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М о д у л ь № 1

для магістрантів

факультету ЗЛіТ

спеціальність «фізична реабілітація»




(травми опорно-рухового апарату)»

40 балів



ЧИТАННЯ - 8 балів


  1. Study the active vocabulary to the topic “Physical Rehabilitation in Sports Traumatism”:

  1. to abound in/with = to be full of – бути заповненим, повним

  2. to increase [ in'kri:z] = to rise = to enlarge – збільшувати(–ся), зростати

increase (n) [ 'inkri:s] = growth – збільшення, зростання

increased interest – більша зацікавленість

  1. to account for – спричинитися, нести відповідальність за

  2. to occur = to happen – траплятися, статися

  3. cause [ kכ:z] – причина

to be caused by – бути викликаним чимось

  1. repetitive trauma – повторна травма

  2. error = mistake = fault – помилка

  3. balance – перерозподіл, баланс

  4. flexible – гнучкий, пружний

flexibility – гнучкість, пружність

  1. bulk = loading – вантаж, навантаження

  2. anatomic misalignment – анатомічне відхилення в будові

  3. lower extremities = limbs – нижні кінцівки

  4. growing-up – ріст, процес зростання

  5. contrary to the common opinion – усупереч загальній думці, уяві

  6. to be able to – бути здатним, могти

to enable = to allow – надати можливість, дозволяти

  1. to regain sporting abilities – відновити спортивні навички і уміння

  2. immediate objective – безпосереднє завдання

immediately = at once – відразу, негайно

  1. to reduce possibility – зменшити можливість

  2. supervised rehabilitation programmes – реабілітаційні програми під наглядом

  3. long-term goal – далекосяжна мета

  4. general measures – загальні засоби

  5. mobility of the joints - рухливість суглобів

  6. premature return – передчасне повернення

  7. painless – безболісний

  8. appropriate – відповідний, належний

  9. vertical leaping – стрибки у гору

  10. squatting – присідання

  11. supportive or preventive device – допоміжні або запобіжні пристрої

  12. to supplement – доповнювати

  13. to provide = to supply – забезпечувати

II. Read the text without a dictionary. Consult the pretext vocabulary. Rehabilitation in sports traumatizm

Playgrounds, fields, pits, gyms, courts and pools abound in young people going in for sports.

The increasing interest in sports increases the risk of injuries. The most risky kind of sport for men is football, which accounts for 50% of total number of injuries. It is followed by wrestling (17%) and track and field (10%). Women’s injuries occur mainly in tennis (38%), gymnastics (20%) and basketball (15%).

An injury can be caused by a single macrotrauma or a repetitive microtrauma. Repetitive trauma or “overuse” might happen as a result of six risk factors, which are as follows: 1) training errors; 2) wrong balance of strength, flexibility or bulk; 3) anatomic misalignment of the lower extremities; 4) faulty playing surface; 5) associated diseases of the lower extremities, such as old injuries or arthritis and 6) growing-up.

Contrary to the common opinion, athletes are not able to regain their sporting abilities immediately. They need supervised rehabilitation programmes that begin at the playground. The immediate objective lies in reducing any possibility of further harm. The long-term goal of rehabilitation is to restore all functions of the young organism that enable athletes to play and to do sports withoutrisk. Sporting goals include exercises needed to reach long-term goal. The general measures of rehabilitation are aimed at improving the work of cardiovascular system by normalizing mobility and flexibility of the joints.

Complete rehabilitation is synonymous to return to play. Premature return to this activity can put a sportsman at a risk of a repeated injury and the development of chronic disease. The criteria for the return include full, painless and biomechanically normal mobility, strength and passing appropriate functional tests such as vertical leaping, running or squatting. Supportive or preventive devices can supplement rehabilitation process and provide stability and anatomic alignment of the body to sporting demands.

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