given a quitting guide along with counseling advice were twice as likely to quit as mothers who didn't receive this kind of help. Research shows that the children ofparentswho smoked during pregnancy have inflamed arterial walls, which is linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, asthma, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and a long list of other critical illnesses.

  1. Behavior and nutrition not addressed by the pills, the patch, nic gum, or electronic cigarettes

The best chance any smoker has of quitting is to seek help and use a program that gives insight to the culprits of the addiction: • Commercial cigarettes contain up to 4,000 chemicals, wreaking havoc on the central nervous system, which causes the smoker to "need" the nicotine stimulant as a temporary escape from nervousness and anxiety. The nicotine is only temporary relief from the "cigarette hangover." • Smokers develop up to 20 behavioral habits which are not addressed by the pills, the patch, nicotine gum, or electronic cigarettes (e-cigs). These behavioral habits include ritualized breathing patterns, hundreds of hand-to-mouth motions, environment changes, and much more. • Smoking cigarettes severely depletes nutrients in the smoker's body, perpetuating a whole host of illnesses. Without proper counseling and nutritional advice, 95% of smokers who quit end up returning to smoking within 6 months (http://www.naturalnews.com/034297_quit_smoking_solutions.html). The best option for parents is an all natural program, which cuts out all the chemicals, including nicotine. 14AndOut(http://programs.naturalnews.com/14AndOut__TV.htm) combines behavioral and nutritional advice that most smokers need in order to remain non-smokers, which is the true goal (as opposed to quitting and going back after something stressful occurs). By interviewing hundreds of smokers over the course of 3 years, the teacher/author of 14AndOut provides a close look at the vicious cycle of smoking commercial cigarettes, and then walks the smoker through exactly how they can wean off the habit in 14 days or less. This 60 minute downloadable video comes with simple strategic instructions and a nutritional guide that helps replace bad habits with good ones and replenish a depleted system, so the "student" never returns to smoking again.

2. Why Is Smoking Bad For You?


ditor's Choice Main Category:Smoking / Quit Smoking Article Date: 03 Mar 2011 - 5:00 PST

Smoking is responsible for several diseases, such as cancer, long-term (chronic) respiratory diseases, and heart disease, as well as premature death. Over 440,000 people in the USA and 100,000 in the UK die because of smoking each year. According the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), $92 billion are lost each year from lost productivity resulting from smoking-related deaths. Of the more than 2.4 million deaths in the USA annually, over 440,000 are caused by smoking. Smoking is the largest cause of preventable death in the world. Recent studies have found that smokers can undermine the health of non-smokers in some environments.

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