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1 Курс Haemoglobin

Exercise 1. Learn the following words

chain - ланцюг, цеп

haeme - гем (небілкова частина гемоглобіну)

adolescence - юність,

impede - затримувати; перешкоджати, заважати

decilitre - децилітр

altitude - висота над рівнем моря

deprive - позбавляти (чогось - of)

compatible - сумісний, сполучний

thalassemia - таласемія (мішенеподібно-клітинна гемолітична анемія)

Exercise 2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words.

Haemoglobin, fluid balance, abbreviation, globulin, oxygen, alpha, carbon dioxide, beta, normal, gamma, important central structure, molecule, transport, gene, protein, color, deciliter, function, anemia, milliliter, gram, person, laboratory, traumatic, vitamin B12, dehydration, genetic, defective, result, organs, adequate oxygen, , mechanism.

Exercise 3. Find corresponding equivalents:

1. sickle-cell disease

2. carbon dioxide

3. doping

4. globulin chain

5. haeme

6. complete blood count (CBC)

7. the gender of the person

8. nutritional deficiency

9. whole blood

10. hereditary disease

1 . вуглекислий газ

2. глобуліновий ланцюжок

3. небілкова частина гемоглобуліну

4. стать людини

5. цільна кров

6. спадкова хвороба

7. клінічний аналіз крові

8. недостатність живлення

9. серпоподібноклітинна анемія

10. тимчасове підвищення активності організму

Exercise 4. Translate the following Participles.

Beginning; connected; consisting; contained: living; advanced; disappearing; abbreviated; resulting; embedded; maintaining; combined; returning; measured; expressed: containing: conjugated; carrying; referred; causing; restored; leading.

Exercise 5. Choose the necessary Participle's. Translate the sentences.

1. The patient (admitted, admitting) to the hospital was 45-year-old female.

2. The inner organs (included: including) in the thoracic cavity are the heart and lungs.

3. The blood (carried, сarrying) to the lungs is called venous blood.

4. The blood vessels (located, locating) он the anterior surface of the arm were dilated.

5. The vessels (carried, carrying) blood to the heart are called veins.

6 The lungs are the inner organs (included, including) in the thoracic cavity.

7. (Carrying, carried) blood to and from the lungs the vessels of the pulmonary system dilate and contract simultaneously with the action of the heart.

8 Now the patient is (received, receiving) the treatment at the surgical department.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


Haemoglobin (abbreviated Hb or Hgb) is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.

Haemoglobin is made up of four protein molecules (globulin chains) that arc connected together. The normal adult hemoglobin (Hbg) molecule contains 2 alpha-globulin chains and 2 beta-globulin chains.

Each globulin chain contains an important central structure called the haeme molecule. Embedded within the haeme molecule is iron that transports the oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood. The iron contained in haemoglobin is also responsible for the red color of blood

Haemoglobin also plays an important role in maintaining the shape of the red blood cells. Abnormal haemoglobin structure can, therefore, disnrnt the shape of red blood cells and impede its function and its flow through blood vessels.

Hemoglobin is usually measured as a part of the complete blood count (CBC) from a blood sample.

The haemoglobin level is expressed as the amount of haemoglobin in grams per deciliter (dl) of whole blood, a deciliter being 1000 millileters.

The normal ranges for haemoglobin depend on the age and, beginning in adolescence, the gender of the person. The normal ranges are: Newborns: 17-22 gm/dl, Children: 11-13 gm/dl, Adult males: 14-18 gm/dl, Adult women: 12-16 gm/dl

Low haemoglobin is referred to as anemia. There are many reasons for anemia. Some of the more common causes are: loss of blood, nutritional deficiency (iron, vitamin В12, folate), bone marrow problems, abnormal haemoglobin (sickle cell anemia).

Higher than normal haemoglobin levels can be seen in people living at high altitudes and in people who smoke. Dehydration produces falsely high haemoglobin which disappears when proper fluid balance is restored.

Sickle cell disease is a genetic condition in which the quality of haemoglobin is defective. This condition can cause abnormal haemoglobin which, in turn, can result in abnormally shaped (sickled) red blood cells. These abnormal red blood cells cannot easily pass through small blood vessels and, therefore, could deprive the body organs of adequate oxygen.

Thalassemia refers to a group of hereditary conditions with quantitative haemoglobin deficiency. The severity of these conditions depends on the type of deficient globulin chain. Mild disease may be only present as mild anemia, whereas, severe deficiency may not be compatible with life.

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:

1. How is haemoglobin abbreviated?

2. What molecules is haemoglobin made up of?

3. What molecule contains 2 alpha-globulin chains and 2 beta-globulin chains?

4. What does each globulin chain contain?

5. What transports the oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood?

6. What is also responsible for the red color of blood?

7. What is an important role of hemoglobin?

8. How is haemoglobin usually measured?

9. What does the normal ranges for haemoglobin depend on?

10. What is a genetic condition in which the quality of haemoglobin is defective?

Exercise 8. Translate the following word combinations into English:

Гемоглобін серпоподібних еритроцитів; позбавляти організм; характерна риса, особливість; вуглекислий газ; таласемія (мішенеподібно-клітинна гемолітична анемія); несумісний з життям; кістковий мозок; генетичний стан; допінг контроль; зневоднення організму; залежите від; вимірювати; генетичний стан; відповідати за; кількісний дефіцит; спадкова хвороба; водний баланс; втрата крові; переносити кисень; підтримувати форму; кисень

Exercise 9. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Treatments for anemia depend on severity and cause.

2. Mild to moderate iron-deficiency anemia is treated by oral iron supplementation with ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, or ferrous gluconate.

3. When taking iron supplements, it is very common to experience stomach upset and/or darkening of the feces. .

4. The stomach upset can be alleviated by taking the iron with food; however, this decreases the amount of iron absorbed.

5. Vitamin C aids in the body's ability to absorb iron, so taking oral iron supplements with orange juice is of benefit.

6. Vitamin supplements given orally (folic acid) or intramuscularly (vitamin B-12) will replace specific deficiencies.

7. In anemia of chronic disease, anemia associated with chemotherapy, or anemia associated with renal disease, some clinicians prescribe recombinant erythropoietin, epoetin alfa, to stimulate red-cell production.

8. In severe cases of anemia, or with ongoing продолжающийся blood loss, a blood transfusion may be necessary.

9. Several methods existed for measuring hemoglobin, most of which were done currently by automated machines designed to perform several different tests on blood.

10. Within the machine, the red blood cells are broken down to get the hemoglobin into a solution.