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In his own life, Lykken concentrates on completing small tasks that give him a great deal of satisfaction. ―I‘ve just spent the morning writing, which is something I like and that I am pretty good at,‖ he says. ‖This afternoon, I‘ll bake some loaves of bread, because I need that for my morning toast. I just discovered that American Psychological Association wants to give me an award, and that makes me feel good, but maybe not as good as that daily baking.

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The demeanour of those we live with is another vital factor. Teenagers with happy parents tend to be happy themselves. It is not until they leave home that they find their own set point. Likewise, a husband or wife‘s inner contentment has a large bearing on that of their spouse. Marry ing an upbeat person is probably the best mood enhancer around.

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In the science fiction work Brave New World, for example, people who took ‗happy pills‘ were incapable of seeing life as it truly was. Fans of

Woody Allen, the perpetually depressed actor and film maker, will remember the scene in the film Annie Hall in which he asked the strolling couple why they are so happy. ―Because we are so shallow and mindless,‖ they reply.

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Lykken is skeptical. ―Even if you can speak their language, they might not have the same psychological vocabulary for expressing how they feel at any given moment,‘ he says. Lykken refuses to believe that there is any correlation between the state of the society‘s technical or intellectual development and personal happiness. In fact, he argues that good humour is probably favoured by evolution. The gloomiest probably don‘t do very well in the romance stakes,‘ he theories. ‗ So, as a human race, we‘re probably getting slightly happier over time.‘

A Then I began to ask myself whether those findings may have been influenced by how people were feeling on a certain day – if they had just cut themselves, for example, or had trouble finding a parking space,‘ he says.

B Lykken also advocates control of anger as another regular way of boosting happiness questions. ‗People would rather feel anger than feel scared,‘ he says. ‗When we are angry we feel strong, but in the long run, I believe it‘s more harmful to happiness than anything else.‘


C The surest way to do this, Lykken believes, is to lose sight of our purpose in life. We describe the case of a Californian firefighter - the patient of a friend – who recently retired from the service and quickly became depressed. His mood picked up when he discovered that many windows in the neighbourhood needed to have things fixed round the house.

D Some philosophers question whether humans should actually be seeking such happiness including arrangements in the first place. Joy is sometimes associated with ignorance, they argue, causing happy people to

‗see the world through rose-tinted glasses‘.

E According to Lykken, however, each person possesses a ‗happiness set point‘ – the level of contentment to which we return after the impact of such specific events is absorbed. While humans titter wildly around that point during their lives, experiencing moments of extreme elation or depression, in the long run they gravitate back to their pre -set happiness level.

F ‗I said at the time that trying to be happier might be the same as trying to be taller,‘ he recalls, but he no longer views his research in that light. While the individual‘s sense of well-being might be 90 per cent predetermined, people still have substantial leeway to control their emotions. Lykken believes humans can – and should – aim to achieve happiness slightly above their pre-set level.

G In the late 1990s, the psychologist realized that he might be able to shed some further light on the subject. ‗That was a happy moment,‘ he jokes. Over a long period of time, Lykken had been following the progress of 300 pairs of identical twins. Identical twins help scientists differentiate between the effects of the environment and heredity. Because twins‘ genetic make-up is the same, small differences between them argue in favour of heredity. Large divergences point to the environment as the greater determining factor.

H Some people would rule out even this possibility, insisting that happiness is inconsistent with modern times. Contemporary lives are so stressful, they say, that joy becomes elusive. Primitive tribes are better off.


We should feel nostalgic for ‗simpler‘ times when we felt content with so much less.


Ex.1. Match the following words with appropriate definitions (1-16).



a. saying very little; not communicating at all



b. a cheerful person who likes to be w


a chequered career

c. full of great energy or enthusiasm



d. small articles, items of various sorts, without



much value

5. extrovert

e. marked by periods of good and bad luck

6. longevity

f. a person whose character or abilities make



him not suitable for a job, position

7. moral scruples

g. pleasant and friendly, easy to talk

8. melancholy

h. deep sadness that lasts for a long time,

9. odds and ends

i. reduction of efforts; pretence that you don‘t




10. to rely on hunches

j. a person who tries to impress others

11. square peg in round




k. feelings that prevent one from doing or



allowing sth. that one thinks may be wrong

12. a show-off

l. long life

13. a softy-softy




m. severe and morally strict

14. taciturn

n. to have confidence in an idea based on a



strong feeling

15. trepidation

o. great worry or fear about sth unpleasant that



may happen

16. zealous

p. a way of behaving; conduct

Ex.2. Fill in the blanks (1 – 19) with the correct particle or preposition where necessary.

1. I don‘t see why anybody has to get (1) … a temper. 2. Eccentrics get (2)

… … more than people can and they do it (3) … the sheer thrust of their personality. 3. As far as possible (4) … surrender you have to be (5 ) … good terms with all people. 4. Many persons strive (6) … high ideas and


everywhere life is full of heroism. 5. (7) … a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. 6. It‘s not your fault that they lack (8) … the spirit of prophecy and art. 7. My parents always drummed some foolish out-of-date ideas (9) … me. 8. She agreed that her mother tried to bind her (10) … bands (11) … steel. 9. The children of the famous had enough to put (12) … … . 10. An intuitional search (13) … knowledge is akin (14) …

Christian mysticism. 11. Typical Ram personalities have minds that go

(15) … their passion (16) … rushing (17) … things. 12. You see now how everything fits (18) … . 13. It prevents you from getting the most (19) … … your life.

Ex. 3. For questions 1 – 8, read the text below. Use the words in the list to the right of the text, to form one word that fits in the same numbered space in the text.


The capacity to communicate openly and honestly in a

relationship does not guarantee (1)…………. to distress. VULNERABLE

At times, one person may (2) ……… the other, causing


frustration and conflict.


A compromise is normally reached, but this amounts to an


(3) …... strategy.


Perhaps people should abandon the (4) ……… to smooth


things over, in favour of an (5) ……… process, where more


fundamental questions are asked.

Though this may be very (6) ……… at the time, the airing PLEASE

of basic (7) ……… often leads each person to view


the other more (8) …….. in the long run.


Ex. 4. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given (1- 10).

1. He suffers from headaches, depression and hyperactivity. prone

He …………………….. hyperactivity.


2. She is a person who always lets you down. on


3.Jeremy joined the cricket club a year ago. member

Jeremy‘s ………………………..a year.

4.The suspect could not explain why he had sand in his boots.


The suspect ………………………………. in his boots.

5. It is a foregone conclusion that Mark will get the job. saying

It ……………………………………………. the job.

6.I always think about transport costs when job hunting. consideration

I always ………………………….. when job hunting.

7. Becky didn‘t tell you because she assumed you already knew. granted

Becky didn‘t tell you ………………(that) you already knew.

8. The news was a shock to us. aback

We ……………………….. news.

9.They tried very hard to finish by midnight. best

They ……………………………..by midnight.

10.Your sending her flowers in hospital was a thoughtful gesture. kind

It ……………………………….. in hospital.

Ex. 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (1-16).

1. If she were rich, she …….. (not/have) to work.

2. Go and see a doctor in case you …….(have) a serious illness. 3. You won‘t understand this unless you ……(pay) attention. 4. What ……. (you/give) me if I …….(keep) your secret.

5. Even if he …….(beg) me I would not help him.

6. If this case ….. (go) to trial, it will cause a national outcry.

7. Supposing no one ………. (invent) the silicon chip, …….(things/be) different now?

8. What ……. (you/do) if the teacher caught you cheating in the test?


9. If I …….(be), I ……….. (not/listen) to his lies.

10. If he ……..(not/eat) that sandwich, he would not have suffered from food poisoning.

11. Father Christmas won‘t bring you any presents unless you …… (be) a good girl.

12. As long as you ……..(do) your best, no one will criticize you.

13. He put the answer phone on in case anyone ……. (want) to leave him a message.

14. Supposing we ………(be/stop) by the police, what …… (we/say)? 15. If you ……. (tell) me you were cold, I ……. (put) the fire on.

Ex.6. Write the correct conditional for the following sentence (1-12).

1. He must eat meat. He asked for a steak.


2. She isn‘t reliable. She would never have let you down.


3. They didn‘t ban hunting. The tiger is endangered.


4. Aren‘t you sure? Why did you agree to it then?


5.My father loves Shirley Bassey. He bought all her records.


6.He is a pessimist. He always looks on the black side.


7. He hasn‘t got a free weekend. He would have visited us, then.


8. He has made a lot of friends. He isn‘t lonely now.


9. You are soaked. Why didn‘t you bring an umbrella with you?


10. He can‘t be in trouble. He would have called by now.


11. He had lost his security pass. He wouldn‘t be allowed to enter the building.


12. They can‘t have caught the ferry. Otherwise they would be here by now.




Ex. 1. Render the following text into English.


Національний характер живе скрізь. Але жодному іншому народу це не так притаманно як англійцям, які ніби мають патент на живучість своєї натури. Стабільність та постійність – найяскравіші риси англійців. Вони менше, ніж інші народи, піддаються впливу часу. Важливо підкреслити, що при всій своїй стабільності, характер складається із досить суперечливі, навіть парадоксальних рис, деякі з них досить очевидні, інші навпаки – важко помітні.

Матеріалістичний народ – хто має сумніви щодо цього? Англійці дали світу велику кількість містиків, поетів, ідеалістів. Народ колоністів, вони виявляють безмежну прихильність до своєї країни, до свого народу. Невтомні морехідці та землероби, вони одночасно пристрасні садоводи. Їх допитливість дозволила їм познайомитись з кращим з того , чим володіють інші держави, але все ж вони залишились віддані своїй країні. Захоплюючись французькою кухнею, англійці не імітуватимуть її у себе вдома. На рідкість законослухняний народ, вони обожнюють читати про злочини та насильство. Будучи втіленням конформізму, вони в той же час є закоренілими індивідуалістами, і серед них є багато ексцентриків.

Все це парадокси, до яких слід додати ще один: вони рідко бувають загадковими та непередбаченими. Несправедливо стверджувати, ніби англійці ніколи не мінялись. Зміни відбуваються скрізь. На краще чи на гірше, споконвічні риси англійської натури і зараз глибоко впливають на національний характер та загальний стиль життя.

Англійці не люблять розголошувати стан своїх справ. Якщо це письменники, вони не розмовляють про свої книжки. Якщо це мислителі, вони не обговорюють свої теорії. Якщо це політики, вони не оприлюднюють свої програми. Коротко кажучи, вони ніби вважають своє трудове життя чимось відокремленим від життя в суспільстві.

Англія – це країна терпіння, наполегливості, розважливої послідовності в думках; країна, яка поважає не гучну абстрактну теорію, а маленькі тверді камінчики повсякденного досвіду.


Нічого, здавалось би, не приховує про себе Англія. І ніхто так не вміє сміятися над нею, як вона сама над собою.

Ex. 2. Render the following text into English.


Іноземцем взагалі не варто бути. Це непристойно і ознака поганого смаку. Немає рації робити вигляд, що це не так. Злочинець може виправитися і стати гідним громадянином своєї країни. Іноземець не може виправитися. Він завжди залишиться іноземцем. Він може стати британцем, але ніколи не стане англійцем.

Варто змиритися з сумною дійсністю. Є благородні англійці, які можуть вам пробачити. Є щедрі душі, які можуть зрозуміти, що це не ваша провина. Не забувайте, що англійці вважають іноземців потішними. Їм здається комічним, що люди розмовляють іноземними мовами, тиснуть один одному руки.

Англія та англійці стали володарями світу ще з наполеонівських часів. Важко очікувати, щоб англійці не стали зверхніми, стільки часу домінуючи у світі.

Попри все, Англія чудова, багата традиціями країна. Щоб її зрозуміти, необхідно подолати звичку підходити до іншого народу зі своїми мірками. Поводьтеся скромно. У Франції вважається грубим дати розмові затихнути. В Англії – поспішати підтримувати її. Якщо ви чемпіон світу з тенісу, скажіть: ―Так, я граю з горем навпіл‖. Якщо ви один перепливли Атлантику на маленькому човні, скажіть: ―Я трохи займаюсь парусним спортом‖.

В багатьох відношеннях англійці найввічливіший та найзухваліший народ у світі. Їх ввічливість виникає з поваги до людської особистості і заохочується доброзичливістю. Англійська ввічливість – це неперевершене мистецтво. Навіть якщо з вас вірьовки в‗ють, цей процес втілений в таку галантну форму, що ви нізащо не здогадаєтесь, що вас використовують.

Їх зверхність – це складніше почуття, що являє собою суміш підозрілості, байдужості та недоброзичливості. В той же час англієць привітний, людяний, витриманий. Він має почуття обов‗язку, громадського порядку, бережливості та любові до тварин.



1. Write a descriptive assay about a person you admire or a suggested personality, explaining why you admire him/her (in about 250 words). Follow the guidelines for descriptive essays in your textbooks.

2. Write an essay on the quotation ‘Selfishness and kindness, courage, laziness, idealism and sensuality, vanity, shyness, disinterestedness, nervousness, obstinacy and diffidence, they can all exist in a single person and form a plausible harmony’. (W.S. Maugham)

3. Write an essay in 200-250 words on the topic ‘What kinds of cultural misunderstanding could arise due to national differences’/


Ex. 1. Listen to Part A of the call and decide if these statements are True or False.


1.Mark is unemployed.

2.Mark left school a year ago.

3.Mark is no longer the same boy.

4.Rachel mentions three changes of character.

5.Rachel doesn‘t like his friends.

6,Rachel knows that Mark is taking drugs. 7.A television has disappeared from the home. 8. Mark likes listening to music.

9.Money isn‘t safe in the home.

10.Mark‘s father is away from home a lot.

Ex. 2. Choose one of the suggested topics and comment on it or discuss it with your partner.

1.Do you know the origin of the word ―humour‖? How does it relate to the word ‗temperament‘?

2.Are eccentrics well-adjusted in life or feel ill at ease? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of eccentricity.


3. What feelings do you experience or see others expressing at home, at the university, in the streets? Do any of these feelings worry you? How do you deal with them?

4.Do you agree that it is superhuman to be always bright and happy, and never to feel depression, helplessness, or sadness.

5.A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth.

6.Do you agree with those who insist that happiness is more an attitude to life than the state of things.

7.Men are traditionally portrayed as the hunters and warriors and women as the home-makers and child-carers. Does this mean that men are

automatically more aggressive, with a greater capacity for violence? Are women automatically gentler and more supportive?


Ex. 1. Listen to the text and write if the following statements (1-9) are True or False according to the text.


1.Nostradamus worked as a doctor after leaving university.

2.Nostradamus‘ first wife was killed by the Black Death.

3.Nostradamus began writing his prophecies before his second marriage.

4.The prophecies predicted what would happen over the next ten centuries.

5.Nostradamus‘ divining technique was based on ancient methods.

6.Few people were convinced by Nostradamus during his lifetime.

7.Nostradamus is believed by some people to have predicted the rise of Hitler.

8.One of the quatrains pinpoints Napoleon‘s birthplace.

9.One quatrain is believed to warn of a nuclear war around the year 2000.


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