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House. Metodichka.doc
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1001 Household hints

  1. DARK ROOMSwith small windows should be wall-papered in cream or yellow shades to look brighter. The pattern for curtains should also include yellow, orange or touches of bright red.

  2. SUNNY ROOMSshould use duller shades of upholstery and drapery if a cool effect is wanted. Greens and blues mixed with white are very cooling, but yellows, reds and oranges are not. Mauves and certain shades of pink and blue can look rather dark and depressing under artificial light.

  3. MOVING HEAVY FURNITUREwithout scratching the floor can be done by slipping old socks over furniture legs.

  4. PROTECT WINDOW SILLSfrom dust by keeping them waxed with furniture polish. The polish will last longer and the sill will be easier to wipe clean.

  5. WHEN BUYING A CARPET, buy the best that you can afford. It’s better to buy a smaller carpet of good quality than a bigger one of poor quality.

  6. A PLAIN CARPETshows foot marks and dirt more than a patterned or two-toned carpet. If you have small children it is better to avoid plain, light-coloured carpets.

  7. USE A FEW DROPS OF VINEGARin the rinsing water for dishes occasionally. It gives the dishes a shine and keeps the hands soft.

  8. YELLOW MARKSon washbasins and tubs, caused by dripping taps, can be cleaned by rubbing with a cut lemon or with vinegar.

  9. CLEAN BATHROOM MIRRORSwith an old nylon sock. Very handy for polishing off splash marks and making the mirror shine.

  10. THE PURPOSE OF DISHWASHINGis not merely to clean, but also to disinfect. Pots and pans, plates, glasses and cutlery should always be washed in hot, soapy water so all bacteria are killed.

  11. CHINA IS BEST CLEANEDwith hot soapy water. Tea and coffee stains can be removed by rubbing with a mixture of salt and lime juice. For fine china use a cloth clipped in soda and rinse off immediately.

  12. TO KEEP THE REFRIGERATORfrom smelling of various foods, keep a fresh lemon or lime inside. It absorbs all the odour.

  13. SILVER will keep brighter if a little milk is added to the water in which it is washed.

  14. TO ADD SPARKLEto glassware, add a little laundry blue to the washing water; then rinse with hot water.


Ask your neighbour:

  • Which odd jobs around the house you enjoy and which you hate? Give your reasons!

  • How your housework and people’s attitude to it have changed over the past thirty or forty years?

Exercise 14

Translate the following text into English.

Як ми робимо генеральне прибирання

Така подія трапляється кожних чотири місяці, найчастіше, перед важливими святами. Особисто я не люблю цей час, коли квартира виглядає так, ніби там щойно підірвалася бомба.

Отож, щоб прискорити процес прибирання, потрібно дотримуватися певних рекомендацій. Спочатку ми виносимо невеликі меблі з кімнати, згортаємо килими та покривала. Потім знімаємо тюль, гардини та перемо їх. Після цього витираємо пилюку, провітрюємо кімнати, пилососимо килими, дивани та крісла. Потім миємо підлогу. Шваброю користуємось лише для того, щоб дістатись найнедоступніших куточків.

Коли це генеральне прибирання, доцільно також заглянути в кухонні шухлядки. Впевнена, що не завадить помити ложки, вилки, тарілки, чашки, склянки, каструлі і т.ін. Щоб надати їм свіжого і блискучого вигляду, варто скористатися якимось миючим засобом.

Потім меблі заносяться назад до кімнат. Якщо ви консервативні за природою, залиште меблі на своїх місцях, якщо ж ні – поставте їх в іншій комбінації. Але пам’ятайте: все має бути, нехай не екстрасучасним, але вишуканим і стильним.

Коли прибирання позаду, я полюбляю пройтись чистими кімнатими, насолоджуючись свіжістю повітря. Це справді чудово жити в чистоті та затишку!

It is interesting to know

Pre-reading task

1. Which of the following household items do you think were in use fifty years ago? Which do you have in your home?

Personal computer, fridge, electric razor, radio, washing machine, video recorder, deep freeze, tin opener, microwave oven, CD player, food processor, tumble drier, music system, iron, cassette recorder, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, word processor, jacuzzi, television, mobile phone.

2. Imagine life in your family fifty years ago. How did your parents and grandparents live? How was their daily life different from today?

3. If you lived then, what would you miss about your life today? What wouldn’t you miss? Write two lists. Compare your ideas with your partner and the rest of the group.


You are going to read about the Jones family. Read the text quickly, then discuss these questions.

  1. What was the experiment that they agreed to do?

  2. Which of the items mentioned above are used in the article? Underline those which are.

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