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House. Metodichka.doc
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Hall (Entrance Hall)

ground/ first floor

a coat rack

a (coat) hook

a (coat) hanger

stairs / staircase

a landing

a flight of stairs

to go downstairs

to go upstairs

a key

a keyhole

a doorway

a porch

an entrance door

a back door

a side door

an armoured door

a door plate

a doorstep

a doormat

a doorbell / a door knocker

a a door handle / a doorknob

a spyhole / a peephole

a door lock

a hall mirror

a chest of drawers (for shoes, etc.)

an umbrella stand

a lift (elevator)

a passage

a corridor

Exercise 2

Translate these sentences into English:

  1. Я не можу сказати, що наш хол просторий, але в ньому є місце для шафи з багатьма шухлядами, вішалки для пальто та дзеркала.

  2. У шухлядах ми зберігаємо парасольки, капелюхи, рукавички, взуття, шарфи та сумки.

  3. Вхідні двері до нашої квартири мають блискучу ручку, замок та вічко. Вони зроблені із дуба і полаковані.

  4. Біля дверей лежить невеликий килимок овальної форми.

  5. Оскільки наш хол не дуже світлий, ми вирішили поклеїти там шпалери світлого кольору.

Exercise 3

Parts of a house

Part A. Write where you would expect to find the following rooms in a house and what they would normally be used for.

  1. an attic 4. a larder / a pantry 7. a lounge

  2. a basement 5. a lavatory / a toilet / a loo 8. a study

  3. a cellar 6. a loft

Part B. Match the definition with the correct part of a house.

  1. an attic a. windows made up of two panes of glass instead

  2. a chimney of one

  3. a cellar b. the half-pipe along the edge of the roof to carry

  4. central heating away rainwater

  5. double glazing c. a window in the roof

  6. French windows d. used in modern houses instead of open fires

  7. a hall e. the space at the top of the stairs

  8. a gutter f. a roofed entrance built onto a house

  9. a landing g. doors made of glass which usually open out

  10. a lounge onto the garden

  11. a porch h. the wide passage just inside the entrance of a

  12. a skylight house off which the rooms open

i. a room immediately below the roof of a house

j. a hollow passage often rising above the roof of

a building which allows smoke and gases to

pass from the fire

k. an underground room, usually used for storing


l. a comfortable room for sitting in

Part C. Complete each sentence a) to i) with one of the endings 1) to 9).

  1. I paused at the top of the stairs on the ………… .

  2. The walls of the bathroom were covered in ………… .

  3. There was a clock on the ………… .

  4. I left my umbrella in the …………. .

  5. After the storm we had to replace several ………. .

  6. We stored our old books upstairs in the ………… .

  7. I decided to oil the front door ………. .

  8. There was no heat coming from the ………. .

  9. You should try to remember to wipe your feet on the ………. .

  1. ……… hinges, which were rather rusty.

  2. ……… loft, in case we needed them again.

  3. ……… mantelpiece over the fireplace.

  4. ……… landing and wondered which was my room.

  5. ……… doormat outside the back door.

  6. ……… slates which had fallen off the roof.

  7. ……… radiator under the window.

  8. ……… tiles with a pattern of a fruit and flowers.

  9. .……... porch and opened the front door.

Give the English equivalents :

передпокій, ключ, поріг, килимок біля дверей, комод, вішалка для одягу, табличка на дверях, бокові двері, одвірки, вічко, дверна ручка, сходи, дверний дзвінок, центральний вхід, вбудовані меблі, чорний вхід, спускатися по сходах, підніматися сходами, ганок, площадка сходів, гачок.

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