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Handling e-mail is an art. Firstly, you junk anything with an exclamation mark or string of capital letters, or from any address you don‘t recognize or feel confident about. Secondly, while I can‘t quite support my American friend‘s radical policy, e-mails don‘t all have to be answered. Because e- mailing is so easy, there‘s a tendency for correspondence to carry on for ever, but it is permissible to end a strand of discussion by simply not discussing it any longer – or to accept a point of information by a colleague without acknowledging it.

Thirdly, a reply e-mail doesn‘t have to be the same length as the original.

We all have e-mail buddies who send long, chatty e-mails, which are nice to receive, but who then expect an equally long reply. Tough. The charm of e-mail can lie in the simple, suspended sentence, with total disregard to the formalities of the letter sent by post. You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e-mail with a terse oneliner, like: ―How distressing. I‘m sure it will clear up.‖

1. According to the writer, why did the company he mentions decide to adopt the e-mail system?

A So that employees contact academics more easily B To avoid missing out on any amusing novelty

C Because it had been tried and tested in universities

D To cope with a vast amount of correspondence they received 2. The ‗strategy‘ referred to in line 12 is a way of

A Ensuring that important matters are dealt with

B Prioritizing which messages to respond to

C Limiting e-mail correspondence to urgent matters

D Encouraging a more efficient use of e-mail

3. According to the write, what is causing the ‗torment of e-mail‘ (line 19) described in the reports?

AThe persistence of advertisers

BProblems caused by computer viruses

CThe attitude of those receiving e-mails

DLessons learnt from dealing with junk mail


4. In the sixth paragraph, which of the following pieces of advice is given?

A Forget about e-mails which do not intend to acknowledge. B Use e-mail as a way of avoiding unnecessary conversations. C Be prepared to break off overlong e-mail communications. D Read your e-mails if you are not going to answer them.

5. According to the writer, what advantage does e-mail correspondence have over the traditional letter.

AIt is more convenient to send.

BIt causes fewer misunderstandings.

CIt can be written in a less conversational style.

DIt does not have the same time-consuming conventions.


Ex. 1. Match the following words with appropriate definitions.


lingua franca

a. hard boring work


interpreter‘s calling

b. a social mistake; an embarrassing remark



c. a difference; failure to agree


simultaneous translation d. good judgment; the quality of being discreet


talk shop

e. expert knowledge or skills in a specific field



f. of a statement seeming to be reasonable



g. a common language used in different







h. nervous feelings felt by people in public


stage freight

i. to discuss work when you are not at work



j. the subjects included in the course of study


manual dexterity

k. occupation, profession



l. a difficult task that tests sb‘s ability



m. an opinion that strongly favours one side



n. happening at the same time as sth.



o. the ability to do sth. skillfully and cleverly



p. having or using two languages


Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks (1 – 20) with the correct particle or preposition where necessary.

1. Worst (1) … all, the real open-ended question was beginning to nudge (2) … my mind. 2. Previously the reason (3) … learning English had not been well defined. 3. The expansion of English resulted (4) … creating a new generation of learners who needed to keep (5) … … developments in their field. 4. Generations of languages have left daughter languages, which (6) … turn have split (7) … and developed (8) … new tongues. 5.

The tantalizing goal of linguists is to delve (9) … … the distant past to find the original source of language itself. 6. Those cultural inferences are backed (10) … archaeological evidence. 7. All (11) … all, he fulfilled his social commitments (12) … his friends, got everything completely (13) … … the way. 8. There is nothing that could interfere (14) … the dedication. 9. A good learner practices a lot (15) … his own. 10.The rest will enable him really to get (16) … … work. 11. A top interpreter doesn‘t only feel

(17) … home (18) … a foreign language but he is confident (19) … dealing (20) … urgent problems.

Ex. 3. For questions 1-8, read the following text and then choose, from the list

(A – J), the best phrase given below. Each correct phrase may be used once. Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all.


Many people feel that the only chance of breaking the foreign language barrier is (1)… . The history of ideas already provides precedents with Latin used as a medium of education in Western Europe throughout the Middle Ages and French used as the language of international diplomacy from the 17th to the 20th centuries.

Today, English is the main contender for the position of world lingua franca. There are few competitors. Several other languages have an important local role as a lingua franca but no comparable level of international use, such as Russian in Eastern Europe, or Spanish in South and Central America. More people in the world speak Chinese than any


other language, but in the West Chinese is too unfamiliar (2) ………. . French is still widely used, but far less than it was a century ago.

Many factors contribute (3) ……….. – chiefly political and military might, economic power, and religious influence. These same factors mean that the development of a world language is not viewed with enthusiasm by those who would have (4) ………. . Such a language, it can be argued, would give its originating culture an unprecedented influence in world affairs and scientific research. For example, scientists who used it as a mother tongue would be in a privileged position. Further more, it is thought, a world language would inevitably erode the status of minority languages and pose a threat (5) ………… . Many people thus view the current progress of

English towards world-language status with concern and often with antagonism.

Ironically, the main danger (6) ………. comes from within. As the language becomes used in all corners of the world so it begins (7)

…………, which are used by local people as symbols of their identity. In the course of time these new varieties might become mutually unintelligible. How far this diversification will affect English cannot be predicted. It is not always easy (8) ………… that results from increased modern contacts through travel and communication. A hundred years ago, predictions were being made that British and American English would be now mutually unintelligible. Linguistic predictions have a habit of being wrong.

Ato the growth of a world language

Bto assimilate ideas easily

Cto learn it

Dto use a natural language as a world lingua franca

Eto the identity of nation

Fto weigh the trend towards unity

Gto be a serious contender

Hto develop new spoken varieties

Ito the gradual spread of a language


Ex. 4. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.

Next week, when I (finish) (1)-------

(take) (2)

--------- my final

examinations, I (finish, also) (3)………

one of the

best experiences I

(have, ever) (4)……… in my lifetime. In the last four months, I (learn) (5)

……. more about foreign cultures than I (anticipate) (6) …….. before (come) (7)…….. to the United States. (Live) (8) …….. in a foreign country and (go) (9) ……. to school with people from various parts of the world (give) (10)……. me the opportunity (encounter) (11)……. and (interact) (12)……. with people from different cultures. I (like) (13) ……. to share some of my experiences and thoughts with you.

When I first (arrive) (14) …….. I (know) (15) ……. no one and I (need)

(16)…… all of my fingers (communicate) (17)…….. what I was trying to say in English. All of the international students were in the same situatio n. When we (can, find. not) (18)……… the right word, we (use) (19)……. strange movements and gestures (communicate) (20)…….. our meaning.

(Know) (21)……. some common phrases, such as ‗How are you?‘, ‗Fine, thank you, and you?‘ and ‗What country are you from?, (be) (22)……. enough in the beginning for us (make) (23)…….. friends with each other. The TV room in the dormitory (become) (24)…… our common meeting place every evening after dinner. (Hope) (25) ……. (improve) (26)…….. our English, many of us tried to watch television and (understand) (27)……… what the people (appear) (28)…….. on the screen (say) (29)……, but for the most part their words were just a strange mumble to us. After a while, (bear) (30)…… and a little sad, we slowly began to disappear to our separate rooms. I thought that all of us (experience) (31)……. some homesickness. However, despite my loneliness, I had a good feeling within myself because I (do) (32)……. what I wanted to do for many years.



Ex. 1. Render the following text into English.


Мальта – невеликий острів у Середземному морі, знаходиться поряд з італійським островом Сицилія. Мальта славиться своїм м‗яким кліматом, синім морем , ласкавим сонцем. Щорічно сюди приїжджає біля 1 млн. 200 тис. туристів та студентів. Не диво, що цю країну вибирають європейці: французи, німці, іспанці, англійці. Насамперед на Мальту приїжджають вивчати англійську мову.

Всі мальтійці володіють англійською мовою, яка стала для них рідною за 160 років британської присутності. Це - друга офіційна мова на острові. Мовні школи Мальти успішно конкурують з британськими завдяки широкій мережі канікулярних таборів, навчанню, яке тут дешевше; літом радує ціна чартерного перельоту.

Багато мальтійських шкіл входить в міжнародну систему, з мовними центрами у всьому світі: в Англії, США та інших англомовних країнах. Серед них школа EF, Inlingua, Berlitz Academy, International House. Багато навчальних закладів мають філіали в Великій Британії і на Мальті, що гарантує високу якість викладання – це European Centre, Institute of English Language Studies. Виключно мальтійськими школами є, наприклад, школа -піонер мальтійського навчального ринку NSTS, European School of English, English Language Academy, Master Academy та інші.

В методиці викладання на Мальті домінує британська традиція – комунікативний метод. Акцент здійснюється на розмовну практику, використання вивчених слів та граматику. На уроках багато спілкування, діалогів, ситуацій для обговорення, ролевих ігор. Девіз мальтійських шкіл – ―Щоб навчання було в радість‖ – особливо важливий для українських студентів. Адже у багатьох з них граматика та словниковий запас на високому рівні, а розмовна мова – слабкувата. Мовне середовище допомагає подолати мовний бар‗єр. Ще одна перевага Мальти – міжнародне студентське оточення. Набуваючи друзів з різних країн, студенти просто вимушені спілкуватися англійською – єдиним можливим засобом комунікації.

Новинкою мальтійського освітянського ринку є програма вивчення мови з подальшим стажуванням на підприємствах або в


готелях. Програма розрахована на 4-6 тижнів. Для участі у таких програмах необхідні гарні знання англійської мови. Чудове співвідношення ―ціна-якість‖ в Мальтійських школах доповнюється привабливими культурними програмами, включаючи поїздки до Валетти, Мeдини, оглядові екскурсії по Мальті. Тепла сонячна погода з травня до вересня дозволяє займатися активним відпочинком: дайвінгом, віндсерфінгом...

Ex. 2. Render the following text into English.


Зацікавленість наших громадян в отриманні різних мовних сертифікатів міцніє з року в рік. Дехто потребує свідоцтва про успішно складені іспити для еміграції або навчання в закордонних вузах, іншим - для працевлаштування в філіалах іноземних компаній або для підвищення самооцінки. Слід зазначити , що система складання міжнародних іспитів настільки сильно відрізняється від наших національних, що потребує спеціальної підготовки.

Міжнародні іспити з основних європейських мов чітко пов‗язані з так званими рівнями мовної компетенції. Ось чому підготовка до іспиту, як правило, починається з визначення того, як володіють іноземною мовою ті, хто записалися на курси. Основною класифікацією мовної компетенції є ―Шкала Ради Європи‖ – CEF (Common European Framework) – яка встановлює єдині стандарти, що застосовуються в усіх європейських країнах в процесі викладання іноземних мов і в процесі оцінки знань студентів.

Відповідно до CEF знання мови визначаються з шести рівнів (від нижчого A1 до найвищого С2) за допомогою формули can do – набору компетенцій і навичок, які може продемонструвати людина впродовж спеціального тестування. Більш детально Шкала Ради Європи виглядає так:

A1 Breakthrough (рівень виживання),

A2 Waystage (рівень елементарного володіння),

B1 Threshold (пороговий рівень),

B2 Vantage або Independent User (рівень незалежного користувача),


C1 Effective Operational Proficiency або Competent User (рівень професійного володіння,

C2 Mastery або Good User (рівень досконального володіння).

Крім того, існує і ‖Міжнародна шкала рівнів‖, яка в відповідності до ступенів CEF виглядає таким чином: найнижчий рівень – Beginner, A1 – Elementary, A2 – Pre-Intermediate, B1 – Intermediate, B2 – Upper-Intermediate, C1 – Advanced, C2 – Proficiency.

Оскільки англійська сьогодні є мовою міжнародного спілкування, існує багато екзаменів з англійської, і всі вони діляться на два типи: кембриджські (Cambridge ESOL) та альтернативні. Найбільш поширеними екзаменами кембриджської серії є FCE (First Certificate in English), який проводять при наймі іноземців на роботу,

та CFE (Certificate in Advanced English), складання якого вимагається при вступі іноземців до коледжів та університетів Великої Британії. Серед альтернативних екзаменів найпопулярнішими є GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), необхідний для отримання освіти по системі МБА в бізнес-школах США та інших країнах,

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language, - екзаменаційний тест для вступу до вузів США і Канади) та IELTS (International English Language Testing System), сертифікат про складання якого вимагається при вступі до вузів Великої Британії, Австралії та Нової Зеландії, а також для працевлаштування в цих країнах.


1.Write an opinion essay in 200-250 words on the topic ‘The prospects for the interpreter’s profession in the future’.

2.Write an opinion essay based on the following statement in about 200-

250words ‘You never stop learning, no matter what age you are. When I

was young I thought I knew everything – the confidence of youth, I am afraid – but as I have grown older, I have come to realize that I actually know far less than I thought I did – and the more I know the more I realize there is to know. It is a never-ending process – what I believe is called in some circles the university of life’.


3. Write an opinion essay on the topic ‘People learn in different ways.

Some people learn on doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these learning strategies is the best for you?’


Ex. 1.You will hear a woman who works as a tour guide talking about her work. For questions 1-9 complete the sentences. You will hear the recording twice.





The countries where Natalie works most often are --------

and ----------


Natalie explains that prior knowledge of

----------- (2) is not essential for

her job.





In Australia, Natalie worked in a -------------

(3) .



Natalie found the ---------

(4) the most difficult part of the recruitment


procedure to complete.





Natalie describes herself as generally a -----------

(5) person.


The tours which Natalie leads can last as long as ----------



Natalie receives $150 per week as well as payment for ------------



Natalie disagrees with the idea of linking pay to what is written on ---------


------- (8).





Natalie explains that the -------------

(9) nature of the work means that


schedules are demanding.





Ex. 2. Choose one of the suggested topics and comment on it or discuss it with your partner.

1.How do you account for the spread of English in the world? Name a few reasons for its expansion.

2.How many different reasons for learning English can you think? Which language will be the most important in future?

3.Researchers suggest that the personality of the learner must affect the way he or she learns. Can you think of any personal qualities that might help or hinder language learning?


4.Do you agree that one has to be wired to become an interpreter or translator? Is it possible to efficiently combine translating and interpreting?

5.Why have you decided on the profession of a translator/interpreter? What makes the profession of a translator/interpreter prestigious?

6.How do you understand the term ‗professional ethics‗ in terms of interpreting/translation? What aspects in its reference would you point out?

7.Do you agree that an interpreter serves as a bridge across not only language but a cultural divide as well?


Ex. 1. You will hear five short extracts in which various people are talking about holidays where they studied as a group. You will hear the recording twice. While you listen, you must complete both tasks.

TASK ONE For questions 1-5, match the extracts as you hear them with what was studied on each course, listed A-H.


a foreign language -------------



cookery -------------



creative writing -------------



drama -------------



music -------------





TASK TWO For questions 6-10, match the extracts as you hear them

with the comment each person makes about their course, listed A-H.


I appreciated the flexibility of the staff. -------------



I would have liked a change of scene occasionally -------------



I enjoyed observing the other people. -------------



I would have liked more guidance from the tutor. -------------



I was pleased to work on my own. --------------



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